#60 - Leslie Kivit | Chief People Officer at Харо Bank, Founder of ThePeopleLab & Workblocks


Leslie is the founder of ThePeopleLab, where he helps start-ups in emerging tech such as AI, Blockchain and SaaS build out their People & Culture teams from scratch or improve what they already have. Over the past 15 years, he held HR leadership roles with Xapo Bank, sennder, Meta, Booking.com and Rocket Internet.Shownotes00:00 - intro & context10:53 - Starting to freelance13:23 - Facebook, Oculus & talent acquisition19:53 - Freelancing challenges and tipsLinksLeslie Kivit - https://www.linkedin.com/in/leslielapwingkivit/Thomas Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-kohler-pplwise/Thomas e-mail: thomas@pplwise.compplwise: https://pplwise.com/

#60 - Leslie Kivit | Chief People Officer at Харо Bank, Founder of ThePeopleLab & Workblocks

#60 - Leslie Kivit | Chief People Officer at Харо Bank, Founder of ThePeopleLab & Workblocks
