A Thousand Words

Director: Brian Robbins
Release Date:

Fast-talking Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) says whatever it takes to close a deal. But after stretching the truth with a spiritual guru, he suddenly finds his life depending on a magical tree with 1,000 leaves...one for every word he has left. Now Jack’s got to stop talking and conjure up some outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. See why A Thousand Words is the hilarious, feel-good comedy that has it all: “great cast, great laughs and a great time!” Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV

3.4 (50 customer reviews)

0%? Really?

0% Rotten Tomatoes? Jeez, where do they dig these guys up from? Everything has value. 0% is not a poor reflection of this movie, but rather an accurate reflection of the Rotten Tomatoes critics' inability to objectively and accurately review a movie. This movie is a straight shooter. It's not a 5 Star Movie, but the it deserves a lot of credit. Sometimes, we get lost in all the business of high-powered movies, or with crazy plot twsists that keep you guessing until the last moment. But this movie is a straight forward message about shutting the hell up, stopping with all your BS, and just listening to the world around you. It could've been done differently, but this is Eddie Murphy's version, and I like it just fine. Rent the movie, it's pretty good.

Let the haters hate

Negative ppl give negative reviews. Eddie Murphy gives his best performance since Self-Defense and Kerry Washington diplays her comedic side with adroit timing to make for a very funny movie. Sure, the plot is thin like your wallet but who needs plot when Murphy and co deliver great physical comedy and, to be honest, a good message for the kiddos. This family comedy rings true for all of us and all you debbie downers are just mad you can't find hope in yourselves. Sheesh. Hollywood finally turns out a decent movie without undue violence and T&A galore, and what do you all do? Berate it like it was the second coming of Dune or something. A olid one star for this one. Gather up the kids and slather on the butter (on the popcorn) and laugh till your sides hurt...they won't be the only thing hurting.


It's the type of movie that you will learn something from it. It makes you think about your life. Great to watch with friends, family or your truly love. If you care about feelings and likes to laugh you will like it. So watch it…. I am not lying is a good movie.


Just to make things clear, I think Eddie Murphy's a great comedian. His sharp delivery and witty humor have always been spot-on and undeniably hilarious. Unfortunately for Murphy, his film career has been taking sort of a downward spiral lately, as he's been consistently starring in a bunch of awful comedies (with the exception of 2011's "Tower Heist") that haven't done much to boost his flailing credibility. So when the people at Paramount finally decided to release "A Thousand Words" (which was shot back in 2008) earlier this year, the result was more than underwhelming. In fact, it was a downright disaster. It's as if everything that should've gone right went completely wrong. The characters were bland and forgettable, the jokes (most of which consisted of out-of-date pop culture references) fell flat and the premise was formulaic and predictable. But worst of all, the story pretty much revolved around the fact that Murphy's character couldn't speak more than a thousand words or he'd die. Seeing as how Eddie's voice is his greatest comedic asset, it was absolutely painful to watch him overact in every scene just to get a laugh. The whole time I watched this dreck, I just thought to myself: "Why, Eddie? Why did you agree to star in this pathetic excuse for a film? You're way better than this!" By the time it was over, I was utterly disappointed to say the least. Just about everything felt forced to the point of desperation and nothing felt genuine or inspired in the slightest degree. Simply put, it was a mess. Unless you wanna watch a pointless comedy with phoned-in acting and a hackneyed message, don't bother wasting your time with "A Thousand Words".

Another Great Eddie Murphy Performance

This was a different side of him but a good different seems like he has grown as an actor. All you people saying this was crap well you are wrong. Adam Sandler in Jack and Jill c'mon son now that was crap

A Thousand Words
Brian Robbins
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
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3.99 USD