One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing

Director: Robert Louis Stevenson
Release Date:

Combining healthy doses of suspense and humor, this lighthearted comedy/thriller skips and slides through one outrageous situation after another. An international secret formula, microfilmed and hidden on the massive skeleton of a museum dinosaur, spawns a rollicking race between London-based Chinese Intelligence agents and…a battalion of British nannies?! The undercover caper takes to the streets of London proper when the nannies decide to hijack the less-than-inconspicuous artifact!

5 (3 customer reviews)

To expensive.

I would buy this movie but it is way to expensive.

Why only rent?

This is a family favorite. I can't understand why it's only for rent, though. I would love to buy it.

I wish we could buy this

This is a great family film - my kids loved it and they hate older films - they laughed and laughed - I wish we could buy it ***** my kids are all under 7 - PERFECT wholesome movie that adults will enjoy highly recommend and Disney if you read this RE MAKE THIS!!

One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing
Robert Louis Stevenson
Release Date
Sales Price
17.99 => 4.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD