The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson

Director: Daniel Farrands
Release Date:

In 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered in her Los Angeles home by whom most believe to be O.J Simpson. But what role did Glen Rogers, also known as the Casanova Killer play in their death?

2 (4 customer reviews)

Umm ?

Your either going to love this movie or hate it. I remember the O.J trial. He’s guilty. But if you look at this as a story someone made up..then it’s not bad. Just not real.

Not only horrible, but also very offensive

Usually with atrociously made films such as this, you may find some enjoying themselves with it because of how hilariously bad it is. However, not only is this film by itself one of the worst films ever made, but it is also infuriating. One of the most offensive pictures ever made, sloppily assembled by an idiotic conspiracy theorist who thinks he’s smarter than he actually is. 0/10

Not bad

Worth watching.

just stop

who cares!

The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson
Daniel Farrands
Release Date
Sales Price
9.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD