Professione Chimico

Valter Ballantini

Un podcast da un chimico professionista per i professionisti chimici o per chi vuole diventarlo. Si comincia da 76 perché prima questo era solo un canale YouTube


Stefania Bonan

Sostanze è un podcast che tratta della natura delle sostanze chimiche e delle vie con cui entrano in contatto con il nostro corpo. Si parlerà di xenobiotici, ossia di veleni, farmaci e droghe e di cosa accade se ne veniamo esposti. Si parlerà dei meccanismi della loro azione tossica e delle forme in cui questa si manifesta. In ogni puntata, una sostanza sarà identificata e caratterizzata in base alle odierne conoscenze scientifiche ma anche attraverso dei preziosi contributi letterari.

Materiale esplosivo

Wolters Kluwer Italia

Nel nuovo podcast di Teknoring, Giuseppina Paolantonio ci guida nell’oscuro mondo del rischio chimico nei luoghi di lavoro: etichette, simboli e segnali del nostro corpo non saranno più un segreto. Il rischio chimico nei luoghi di lavoro è ben più frequente di quanto si pensi e si annida nelle tantissime sostanze da cui siamo circondati. Siamo spesso utilizzatori inconsapevoli di sostanze più comuni come di altre più pericolose, di cui è sempre bene conoscere i possibili effetti indesiderati e sapere quale dispositivo di protezione individuale usare. Nel podcast “Materiale esplosivo”, realizzato da Wolters Kluwer per, in collaborazione con, Giuseppina Paolantonio ci porterà a maneggiare sostanze altamente pericolose come dei veri e propri esperti di simboli ed etichette spesso illeggibili, ma che per noi non avranno più segreti. Prova One HSE qui O visita

Geladen - der Batteriepodcast

Daniel Messling, Patrick von Rosen

Daniel Messling und Patrick von Rosen sprechen mit Experten über Elektromobilität, Energiewende und Batterieforschung. Mit über 5,5 Mio. Downloads ist GELADEN der Energiewende-Podcast Nr. 1 in Deutschland. Vielen Dank für Ihr überragendes Feedback und die vielen Themenvorschläge! Dieser Podcast wird produziert vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), dem Helmholtz-Institut Ulm (HIU) und dem Post-Lithium-Storage-Exzellenzcluster (POLiS). Alle Infos:

Clinical Chemistry Podcast

Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine

Materialism: A Materials Science Podcast

Taylor Sparks and Andrew Falkowski

In this podcast, Taylor and Andrew investigate the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering. Topic areas ranging from cutting edge materials technology, the history of different materials, the commercialization of new materials, and exciting advances in processing and characterization are all covered in detail. Our episodes include things like the unlikely discovery of superglue or teflon, the fascinating backstories about modern biomaterials like dialysis filters, and updates on new technologies including wearable electronics, next generation batteries, and nanomaterials. In short, we hope to help listeners understand the critical role that materials have played in society and even glimpse into what the future may hold for new materials.



Il Podcast sulla chimica condotto da Martino, uno che di chimica ne sa poco, e da Riccardo, uno che invece ne sa decisamente di più.


SCI Puglia

Chemisonoperso è il podcast ufficiale della Società Chimica Italiana – Sezione PUGLIA. Si propone di diffondere la cultura della chimica e di valorizzarne l’importanza culturale e sociale, stimolando l’interesse, la curiosità e la partecipazione non solo degli appassionati ma anche (e soprattutto!) di tutti coloro che “temono” le materie scientifiche. Ogni puntata vede come ospiti numerosi esperti di diversi settori della chimica. Scopri con noi i molteplici aspetti della chimica nel mondo che ci circonda, le domande che ci pone e le risposte che ci spinge a cercare!


Fuse FM Podcasts

Probably Manchester's best student-run science-themed radio show and podcast! Every episode is themed around a particular chemical element. Presenters Fergus, Carys and Joe chat about what makes each element interesting and what it is used for, as well as playing science games and interviewing real-life scientists about their research. Think science and fun repel like particles with the same electric charge? Think again!

The Eco Well podcast


In this show, Jen Novakovich, Canadian cosmetic chemist from The Eco Well, interviews international cosmetic scientists and industry leaders to bring you a fresh new conversation a week about all things beauty!

Stereo Chemistry

Chemical & Engineering News

Stereo Chemistry shares voices and stories from the world of chemistry. The show is created by the reporters and editors at Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), an independent news outlet published by the American Chemical Society.

Let's Talk Chemistry- a science podcast by ChemTalk

The ChemTalk Team

ChemTalk ( is a brand-new non-profit, whose mission is to make chemistry more fun, easier to learn, and more accessible to people around the world - in the safest manner possible and also to be perceived in a more positive way. On our podcast, we interview chemists, scientists, and educators from across the globe who show the many career paths that involve chemistry, and how a love for chemistry can manifest itself in many unique ways.

Chemistry For Your Life

Melissa and Jam, Bleav

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life. Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life! In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a way that is easy to understand, and totally fascinating. If you’re someone who loves learning new things, or who wonders about the way the world works, then give us a listen.

The Episodic Table of Elements

T. R. Appleton

The history class visits the chemistry lab to explore wild tales of scientific adventure that stretch back to the beginning of time itself.



En podcastserie i 118 afsnit om Det Periodiske System. En evig kilde til vidunderlig, videnskabelig forundring og forståelse. Følg med i de mange fantastiske og vilde historier fra verden, der omgiver os. Hør, hvordan verden blev skabt, og hvor hver enkelt grundstof passer ind. Nye afsnit hver onsdag og lørdag. Udgives af Rakkerpak Productions med støtte fra Novo Nordisk Fonden

Safer Chemicals Podcast

European Chemicals Agency

Whether you work with chemicals, have an interest in how chemicals affect us and the environment or work as a journalist or decision-maker in the field of manufactured chemicals, the Safer Chemicals Podcast is for you. We give you the latest updates on how chemicals are being regulated in the EU and what harmful chemicals are being phased out. Listen to expert views on chemical safety in the EU and join the scientific discussion on key topics including microplastics, glyphosate, endocrine disruptors, chemicals used in tattoo inks, and much more.  Hosted by Adam Elwan and Päivi Jokiniemi from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Visit our website:  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

The Struggling Scientists

Suzanne and Jayron

Welcome everyone to the Struggling Scientists Podcast. This is a podcast by Scientists, for Scientists. But also for aspiring Scientists, anyone science adjacent, and perhaps even hobbyists. Together we will be trying to bring back the fun in science. We all know the scientific field can be difficult and hard at times and it is easy to lose sight of our passion and enthusiasm. In this podcast, we will talk about Science and the people behind Science. Website:

Battery Generation

Patrick von Rosen, Lennart Peters

Europe's #1 Battery Podcast 🔋🚗⚡ for European Battery Research & Emobility. We are on a mission to find batteries that are powerful, safe, sustainable, long-living, as light and small as possible, cheap and easy to recycle. Is that even possible? Let's find out. Patrick Rosen and Lennart Peters are talking to leading experts and scientists working in the battery field. The podcast is produced by the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and CELEST (Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). All infos:

Chemistry is everywhere

ton van oeffel

A podcast about chemistry in our daily lives and in the world around us

Apparentemente invisibili. La chimica in ceramica.

Zschimmer & Schwarz Ceramco

Consapevoli di quanto possano risultare complessi i temi associati al mondo della chimica applicata ai processi di produzione ceramica, desideriamo condividere le nostre conoscenze con chi per passione o professione, voglia orientarsi e formarsi. Attraverso un linguaggio semplice e diretto, il podcast vuole essere uno spazio didattico con focus su prodotti, applicazioni e processi. Il viaggio si snoda lungo le linee produttive ceramiche. Ad ogni tappa un tema. Ad ogni tema una criticità. Ad ogni criticità, quando possibile, una soluzione.

Zwittering On

The Salters' Institute

Explore the chemistry of our common human experience in Zwittering On. Each week, hosts Mariama Ifode-Blease and Sam Dada welcome a student to interview a guest expert on the chemistry behind a different topic each week. We want to uncover how chemistry affects our everyday lives by breaking down the science so anyone can understand. The world needs chemists more than ever. Will you join in our conversation? Series 1 is releasing every Tuesday between February 6th to March 26th 2024. Website — Instagram — Twitter —

Under the Surface Podcast

Chemical Computing Group

Under the Surface is a podcast hosted by Chemical Computing Group, where we have in-depth discussions on computer-aided techniques in drug discovery. Chemical Computing Group (CCG) is a leading supplier of computational chemistry and drug discovery software. CCG's main software platform is the Molecular Operating Environment ("MOE"), which is a single package for visualization, molecular modeling, computer-aided molecular design ("CAMD"), cheminformatics, bioinformatics and methodology development. CCG also produces PSILO, a protein structure repository. For additional information, please visit:

Homo Umamis

Il Chimico Sulla Tavola

Nel corso della storia dell’uomo, il cibo si è evoluto con noi, con la nostra cultura e la nostra tecnologia, diventando allo stesso tempo forza motrice e risultato di una continua innovazione. Un’innovazione che merita di essere raccontata! Siamo Matteo Capone e Chiara Biagini, chimici, divulgatori e appassionati di cibo. Insieme siamo Il Chimico sulla Tavola, e questo è Homo Umamis, il podcast che racconta con gli occhi della chimica le innovazioni del cibo nel passato, nel presente e, ci proviamo: anche nel futuro.


Cleverson Silva

Uma breve apresentação da evolução da ciência química ao longo dos séculos.


Agton, Bruna, Jéssica, Tiago

Assunto: Como funciona o universo e a formação dos planetas.

Chemistry in The Pharmacy

Holly Sass

A look into the work of a Pharmacist and their use of chemicals.

Chemistry in its element

Chemistry World

A weekly tour of the periodic table, from Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Cromatografía De Gases 🧠


🧠 Interesante 🧠 Informativo

Ciencia para escuchar


Ciencia en general

Podcast (Antoine Lavoisier)


Apresentando Sophia Freitas, Bentes e João Pedro (Episódio único)

Chemical Duo

Naobys Barreto

We talk all we can about chemistry

Advanced Materials Solutions

DSM Subject Matter Experts, Michael Kriek, Candace Roulo

The Advanced Materials Solutions podcast is for material engineers and designers. From new mobility, electronics and connectors solutions to food and water contact safety and medical solutions and sustainability initiatives, DSM Engineering Materials drives the conversations about advanced materials solutions.

Generalidades Química


