Every Day (2010)

Director: Richard Levine
Release Date:

Every Day is about one family’s struggle to survive the unexpected curve-balls that are simply part of real life. It’s an uncompromising look at an ordinary family making an extraordinary journey towards themselves and towards each other.

3.3 (4 customer reviews)


Yes, hello, Rex? Hi. Where are the "horrible, sad things" that keep happening? Where's all the depressing material? It's just a middling story, with some mediocre acting, and some generic directing. Really. P.S. I'm sure Brian Dennehy is too old to use a computer, but if his agent sees this, please pass this message along: BRIAN DENNEHY!!! YOU'RE FUN TO WATCH, BRIAN DENNEHY!!!!! (Even if there seemed to be a tad too much bravado in your performance, as if you believed you were on stage and had to project for a theater full of people.) Though I doubt anyone else will agree--because it's easier just to like everything and not think and live on inflated emotions: because that's what gets ratings.

Very Real... So real that it becomes depressing...

Wow... this movie sure is real. If you've been in a relationship for several years then this is a good movie... otherwise you'd probably not understand anything. The actors all did a great job... but I found the subject matter depressing. I'm glad I watched it though.

Another crappy movie about life in NYC

OMG what a piece of crap. How much of this crap can Hollywood pump out? I am really bummed to see Brian Dennehy stoop so low. I guess all of the actors are hurting for money and doing whatever it takes to get a paycheck. Do your homework and review this movie before losing time that you can never recover.

good, simple movie

A Realistic movie with very good acting, Liev is perfect, as usual.

Every Day (2010)
Richard Levine
Release Date
Sales Price
7.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD