Mexican Cession – Result of the American War (Cesión Mexicana, Resultado de la Guerra Norteamericana)


Despite the wars in the Middle East and Europe that have occurred in the past decades, Latin America has been a relatively conflict-free region in modern times… but what if you go back further? Centuries ago, Latin America was a perpetual war zone, with soldiers fighting endlessly for scraps of land on which to plant their flag. 19th Century Mexico was one such place, with the newly-independent United States looking to capture an important extension of its territories before the Mexicans could react. Want to learn more of how Mexico lost over 50% (!) of its land, including Texas, Arizona, California, Colorado and more? Find out in our latest episode of the Learn Spanish with Stories podcast!Transcript of this episode is available at:

Mexican Cession – Result of the American War (Cesión Mexicana, Resultado de la Guerra Norteamericana)

Mexican Cession – Result of the American War (Cesión Mexicana, Resultado de la Guerra Norteamericana)
