Officer Downe

Director: Shawn Crahan
Release Date:

Take a ride along in a hyper-real Los Angeles for the story of a savage L.A. policeman who is repeatedly resurrected and returned to active duty through dark science technology. When a rookie officer is recruited as backup, he discovers there’s much more to the reputed super-cop than a mindless law enforcement drone warring against a twisted rogue gallery of over-the-top super-villains. From the graphic novel by Joe Casey and Chris Burnham.

3 (8 customer reviews)

Rob zombie watch your back!

Seen it 10 times already and still can't get enough. A must see action-packed movie.

Forget it!

Cheesy and hollow B-Grade movie. The preview is better than the movie. I turned it off after about 17 minutes because it was boring and terrible cinema-photography. Don't waste your money and your time viewing.

If you thought Deadpool was perverse, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet

The perfect comic book movie. A nonstop thrill ride bursting with blood, guts, and a deeply weird sense of humor that viewers will never want to end. For the person who believes they have seen it all, Officer Downe is here to prove them wrong. Dead wrong.


loved it! wild ride

Absolutely Terrible

I'm so glad I don't get paid to do reviews on films like these, because I'd struggle to write more than "this film is garbage." But let's start at the conception of this film. Somewhere along the birth of Officer Downe, someone presumably said something like, "You know what would make a really awesome film? Officer Downe, based on the graphic novel!" And one of the other ten people who have read the graphic novel were like, "That's a great idea, but where do we get the money?" Unable to find a respectable studio to fund their film, they went the independent route and shot, it seems, mostly on sets in studio. The problem isn't that they shot in studio, but that it FEELS like they shot in studio. This is a massively common problem in comic book films already, and especially in independently financed one. The message to potential filmmakers should be something along the lines of "KNOW YOUR BUDGET." I'll tell you right now: if you have a high-concept, sci-fi idea and you want to make it on a shoestring budget, or even a low budget, you have to do one of two things: either a) find a special effects company looking to get their name out there, like Mr. Nobody or Cubem who is willing to buy into your vision, or b) write the script around your budget. If you don't do eitehr of those things, it doesn't matter how good your idea is; the idea will be hidden amongst the cheesy special effects and pennyless look. Officer Downe did neither thing, and as a result, this film looks terrible. That's a problem for this film in particular, because the story isn't interesting, either. It's actually a rather standard police procedural with a slight twist and a stupid, over-the-top villain. How they got someone as talented as Kim Coates to sign on to star in this is beyond me. So, is there anything redeemable about a film that doesn't look good, feel good, or have a good story? Other than potentially interesting set design, the answer is no. This film is one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I can't in good conscious recommend it.

Officer Downe
Shawn Crahan
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD