God & Country

Director: Dan Partland
Release Date:

From Director Dan Partland and producer Rob Reiner, "God & Country" looks at the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only our constitutional republic, but Christianity itself. Featuring prominent Christian thought leaders, "God & Country" asks this question: What happens when a faith built on love, sacrifice, and forgiveness grows political tentacles, conflating power, money, and belief into hyper-nationalism? Directed by Dan Partland. Produced by Rob and Michele Reiner.

1.7 (6 customer reviews)

Mind your own business

Another user was right. Atheist, Satanist, and the cults of gender should also keep to themselves and stop harassing everyone.

Not wrong

Religion of any kind is dangerous no one has the right to impose their religious views on anyone people need to keep their religion to themself


Rob Reiner......making a doc about Christianity......hmmmmm......thats a bit like Benedict Arnold writing a biography of George Washington....I'd read that because why?



Scared Commies, nothing can stop what’s coming

Hollywood is scared of a nation full of strong Christians because we’ll reject their degenerate & sinful agendas. This movie being made only shows that they’re losing the narrative battle.

God & Country
Dan Partland
Release Date
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14.99 => 5.99 USD
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4.99 => 0.99 USD