Last Survivors

Director: Drew Mylrea
Release Date:

LAST SURVIVORS takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where Troy (Stephen Moyer) raises his now grown son, Jake (Drew Van Acker), in a perfect wooded utopia thousands of miles away from the decayed cities. When Troy is severely wounded, Jake is forced to travel to the outside world to find life-saving medicine. Ordered to kill anyone he encounters, Jake defies his father by engaging in a forbidden relationship with a mysterious woman, Henrietta (Alicia Silverstone). As Jake continues this dangerous affair, Troy will stop at nothing to get rid of Henrietta and protect the perfect utopia he created.

3.7 (7 customer reviews)


Good film worth the watch. The son gives a great performance as the clueless kid.

Save you time and money on this crapfest…

This movie is such a crapfest so I’ll save you all time and money. The father kidnapped his son when he was 5 and told him there was a world war and everyone outside their place are all killers so not to communicate with them and just kill them. The dad gets hurt and needs medicine because theirs was expired so the son has to go out and get some. The son finds Alicia silverstone’s place and steals what he needs. He lies to the dad about not killing her. He goes back to her place and they start up a relationship and she tells him things that contradict what his dad told him about the war. The son confronts the dad they fight the dad gets killed and the son heads out to find his mom. The movie ends. Such crap, but now I saved you time and money.

Deceptive description.

I get not wanting to give too much away, but the movie description is straight up deceptive. We called it 10 minutes in, but this is not the type of movie I would buy. Nice profiting off those lies. Also, although the cinematography was decent, the story straight up sucked. The only reason more people didn’t take advantage of this poor kid, is that there were only about half a dozen speaking roles in the film. If you want to watch the village again, just watch the village.

The last survivors

I gotta say this was a pretty good movie, well worth watching.

Interesting story; suspenseful

The acting was great and the plot was interesting. It ended without finding out what happened next, though, and I would have liked to see that.

Last Survivors
Drew Mylrea
Release Date
Sales Price
12.99 USD
Rental Price
4.99 USD