Who's Harry Crumb?

Paul Flaherty

John Candy is bigger, better and more bumbling than ever as the hilarious Harry Crumb - a big-hearted, soft-headed private eye and mix-up master of disguise. When Harry, the last of the great sleuthing Crumbs - and the last person in the firm to ever get an assignment - finally gets a shot at a front page kidnapping, it's only because his beady-eyed boss, Eliot Draisen (Jeffrey Jones), doesn't want the case solved. At stake is the gorgeous daughter of multi-millionaire P.J. Downing, a $10 million ransom, and Eliot's hot-to-trot mistress (Annie Potts). Attired in a bizarre array of goofball disguises, from a Hungarian hairdresser to a hefty housewife, Harry is bound, gagged and determined to crack the case and prove that when it comes to crime, he's one Crumb that won't be swept under the carpet.


Paul Flaherty

Smart, hyperactive and dangerous ten-year-old Clifford (Short) has a lifelong dream: to visit the Dinosaur World theme park. Happily, his uncle Martin (Grodin) has agreed to take him. But when Martin suddenly reneges on his promise, Clifford hatches a devious plan to get even and teach his uncle that all work and no play makes Clifford a very bad boy!