In the Heart of the Sea

Director: Ron Howard
Release Date:

In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by something no one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance. The real-life maritime disaster would inspire Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. But that told only half the story. "In the Heart of the Sea" reveals the encounter's harrowing aftermath, as the ship's surviving crew is pushed to their limits and forced to do the unthinkable to stay alive. Braving storms, starvation, panic and despair, the men will call into question their deepest beliefs, from the value of their lives to the morality of their trade, as their captain searches for direction on the open sea and his first mate still seeks to bring the great whale down.

3.7 (46 customer reviews)

Good movie

A Movie worth my time and money

A Great Movie, Very well done.

As a hunter and a fisherman I can say that this movie captured the intensity from both sides of the hunt. You get amazing FPS views of everything in action, from the whale diving, the harpoons, ropes, etc. The concept of hunting a heard of whales was fully captured. I very much enjoyed it and thought it was one of the more better movies this year.

Lacks the drama and spirit of the book.

Totally lacks the drama, spirit, urgency, and sense of survival that made the book a compelling read. Totally skips the time spent on various islands trying to survive. That would have been a dramatic third act. Instead it doesn’t know where to go and is rudderless like the lifeboats up on screen. Secondly, why would you have water splashing on the camera lens in the 1800’s? Just to copy the visual style of “Children Of Men?” It makes no sense in this context and is a silly, ridiculous distraction that pulls you out of the movie every time it happens. Effects are not up to par. The sharks look like they are out of a video game, especially in the first opening establishing shot. And of course they are all Great Whites. They should have taken the effects budget and used it on dialogue coaches for the main cast, whose accents go in and out. Some days they sound like Americans in the modern era and on others they are seafaring, old timey sailors from Nantucket. All in all, a disappointing adaptation. Usually Ron Howard is terrific!

Read the book instead

How such a riveting book can turn into such a colossally boring movie is a total mystery! I couldn’t put the book down, yet the movie was so dull, I was uninterested within a half hour. Too bad. It’s a great story.

rent, don’t buy

it just didn’t pull me in. As a RH fan I have to sadly admit that this was indeed boring. with 50 mins left I finally just gave up and went and dug up a copy of the book and am now on my way to being an avid reader again. So that’s a good end result IMHO.

In the Heart of the Sea
Ron Howard
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD