Breaking Math Podcast

Gabriel Hesch and Autumn Phaneuf

Hosted by Gabriel Hesch and Autumn Phaneuf, who have advanced degrees in EE and industrial engineering/operations research respectively, come together to discuss mathematics as a pure field al in its own as well as how it describes the language of science, engineering, and even creativity.   Breaking Math brings you the absolute best in interdisciplinary science discussions -  bringing together experts in varying fields including artificial intelligence, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, physics, chemistry and materials-science, and more -  to discuss where humanity is headed. website:  linktree: email:

Deep Papers

Arize AI

Deep Papers is a podcast series featuring deep dives on today’s seminal AI papers and research. Hosted by Arize AI founders and engineers, each episode profiles the people and techniques behind cutting-edge breakthroughs in machine learning. 

SOA Podcasts - Society of Actuaries

Society of Actuaries (SOA)

This is the official podcast feed of the Society of Actuaries

Opinionated History of Mathematics

Intellectual Mathematics

Casual Inference

Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Ellie Murray

Keep it casual with the Casual Inference podcast. Your hosts Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Ellie Murray talk all things epidemiology, statistics, data science, causal inference, and public health. Sponsored by the American Journal of Epidemiology.

The Cartesian Cafe

Timothy Nguyen

The Cartesian Cafe is the podcast where an expert guest and Timothy Nguyen map out scientific and mathematical subjects in detail. This collaborative journey with other experts will have us writing down formulas, drawing pictures, and reasoning about them together on a whiteboard. If you’ve been longing for a deeper dive into the intricacies of scientific subjects, then this is the podcast for you. Topics covered include mathematics, physics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer science. Content also viewable on YouTube: and Spotify. Timothy Nguyen is a mathematician and AI researcher working in industry. Homepage:, Twitter: @IAmTimNguyen Patreon:

Journal Club

Data Skeptic

Welcome to a brand new show from Data Skeptic entitled "Journal Club". Each episode will feature a regular panel and one revolving guest seat. The group will discuss a few topics related to data science and focus on one featured scholarly paper which is discussed in detail.

The Function Room


A podcast about the big numbers, the hard sums, the mathematics that defines, runs, shapes, changes, begins, ends, every things our lives and the world around us. Hosted by Colm O'Regan. An award-winning radio broadcaster, comedian, novelist and it turns out lapsed engineer who is trying to feel useful again. Each episode sheds light on a tiny corner of a giant subject with entertaining guests and accessible talk.

My Favorite Theorem

Kevin Knudson & Evelyn Lamb

The Universe Speaks in Numbers

Faber and Faber

In The Universe Speaks in Numbers award-winning science writer Graham Farmelo is in conversation with some of the great names in modern physics and mathematics. Among the interviewees are Michael Atiyah, Ruth Britto, Lance Dixon, Simon Donaldson, Freeman Dyson, Juan Maldacena, Michela Massimi, Roger Penrose, Martin Rees, Simon Schaffer and Edward Witten.To read more see Graham's book The Universe Speaks in Numbers: How Modern Maths Reveals Nature's Deepest Secrets. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Howard Gardner


As principais teorias de Gardner e um pouco de sua biografia

Maths en tête

Maths en tête - le podcast

Maths en tête 🎙️ Un PODCAST pour découvrir les maths autrement. ➡️ A destination de TOUS: curieux, élèves, enseignants, parents. 📃 Pour découvrir. Pour réapprendre. Pour réviser. Pour préparer le Grand Oral du bac. 📆 Un mercredi sur deux : un nouvel épisode (entre 5 et 10 min) qui aborde une notion, un point d’histoire des maths, un axe de méthodologie.     Podcast créé et animé par Alexandre Morgan, enseignant en mathématiques et membre du Café des Sciences ( . Maths en tête fait partie du label de podcasts ToutSavoir (    Mon TIPeee pour soutenir mon travail sur le podcast :  Les sources viennent d'ici : Google Doc (  Musiques : et Pada & the HyperBol ( (générique)   La chaîne YouTube :  Le site : (     Contact : (    Réseaux sociaux :   Facebook :  Twitter :  Instagram :  LinkedIn : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Springer Math Podcast

Springer Nature Switzerland AG

This is a podcast about mathematics and the people who develop it. The episodes combine recent developments and visions for the future of the field and aim at creating a virtual hub that highlights ideas, people and research topics in mathematics. ISSN 2731-4804

After Math


After-Math disini didefinisikan sebagai Setelah Matematika. Maksudnya akan dibahas kehidupan setelah kehidupan perkuliahan Matematika yaitu prospek pekerjaan seorang matematikawan yang saat ini so brighttt dan mulai banyak dilirik! Untuk kamu yang sedang gundah gulana bertemu epsilon delta dan ingin tau aplikasinya di dunia kerja check this out!

Pi ist genau 3

Petra Schwer und Thomas Kahle

Der Irgendwas mit Mathe Podcast aus Magdeburg

Machine Learning Cafe

Miklos Zoltan Toth

This is a machine-learning-focused Podcast, where we interview people in the field of Artificial Intelligence and discuss interesting technical topics of Machine Learning. In the episodes, we focus on business-related use-cases (especially with Deep Learning ) and we also try to bring some technical white papers to the ground, not forgetting on the way that there are always some people behind the technology, so we try to understand their motivation and drive.

Practical Significance

The American Statistical Association

Practical Significance is a podcast to inspire listeners with compelling stories from statistics and data science and to propel data-driven careers forward with learning opportunities for all.

#Math Is Fun

Bhanvi Grover

This trailer is just to inform you all about what we will be doing on my podcast.I am also thinking of doing it for English but i am currently focusing on math which is season 1.Stay tuned



Math stuff

7º Ano - Karen e Alice O- Expressões algébricas

Karen Regina Torres Bosco Matias

Expressões algébricas - O que são !



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