Good Burger

Director: Brian Robbins
Release Date:

Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell, stars of the popular Nickelodeon series All That, confront the ogre of faceless corporate tyranny and have fun doing it in this comedy for young people. Ed (Mitchell) is a teenager who lives for his job at Good Burger, a small but friendly neighborhood hamburger stand, while his buddy Dexter (Thompson) also works there, but lack Ed's single-minded devotion to his job — he's there because he accidentally destroyed the car of his teacher Mr. Wheat (Sinbad) and has to raise money to pay the damages. When Mondo Burger, a mammoth fast-foot chain, opens across the street, it looks like Good Burger is history, until Ed formulates a secret sauce that brings hundreds of new customers to their door. However, the monomaniacal manager of Mondo Burger, Kurt (Jan Schweiterman), is determined to get his hands on the sauce and put Good Burger out of business. Meanwhile, Ed and Dexter must rescue Otis (Abe Vigoda), the world's oldest fast food employee, f

4.8 (50 customer reviews)

Best PG Movie Ever!

I refuse to rent this. The day this is available for purchase, I will buy it in an instant. Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dexter(Kenan Thompson) create the most underated comedic duo in cinema history. Please make it available for purchase! I love this movie!

allow for purchace

please put it for purchace.

i want to BUY Good Burger

i agree i want to buy this movie not rent. its a great movie i want it on my ipod forever not just a little while. i don't even care if it costs that much. when i am able to purchase it, if ever you good folks at itunes just let us all know i will be one of the first to download it


i would get it if i could buy it

good movie

This is a great movie! It is hilarious and I really want to buy this movie instead of renting it. Please allow this movie to be purchased.

Good Burger
Brian Robbins
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD