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Director: Henry Jaglom
Release Date:

Dana (Victoria Foyt), a young American woman traveling on business in Jerusalem, meets a mysterious older French woman (Aviva Marks) at a café who shares a fascinating story of lost love revolving around the expensive antique ruby pin she's wearing. The woman exits the cafe abruptly, leaving the pin behind and Dana, who is on her way to meet her fiance (Michael Brandon) in London, finds herself forced to reschedule her trip - and her life - as an unexpected but expected stranger (Stephen Dillane) crosses her path. Or has he already?

2.9 (10 customer reviews)

So bad it's good

First of all, the acting of the Americans is terrible!!! Henry cast his wife in his films and she is a terrible actress. I feel if the lead had been played by a British actress it might have been better. That being said, everyone else was believable and very good! The story is like an adult fairytale, subtle and sophisticated! I like how Lynn Redgrave plays a twisted chain smoking fairy godmother! My friends and I watch this movie as a drinking party! Every time the lead female character whines we drink! Enjoy it don't take it serious and no, its not trying to be the greatest movie of all time.

This is a gorgeous Vanessa Redgrave film.

If you have the intelligence above a vegetable and love independent movies, foreign films, movies with Vanessa Redgrave such as Wetherby and such, then you will adore this film. This movie portrays love, real love, interpersonal relationships and gives you an air of yesterday. Perfect to see by yourself with popcorn or to sit with fellow feminine friends and watch on a rainy day. I loved the cameo of Vanessa Redgrave, she looked simply smashing.

A Twisted Version of True Love

I rented this movie as a 99 cent special of the week for a romantic evening with my wife and was glad not to have wasted any more money on it. She fell asleep during the show! Bad acting and cheesy music provide the framework for this not-so-subtle, destructive philosophical message of "If it feels good and you do not do it, you are not being true to yourself, even it all the other people who care about you get hurt in the process. So follow your feelings, no matter where they lead you." Fortunately, true love differs radically from the way it is portrayed in this film.

Actress Totally Ruined Movie

This is actually a cute, romantic little movie, but the lead actress Victoria Foyt is just terrible. She's a horrible actress with an annoying voice and she's not nearly pretty enough to be paired up with Stephen Dillane. The two were totally awkward together when they're supposed to be "made for each other." She was so bad I had to look her up and wouldn't you know it, she co-wrote the script. The only way she could have gotten this job was to give it to herself. Too bad she completely ruined her own movie.

whoa there

haha. i thought this was the movie i rele liked with denzel washington. hehe guess not. this looks like a sexy movie but i hav no desire 2 c it and its PG-13 so who cares nothing good can be shown(teehee)

Déjà Vu
Henry Jaglom
Release Date
Sales Price
7.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD