
Director: Eric Summer & Eric Warin
Release Date:

11-year-old orphan, Félicie (Elle Fanning) has one dream – to go to Paris and become a dancer. Her best friend Victor (Nat Wolff) an imaginative, but exhausting boy with a passion for creating has a dream of his own, to become a famous inventor. In a leap of faith, Victor and Félicie leave their orphanage in pursuit of their passions. But – there’s a catch, Félicie must pretend to be the child of a wealthy family in order to gain admittance to the prestigious and competitive Opera Ballet School in Paris. And with no professional dance training, she quickly learns that talent alone is not enough to overcome the ruthless, conniving attitudes of her fellow classmates, led by the devious Camille Le Haut (Maddie Ziegler). Determined to succeed, Félicie finds her mentor in the tough and mysterious school custodian, Odette (Carly Rae Jepsen) who, along with Victor’s encouraging friendship, help her reach for the stars.

4 (50 customer reviews)

Action/ Adventure?

Why is an animated children's movie labeled as an action/ adventure movie? iTunes, please fix!! Other than that, my kids love this movie!

Follow your dreams!

Watched this movie with my 8 year old daughter and absolutely loved it. No, the story line wasn't complex but it was full of lessons that I want her to learn about the benefits of hard work, having goals for yourself, not believing in the limitations others try to impose on you, and not being distracted by fleeting, superficial temptations. My daughter, who suggested we leave this review, said that she thought the main message of the movie was to "follow your dreams". As a father, I'll take it.

Really? This is "Great"? What have we become?

the movie was well put together and well thought out. but does it really not bother anyone that the whole point is - poor girl can break all the rules and rich girl is just mean? poor girl has a heart of gold and rich girl is bad, oh except she isn't really bad, she is "pushed" into being bad by a evil rich woman? we are really ok with this being taught to young kids? so, if you are poor, it is okay to cheat and steal because the rich "deserve" to be cheated? what liberal tripe indoctrinating our kids! come on, really? this is “great” and “outstanding”? really?

Love a ballet theme BUT

How many cliches (and other recycled story lines) does it take to make an animated film? I agree with another reviewer about how "Poor people are good” “rich people are evil” is a terrible theme to this movie. Its not fresh. And the “Lets run away to chase the dream, and while there is a superficial sense that I could fail… I won’t really.” is yet another tired story. I think someone could have done better.


One of best movies I've seen in a while I loved ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it it was very creative and reminds everyone to never give in on their dreams no matter what even my dad loved it definitely worth seeing and it's a great family movie for the whole family just as good as Disney, Pixar, and Dreamwork's put together I can relate to both the main characters Felsie and Victor and it makes you laugh 😂 as well parents enjoy as much as kids do and an 19 and loved it

Eric Summer & Eric Warin
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD