Evolution of a Criminal

Director: Darius Clark Monroe
Release Date:

How does a 16 year-old evolve into a bank robber? In EVOLUTION OF A CRIMINAL, filmmaker Darius Clark Monroe asks this very question—about himself. After seeing his mother and stepfather struggle to make ends meet while living outside of Houston, Texas, Monroe decided to help them by robbing a bank with two friends. In the film, Monroe interviews his family members, close friends and mentors who recount the stages of his transformation, going from a joyous childhood to the moment he realized the severity of his family’s financial problems, and how their struggles changed his outlook on society and his life as a whole. Returning to his neighborhood several years after the crime, Monroe creates an incredibly intimate and personal journey of reflection and forgiveness while beautifully examining lower class struggles, the desperation of a teen under pressure, and the emotional impact that rippled in the aftermath of that day.

4 (2 customer reviews)

Great Film

Had the opportunity to see this at a director screening at George Mason this past year. Very interesting and will keep your eyes glued to the screen.

Good film - looking for to your next project.

I would like to know why you, Darius, went to apologize? Why was that such an important part of your growth or recovery, quite courageous but did what for you afterwards. My only criticism - It wasn’t long enough, I feel a part of the story is missing. Why you decide to tell your story, unclear to me watching the film. How was it in prison, how were you treated. Were you separated from adults and were you tried as an adult. I’m going to watch again. I think the title should be "A decent man’s evolution.” I feel your title doesn’t reveal in it’s entirety, the answer it’s own proposed question “How could this happen." What I like most and remains with me is the fact that you are able to show, yourself as a good student, a son, a brother etc not only a robber because, people can make mistakes and can overcome and learn from them. Every person who is a criminal is also, someone else’s family.

Evolution of a Criminal
Darius Clark Monroe
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
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4.99 => 3.99 USD