ARE YOU COPING: Serena Louth on piña coladas and penknives


Welcome back to another episode of the Lockdown series 'ARE YOU COPING?' 
'ARE YOU COPING?' is a miniseries, a sub-section if you will, of STATE OF MIND (my main Pod). 
In this mini series I'm asking my guest the same few questions on things they're learned about themselves since Locky D, what meals and recipes they're living for, how their daily routines have changed etc. 
It's fun, it's lighthearted and it's designed to lift the spirits with lots of laughs! 
Today's guest is the wonderful Serena Louth, reflexologist, Holistic Wellness Coach and Reiki Practitioner. She's also a foodie, podcast host and all round dreamboat. We giggled so much in this episode and Serena decided that if she were marooned on a desert island she's need a penknife so she could make piña coladas. Ever the practical one! 
If you enjoy then please PLEASE do rate, review and subscribe! It will make my day =)

ARE YOU COPING: Serena Louth on piña coladas and penknives

ARE YOU COPING: Serena Louth on piña coladas and penknives
