The Frankenstein Complex


The art of creating monsters for the big screen is as old as cinema itself, and movie creatures have never been more popular than they are today. From early experiments with apes and dinosaurs to the birth of special make-up effects, from the pinnacle of animatronics to the digital revolution, THE FRANKENSTEIN COMPLEX explores a century of cinematic thrills and wonders. Focusing on the relationship between these creatures and their makers like modern Frankensteins, special effects wizards create life out of raw material, complex machinery, and vision. In THE FRANKENSTEIN COMPLEX, directors Gilles Penso and Alexandre Poncet visit dozens of creative studios, interview all the greatest artists in the genre — including iconic creature-makers Rick Baker and Phil Tippett, and monster-movie mega-director Guillermo del Toro — and gather hours of exclusive footage from classics like STAR WARS, GREMLINS, TERMINATOR 2, JURASSIC PARK, and STARSHIP TROOPERS. The result is an exciting and inspiring documentary that celebrates a cinematic world of human imagination and unparalleled artistry, while also showcasing how fragile traditional crafts have become in the wake of futurist technologies.

Long Live the King


The 8th Wonder of the World! The name King Kong immediately brings to mind images of the mighty Beast whose legendary love for a Beauty was his undoing. Since 1933, this majestic, tragic character has enthralled moviegoers and inspired creativity. Long Live the King is a new documentary that explores our fascination with the great ape, and his impact on pop culture throughout the world. Featuring interviews with dozens of celebrated writers, actors, artists and filmmakers, this is a highly entertaining celebration of the greatest monster movie icon of all time. Directed by Frank Dietz and Trish Geiger, creators of the award-winning Beast Wishes. This film is dedicated to the memory of special FX master Ray Harryhausen.

The Vagrant (1992)

Chris Walas

When a successful businessman Graham Krakowski (Bill Paxton) buys a house, he has a hard time evicting the previous tenant--a dirty, homeless vagabond (Marshall Bell). As Graham tries stunt after stunt to rid himself of his unwanted guest, he begins to crack, while the bum figures out new and exciting ways to torment him.