Hidden Colors: The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent

Director: Tariq Nasheed
Release Date:

Hidden Colors is a documentary about the real and untold history of people of color around the globe. This film discusses some of the reasons the contributions of African and aboriginal people have been left out of the pages of history. Traveling around the country, the film features scholars, historians, and social commentators who uncovered such amazing facts about things such as: *The original image of Christ *The true story about the Moors *The original people of Asia *The great west African empires *The presence of Africans in America before Columbus *The real reason slavery was ended and much more.

4.6 (45 customer reviews)


This film is truly enlightening and educational. This film is a must see for any individual of African decent.????

Best documentary ever made

This is must see for all and a must see for African Americans! Kudos to brother Tariq Nasheed and his panel of expert historians on this valuable information about people of color.

Incredible movie!

Everyone needs to see this movie!! This is like watching the enlightening works of Ivan Van Sertima or J A Rogers on film. That being said, I have to say that there were a few claims that I found factually inaccurate/far fetched. Examples include the claim that Columbus was Spanish when he was actually from the Republic of Genoa, (which made him Italian); or the assertion that Montezuma was in fact a West African King who travelled to the Americas. I also consider it more reasonable to suggest that people of African decent adopt English as our universal language (instead of Swahili, which was recommended in the movie), so that we can more easily do business and build partnerships with others in the global community; be they from China, Dubai, South America or anywhere in Europe. English is the de facto language of the world, so why ask that everyone learn Swahili? Once again, I consider this a great movie that needed to be made. I'm a student of World history in general and African history in particular. This movie blew my mind and needs to be shown in schools. Can't wait for Hidden Colors 2 !

Good Stuff

Very eye opening documentary. A must watch for anyone wanting to know about there true background.

Very eye opening and pride instilling

One of the best documentaries that I've ever seen, it's always great to see an African documentary that doesn't start at slavery and end with civil rights. There's more to history than what's being fed to us on mainstream television and this documentary is proof.

Hidden Colors: The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent
Tariq Nasheed
Release Date
Sales Price
19.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD