Gung Ho

Director: Ron Howard
Release Date:

In this beloved, 80s comedy-of-differences from director Ron Howard, Michael Keaton is a wheeler-dealer who hopes to save a failing Pennsylvania automobile-assembly factory by persuading a Japanese auto firm to reopen and streamline. It isn't long before the American-born workers grow to resent the disciplinary demands of their new Japanese bosses, setting the stage for a comic clash of cultures.

3.1 (15 customer reviews)

Classic movie, but...

I consider this to be one of those less popular 1980's classics. But charging $15 for it? Come on, Apple. That's just being greedy.

A great Michael Keaton Flick

Taking the nature of the plot into account, and the intent to make it a somewhat lighthearted movie, I thought it was really well done. Keaton and Watanabe did great jobs portraying attitudes at that time where American gusto collided with Japanese discipline in order to revitalise an industry. It was another look at industry becoming truly global and how America needed to learn some industry lessons, and vice versca for the Japanese. This is actually one of my favorite comedies (and my favorite Keaton movie by far) where cultures and attitudes clash with hilarious (and sometimes offensive) results!


A great movie; simple, classic, and funny. Also, proof enough that Rotten Tomatoes ratings are not worth much.


A solid feel good comedy movie. Great job by Ron Howard, Michael Keaton, Gedde Wantanabe. One of my all-time favorite movies.

Keaton’s hilarious.

It’s about time you got this movie iTunes.

Gung Ho
Ron Howard
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD