Shakespeare in Love

Director: John Madden
Release Date:

When Will Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) needs passionate inspiration to break a bad case of writer's block, a secret romance with the beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts the words flowing like never before! There are just two things he'll have to learn about his new love: not only is she promised to marry someone else, but she's successfully impersonating a man in order to play the lead in Will's latest production!

3 (4 customer reviews)


I could watch this over and over. Love, comedy, drama, and a bit with a dog - what else could you want? Fabulous cast and well-written story.

Oscar Trash

After knowing how Harvey Weinstein pressured and vocally bribed Oscar presidents to choose this movie over Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture, I could never trust the Oscars, or watch it, again. That’s why this movie is trash. Thank God I’ve never watched it.

Great movie

Paltrow gove another emotional performance that makes you actually feel something deep in your soul. It’s feels like her emotional performance in Great Expectations, the level of emotional investment you have in the character’s fates.

Worst film to ever win Best Picture award

Absolutely pathetic garbage movie… It’s a period piece filled with more historical inaccuracies and lies than Muppet Treasure Island; it’s a comedy that is NOT at all funny; it’s a romance film with horrible chemistry between the lovers; it’s a drama that doesn’t tap into a single emotion; and its a biopic that basically made up almost every aspect of the person’s life. Literally, the only indisputable aspect of the story is that there was a man named William Shakespeare and he is credited with writing plays… This film is a perfect example of how the academy award selects movies based on how well they are campaigned/promoted and not not based on actual quality. It is perhaps the biggest foul in cinema history that this film received the award for Best Picture instead of Saving Private Ryan. Spare yourself the time watching this movie and consider doing something more constructive… like counting the number of fruit loops in a box, or trying to dry running water, or learning a made up language from a 1970s scifi movie… Your time would be better spent doing pretty much anything else besides watching this embarrassment to Oscar history.

Shakespeare in Love
John Madden
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD