Wild Hogs

Director: Walt Becker
Release Date:

Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy star in Wild Hogs, the hysterically funny comedy about four weekend-warrior friends who decide to rev up their ho-hum suburban lives with a cross-country motorcycle adventure. They don their leathers, fire up their hogs and throw caution and their cell phones to the wind as they hit the open highway. But a lot can happen on the road to nowhere, including a run-in with the bad-to-the-bone Del Fuegos, a real biker gang who don't take kindly to the wannabes. Filled with hilarious misadventures, screwball situations and madcap mayhem, this laugh-out-loud comedy is a movie your whole family will go hog wild over.

4.4 (50 customer reviews)

great movie

this movie is great. i saw it in theaters and cant wait to see it on the small screen. this movie will be looked upon 10 or more years from now as a comedy classic.

This movie is so freakin funny

When you put the classic John Travolta with the hilarious Martain Lawrence youare sure to get a funny movie. Wild Hog was so funny i went and saw it in theatre and just had to see it again the next day.


This Is One Of The BEST Movies I Have Ever Seen! It's so funny! I've only seen it once but i really want to see it again!

Wild Awseome Movie!

This movie is hilarious, creative, and fun. After I saw that movie for the first time I knew I was going to buy it the first day it came available for the iPod. This mive is worth the thirteen dollars. Buy it!

Wild Hogs... Wildly Funny!

This movie has some of Hoolywoods funniest actors in it and is hilariously funny, and keeps a strong plot.

Wild Hogs
Walt Becker
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 => 4.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD