Hello, My Name Is Doris

Director: Michael Showalter
Release Date:

After a lifetime of being overlooked and ignored, a woman of a certain age finds her world turned upside down by a handsome new co-worker and a self-help seminar that inspires her to take a chance on love in Hello, My Name is Doris, a witty and compassionate late-life coming-of-age-story.

3.9 (50 customer reviews)


"My Name is Doris" is full of heart. Sally Field really does get better as the years go on. It really is true that you are never too old to dream or believe in yourself. Be who you are at any age, even if you are a bit offbeat.

Watch this movie...

Watch this movie - Open your heart - If you don't 'get-it', if it doesn't make you smile - then you're officially dead inside ;)

awesome movie

My friend and I got to be extras in the concert scene and have been waiting for this movie for almost 2 years. We went and saw it when it came out in theatres and it is an incrdible movie! There are deffinately some cringey moments as you follow Doris' "coming of age" but the story is absolutely beautiful and heartwarming. i canot reccomend this movie enough!

How Sally Field Got Her Groove Back

The best coming of cour-age movie I've ever seen.

very unusual

This movie was way more interesting than I expected it to be. Sally Field is incredible in it. I think it opens the door for more stories of this kind.

Hello, My Name Is Doris
Michael Showalter
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD