God Forgive Us

Director: Michael Bachochin
Release Date:

God Forgive Us is the dramatic collision of four strangers struggling through drug addiction, existential suicide, terminal illness and death. Portraying all different aspects of life and society, God Forgive Us chronicles the utter hopelessness that all humans experience, regardless of class or social roles.

4.8 (8 customer reviews)

Raw and Real

This film openly addresses the human pains that are overlooked, yet gives us hope.

Great Movie

An incredibly well shot view that is visually stunning, and completely captivating.

An Honest Review

Not really having expectations either way, I was pleasantly surprised with the film, God Forgive Us. For a directorial debut on a tight budget, the film accomplishes a connection to the characters, great cinematography and the belief that even when all hope feels lost, it's never truly gone. The movie is certainly not without it's imperfections. There are the occasional lines that could benefit from some more polished writing and not every scene showcases the highest quality of acting. You certainly won’t find any Oscar worthy performances on this film, but it’s not any worse than the low-budget sci-fi films on tv. It does sometimes feel like the film tried a little too hard to portray the darkness that can be reality, but not totally overdone. I think the easiest way to sum of God Forgive us is that Mr. Bachochin and Kingdom Entertainment were able to do a lot with a little. For those who like to support up-and-coming independent film crews, God Forgive Us is worth the price of admission.

Eye opening

One of the greatest films of our time! Great storyline that really draws you in to keep watching more. Highly recommend to everyone!!

God Forgive Us

Great Touching Film! Makes you appreciate life!

God Forgive Us
Michael Bachochin
Release Date
Sales Price
15.99 USD
Rental Price
4.99 USD