The Flight of the Phoenix

Director: Robert Aldrich
Release Date:

When contact with rescuers becomes impossible, crash survivors begin repairing an old airplane forced down in the desert.

1.8 (6 customer reviews)

Superior to the remake

Nice one with Jimmy Stewart!! About time iTunes made this available!

Sound is not working

Please rework the audio. The sound is HORRIBLE. I want my money back.


Does Apple even READ THESE REVIEWS??? No matter if you try to watch this movie on your iPhone, iPad or television, the sound is totally messed up, so bad that you can’t make it through the first 2 minutes. I’ve tried skipping to different segments and it might sound good for 10 to 20 seconds then goes back to a garbled mess. This is an excellent movie when it plays right. Apple needs to fix this ASAP! It doesn’t do this with any of my other 140 iTunes movies that I’ve purchased! PLEASE FIX THIS!!!

Can not hear the movie!

I purchased this movie and I can not hear it at all. The picture is there, but the audio isn’t. It’s disappointing to spend your money on this one!

Sound malfunction

This is a great movie that no one can currently watch because the sound and audio is all messed up this is one of those rare occasions were Apple has completely messed up and it has gone unchecked for years.

The Flight of the Phoenix
Robert Aldrich
Release Date
Sales Price
19.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD