Daredevil (Director's Cut)

Director: Mark Steven Johnson
Release Date:

For Daredevil, justice is blind, and for the guilty, there's hell to pay! Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner ignite dangerous sparks and nonstop thrills in this dazzling action-adventure about the newest breed of superhero. By day, blind attorney Matt Murdock (Affleck) toils for justice in Hell's Kitchen. By night, he's Daredevil, The Man Without Fear - a powerful, masked vigilante stalking the dark streets with an uncanny "radar sense" that allows him to "see" with superhuman capabilities. But when the love of his life, fiery Elektra Natchios (Garner), is targeted by New York City's ruthless Kingpin of crime (Michael Clarke Duncan) and his deadly assassin Bullseye (Colin Farrell), Daredevil may be about to meet his match. Featuring Iron Man director Jon Favreau as Foggy Nelson.

3.7 (35 customer reviews)


This director's cut plays truer to the comics, and is a better movie. Like Fantastic Four the extended cut and Superman the donner cut, this is the movie that should have been released to theaters.

Director's Cut Is Actually Rated R

It is rated R. Mostly for more action/violence. iTunes stuck with the theatrical rating.

The Man With Out Fear is back and BETTER than EVER!

The director's cut is way better than the theatrical version. There is more storyline to this version, more action, more humor! In this version there is an added storyline which makes the movie way easier to understand, it ties together loose strings in the movie. This is probably one of my favorite movies of all time. The one thing I didn't like about this version is that they take out the confession scene in the beginning of the movie. I recommend it to any superhero fan out their.

Thank god its on Itunes. And more so that it's for purchase

Without question, THIS is the one that should have been released in theaters, not the other version. Underrated of the marvel comic movies

The Director's Cut: How It Should Have Been

I've owned the Director's Cut since it came out some years ago and it is, in my opinion, a different and better movie. A new sub-plot has been added back into the film, along with new scenes and some for fans. This is what should have been in the theatres but the studio wanted a fast paced action movie. Fools! When I saw the theatrical cut, I thought it was too short; something was missing. Now it is complete! I'm not very fond of Ben Affleck but the only way he passes the part is because he plays a blind guy. That's my theory. I highly highly recommend everyone to give this another chance. It's way frickin better than Spider-Man 3 by far.

Daredevil (Director's Cut)
Mark Steven Johnson
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD