ULP 4-148 | Українські фразеологізми про тварин | Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Season 4


Idioms (фразеологізми, ідіоми) are one of the most interesting parts in learning a language. Practice Ukrainian comprehension while learning 10 Ukrainian idioms with animals (+ Premium members will find extra 10 idioms in their notes).Remember, this episode is entirely in Ukrainian. For episodes with English, check out Season 1 or Season 2.Become a premium member to receive the Lesson Notes.Конспект уроку – lesson notes for this episode include:Full transcript of the whole episode in Ukrainian;Vocabulary: translation of more difficult words on the side;Idioms & expressions: table of the idioms mentioned in the episode (with English translation);10 BONUS Ukrainian idioms with animals!Bonus Exercises to practice idioms.

ULP 4-148 | Українські фразеологізми про тварин | Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Season 4

ULP 4-148 | Українські фразеологізми про тварин | Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Season 4
