
André Turpin

A young man with a bohemian lifestyle leaves Montréal to join his girlfriend in Istanbul after she tells him she’s pregnant and wants to get an abortion. His trip from Paris to Istanbul turns into an inner existential journey, underscored by a deconstructed narrative arc, a bold, sometimes unsettling aesthetic and a lush soundtrack.


André Turpin

At 13, Simone witnesses the murder of her mother. To cure her shock, she is hypnotized in order to relive the traumatic event. We then dive into her unconsciousness at different times of her life. At 25, struggling with obsessive guilt, she confronts her mother’s murderer. Then, at 60, as a renowned physicist, she gives a lecture on the strange nature of time. Endorphine is a visceral and hypnotic trip that challenges, like dreams, our perception of time and reality.

Cosmos (Subtitled)

Manon Briand, Jennifer Alleyn, Marie-Julie Dallaire, Arto Paragamian, André Turpin & Denis Villeneuve

A film about the absurdities of everyday life, Cosmos is not so much six short films as it is one film with multiple storylines which interlace seamlessly. The styles, interests and rhythms of the six filmmakers blend together, producing a cohesive whole that is often comic, often tragic – and, at times, both. Cosmos, an immigrant Greek cab driver, leads us through storylines as intricate as big city traffic.