
Bryan Singer

拜仁·辛格利用經典兒童故事《傑克與豌豆 》的橋段在這齣電影中在天馬行空,創作了場片壯觀的動作片,演出有尼克拉斯·霍特、史丹利·杜斯、比爾·尼菲、伊安·麥西恩、伊雲·麥葵格等年輕農夫無意間打開了通往恐怖巨人世界的大門,再次掀起古今世界一場遠古的戰爭。巨人經歷多個世紀的囚禁後,誓要奪回其昔日家園,傑克只好拚命,與巨人展開激戰。為了王國及其人民,還有他深愛的公主,傑克要與傳說中的不敗巨人葛利亞正面交鋒,成就自己的傳奇。

Trick 'r Treat

Michael Dougherty

《Superman Returns》和《X2》的導演和編劇布萊恩辛格和麥可道格堤共同打造這部最適合萬聖節的漫畫恐怖故事,布萊恩辛格的《Trick or Treat》。這一晚,惡魔和受折磨的靈魂可以和凡人一同狂歡,道出四個恐怖故事:一個古板的高中校長竟是萬聖節連環殺手;尋找那特別一半的大學處女;一個討厭在萬聖節裝扮的女人,以及她執迷於假期和一群做出殘忍惡作劇的高中學生的老公。這一切都會讓你又怕又笑。


Bryan Singer

At the height of WWII, a group of German officers hatched a plot to assassinate Hitler and seize control of the military command in order to end the war. The operation was code-named "Valkyrie", for the emergency plan that was meant to be used in case of a revolt against the Nazi government. This plan had been modified by the conspirators to ensure their success, but for various reasons the plot failed when finally carried out on 20 July 1944. The conspirators of the inner circle were shot after a kangaroo trial or sentenced to death soon after. Starring Tom Cruise as the Colonel who was the main force behind the conspiracy, the distinguished cast also includes Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Eddie Izzard. Directed by Bryan Singer.