Blazing Saddles

Director: Mel Brooks
Release Date:

The railroad's got to run through the town of Rock Ridge. How do you drive out the townfolk in order to steal their land? Send in the toughest gang you've got...and name a new sheriff who'll last about 24 hours. But that's not really the plot of Blazing Saddles, just the pretext. Once Mel Brooks' lunatic film many call his best gets started, logic is lost in a blizzard of gags, jokes, quips, puns, howlers, growlers and outrageous assaults upon good taste or any taste at all. Cleavon Little as the new lawman, Gene Wilder as the wacko Waco Kid, Brooks himself as a dim-witted politico and Madeline Kahn in her Marlene Dietrich send-up that earned an Academy Award nomination all give this sagebrush saga their lunatic best. And when Blazing Saddles can't contain itself at the finale, it just proves the Old West will never be the same!

4.8 (50 customer reviews)

Too bad our society is so "politically correct"....

It's too bad our society is so very politically correct now and days... I wonder how many people might be offended by the crude humor in this movie or just laugh it off... ??? This movie has some very funny laugh out loud polictically incorrect moments in it-- but if you are offended by this kind of humor this is not a movie for you....

A Brooks Masterpiece- Mostly.....

Made in 1974, “Blazing Saddles” has become one of the most acknowledged of Mel Brooks’ comedies, along with “Young Frankenstein” (1974) and “The Producers” (1968). Perhaps the jokes have held up for so long because of the great actors’ performances, and the way they deliver each line. Whatever the reason, “Blazing Saddles” is at the top of my ‘favorite movies’ list, and I recommend this to anybody with a sense of humor. On that note, if you were wondering exactly what kind of comedy this is, I’ll let you know. Mel Brooks makes the comedies that we ALL want to laugh-out-loud at, but are afraid to because it may be deemed “inappropriate” or “crude.” Let go of those worries and LAUGH! The world is a sad place without laughter. So watch it alone or with friends, and side-splitting laughs are sure to ring out. Although the plot is a bit predictable, it’s still a very good movie. As for the ending, though I won’t say much, it left me with mixed feelings. In my opinion, I felt like Mel didn’t know how to end it, and couldn’t think of anything better to put in. But then again, I know it’s a comedy- although it didn’t find it (the ending) particularly funny. However, I completely and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the movie. Just a warning to the prude (no offense): this movie IS rated R for a reason- lots of offensive and racist language and dirty jokes. If that bothers you, I would wait until the movie is on TV, so that the edited version can be watched. Hope this helped!

Top Notch

This is one of the funniest movies of all time, period. The writing is brilliant (a young comic named Richard Pryor was one of the writers), the cast is excellent (Cleavon Little is amazing, and the late and greatly missed Madeline Kahn and Harvey Korman are, as always, splendid), and the premise is hysterical. This movie would never be green-lighted today -- it addresses racial issues and race relations in a frank, tell-it-like-it-is (but HILARIOUS) way that apparently today you can only do with cartoon characters and puppets (and not really even then). There's a reason this is one of the AFI's Top 100 Comedies -- there's never been a movie like this and there never will be another.

One of The BEST Mel Brooks Films!!

this is so humorous and hilarious it is guaranteed to make you pee your pants


It was sooooo funny when they were eating beans and they started farting1

Blazing Saddles
Mel Brooks
Release Date
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14.99 USD
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3.99 USD