U2: Rock Crusade

Director: Christine Rogers
Release Date:

It probably seems hard to believe, but U2 began as a band of four teenagers whose first rehearsal was in Larry Mullin Jr’s parent’s kitchen, in 1976. Thirty-three years and 170 million album sales later, Ireland’s most famous export is one of the biggest bands in the world, having won more Grammy Awards than any other group, in history! U2 are almost as well known for their philanthropy and charity work as they are for their music. Over twenty years, lead singer Bono has made a name for himself as a tireless worker for social and economic change in Third World Countries, and U2 – A Rock Crusade is the story of the band’s never ending energy, drive and commitment to social causes. It’s the story of a charismatic showman’s efforts to take his influence into politics, in order to affect change for the people who need it most – the poor and disadvantaged. “To use your star power for people who have no power at all has to be a good thing” Bono says. U2 have been very successful in raising a

1.7 (3 customer reviews)

A Fairy Good Documentary

The documentary was okay. I admire U2's charity work but what was missing was the early 1980's and their first four albums, Boy, October, War and The Unforgettable Fire. They should've showed that in the documentary, also. I have been a long time U2 fan since I was 14 back in 1984.

Horrible Movie - Don't Waste Your Money

I'm a huge U2 fan. This movie is an embarrassment to the band. It's all about Bono's politics and could easily be found simply by YouTubing…please don't waste your money on this movie.

Larry Mullen Jr.

In reference to the "Details" section, the drummer for U2 is Larry Mullen Jr., not Larry Mullins Jr.

U2: Rock Crusade
Christine Rogers
Release Date
Sales Price
3.99 USD
Rental Price
1.99 USD