The Change-Up

Director: David Dobkin
Release Date:

Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman star in the outrageous comedy from the director of Wedding Crashers and the writers of The Hangover. One drunken night, two friends admit that they wish they had the other's life. Mitch (Reynolds) thinks Dave has it all: a beautiful, loving family and a high-paying job at a prestigious law firm. But Dave (Bateman) thinks Mitch's stress-free life without obligation or consequence is the real dream come true. The next morning they wake up, hungover, in each other’s bodies, and proceed to freak out! With time not on their side, Mitch and Dave comically struggle to avoid completely destroying each other's lives before they can find a way to get their old ones back.

3.9 (13 customer reviews)

Not the Greatest of Comedies

The Change-Up is only a cluster of worth while laughs. Most of the film plays like a live-action episode of Family Guy, with all the great jokes taken out. While some jokes are very funny, some of it gets really stupid, gross and vulgar without even needing to be. If the writers of The Hangover were looking for a film to top the insanity of that film, they took a sharp turn in the wrong direction. Its no more outlandish than Hangover, but lessens its intelligence, which that film had quite a percentage of. Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds both give winning performances, which makes the film enjoyable. I will certainly watch the film again (maybe the Unrated cut has more to offer). Its a bad movie, but its entertaining for that reason.


Though it is a recycled plot and kind of shallow, that didn't stop me from laughing almost the entire time. People have gotten so used to Bateman and Reynolds getting type cast that some reviews called it as them "playing against type," but this just goes to show their diversity. Aside from one major gross-out moment early in the film, i was immensely entertained an returned to see the movie multiple times in theaters.

Must watch

This is a real guy movie!!!! I did not know what this movie was about a friend wanted to go see it. I went back the next day and took other friends to see it again in the theater... This has moved into my #1 comedy. cant wait to own it.


I love this freakin movie!


Funny stuff!!! Baby scene is hysterical !!!!

The Change-Up
David Dobkin
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 => 4.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD