24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters

Director: Kevin Burke
Release Date:

24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters is a documentary that explores the world of illustrated movie poster art; the artists who create it, companies and studios that commission it, galleries that display it, and collectors and fans who hang it.

5 (4 customer reviews)

This is why I collect posters!

This documentary is amazing! I really enjoyed not only the interviews with artists I collect but the history behind the movie poster!

Fantastic Documentary!

A great film documenting the history of film posters. What was once a dying art form is now starting to be revitalized in new ways. Both artists old and new talk about the history of the art form as well as where it's heading. Amazing film for lovers of movies, art, design, collectibles, or just filmmaking in general.

Outstanding poster doc

Burke is clearly not an outsider to the poster community he's exploring. Amazing interviews, lovely graphics work in displaying the posters in the film, and a genuine passion for the subject. It's an easy recommend.

A fascinating look at the history of movie poster art

Tracking the history and artistry of movie poster art, from its early beginning to its modern resurgence, 24x36 showcases the love of illustrated poster art felt by collectors, directors, and even the artists themselves.

24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters
Kevin Burke
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
4.99 => 3.99 USD