Machete (2010)

Director: Ethan Maniquis & Robert Rodriguez
Release Date:

After a violent shakedown from a notorious drug lord nearly kills him, Machete, a renegade Mexican Federale and tough-as-nails vigilante for justice, roams the streets of Texas, working as a day laborer. When Machete is hired by a crooked US Senator to execute a covert hit, Machete is double-crossed and forced to run from the cops and an endless stream of assassins. But what they don't know is that Machete is looking for them so he can settle the score.

3.9 (50 customer reviews)

...a great Guy Movie.

Sure, Machete isn't going to win any "Best Picture" awards, and yeah it's super cheesy, and yes it's super violent and overly explicit. But, if you're into movies like that then you'll love this one. I haven't seen a good movie from Robert Rodriguez in a while, so I was a little skeptic walking into this one...I liked his Planet Terror movie, and wished he could make one like that again. And sure enough my wishes were granted. I'll admit that "Machete" is pretty much an all-around guy movie, but is that a bad thing? My only complaint is that the immigration message that Rodriguez incorporates into the film stands out more than it should, but he still dresses it up nicely in over the top action scenes. But, the monologues from Alba that address the issue come off as being more cheesy than any other aspect in the film, and are something I think the film could've done without. But, that aside, this movies really a fun time for adults and is definitely not a movie for kids. I see a lot of trailers for movies that make themselves look like they're going to be action packed...then I watch the film and it's boring. Well, this film doesn't disappoint. It actually surpassed my expectations of being an action packed movie. So, if that's what you're looking for, then you'll find it here. And if you liked Planet Terror then you'll definitely enjoy this one. :) There's really not a whole lot more to say about the movie.

Did not dissapoint

As a HUGE fan of grindhouse, I couldnt wait for the day that Machete came out. So I counted down the days until september 3rd. and sure enough i was there on opening day to see it. When the film started it didnt take long for it to blow my expections away. The violence started almost instantly, the first sight of nudity was within the first 5 minutes, and it looked like a 70's grindhouse film. If you liked Grindhouse (Planet Terror and Death Proof) than you will love this movie. A bit of a warning though, do not let kids under 15 see this and DO NOT watch this movie with a date, unless she's into violent nudity filled movies. I highly recommend seeing this with a group of your best guy friends, like I did. this is the ultimate guy's movie.


All I have to say is MACHETE DONT TEXT

THE Man Film

Perfect blend of gore, action, women, explosions, awesomeness, and laughs for any guy. You have to watch this with friends if you love laughing at ridiculously awesome things!

From The Start To The End

From the start to the end, this movie was amazing. The movie was extremely violent and had a lot of nudity. That being said this is not what you would expect of a shoot em' up. This movie is easily catagorized as a comedy. 10/10 possibly best movie of 2010

Machete (2010)
Ethan Maniquis & Robert Rodriguez
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 => 4.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD