Dracula: Dead and Loving It

Director: Mel Brooks
Release Date:

A comic reinvention of the Bela Lugosi classic about a Transylvanian vampire who works his evil spell on a perplexed group of Londoners. Mel Brooks's Count is a pratfalling evil prince of a guy who believes in long relationships. Brooks portrays vampire hunter Van Helsing, who won't give a bloodsucker an even break.

4.6 (23 customer reviews)

Not his best but...

While I agree that its not his best movie, there are still for very good lines in this movie.


Mel Brooks is the funniest person alive. While this movie isn't one of his funniest, it is still very funny and I strongly recomend it.

AH!! "I was having...a daymare"

Classic Mel Brooks. I liked this movie, not loved it, liked it. The movie is a spoof of the 1933 and 1990's version of Dracula and is very witty and funny. It's hard to find on DVD, so I recommend buying it here. If you like most of Mel Brook's work, you should buy it. I wouldn't try to compare it to Blazing Saddles because it is ten times better then this. However, if you liked the Dracula movies and want a little humor from the films, it's a good purchase. I think Itunes should put Young Frankenstein on because I believe that is Mel's best work.


This movie is one of my favorite comedies. Leslie Nielson (The Naked Gun, Spy Hard) is known as one of the greatest spoof actors of all time. Mel Brooks (Spaceballs, High Anxiety) is known as one of the greatest spoof filmmakers of all time. It's the ultimate combination! Anyone who loves to laugh must watch this movie.


the first time i watched it i said... meh. but then later i started thinking about it and the comedy definitely grows on you. then i watched it again and it was just hilarious. this is most definitely some of mel's best work. its worth the $10.

Dracula: Dead and Loving It
Mel Brooks
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD