Machete Kills

Director: Robert Rodriguez
Release Date:

Danny Trejo returns as legendary ex-Federale Machete Cortez in this action-packed thrill ride from innovative director Robert Rodriguez. In his latest mission, Machete is recruited by the U.S. President (Carlos Estevez) to stop a crazed global terrorist (Mel Gibson) from starting a nuclear war. With a bounty on his head, Machete breaks all the rules as he faces death at every turn from a star-studded cast of deadly assassins. Featuring Michelle Rodriguez, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Antonio Banderas, Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Demian Bichir, Machete Kills is “Absurdly entertaining. Defies expectations!” (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News). It’s one of the wildest save-the-world adventures ever captured on film!

3.5 (19 customer reviews)

Not The Sharpest Knife In The Drawer But Still Cuts

The First Machete Ended with a Reference to Machete Kills and it was hard to tell if they were serious or not But In a Way They Were Serious About it but obviously that's All they Were Serious About. YES This Movie Was Silly,Stupid,Violent and Ill Advised! And Mother Monster Lady Gaga Gives No Movie Cred What so Ever! But Robert Rodriguez Wasn't Going For any Oscars Anyway Just Lower Your Standards and Enjoy The Ride!


I loved Machete Kills. I know it did not do well at the box office, which is really sad because this movie was hilarious. It was absolutely nothing more than you expected it to be: Machete trying to get his life back and getting in so far over his head that as the movie became more ridiculous, the more I absolutely loved it. Don’t think this is a work of art. It’s not. But it’s great none the less.

Save your money

This movie was just bad and it is a waste of space, money, and time don't get it save you self from this horrible movie I wish I did

machete killed me

what a complete failure. The "actors" involved must not have read the script. I turned it off after the first 15 minutes of torture to my eyes.

couldn't finish watching, it was so bad

This movie was horrible, not even close to being good. I really liked the first movie so I was really disappointed to see how bad this one was It's very rare that I quit on a movie after watching half of it, but this was such a waste of time I couldn't handle it anymore. The first movie was funny and entertaining, this one didn't even get me to crack a smile. What a waste of money.

Machete Kills
Robert Rodriguez
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD