The Paper Tigers

Director: Bao Quoc Tran
Release Date:

Three martial artists notorious in their prime as “the three tigers" have grown into middle-aged men one kick from a pulled muscle. But after their teacher’s murder, they must juggle dead-end jobs, dad duties, and old grudges to avenge him.

4.2 (36 customer reviews)


A bit hookie as expected but enjoyable....

Fantastic fight scenes. Fun and heartfelt performances

I can’t get over how much I love the fights in this movie. Small stakes that mean so much to the characters. Sound effects that crack and pop. Hong Kong-styled fight choreography stuffed with character!

A Delightfully Surprising Action Comedy

I wasn’t expecting The Paper Tigers to be as funny as it is. Yes there are some gags in the trailer, but the first 3/4 of the movie have a pretty continuous run of low key, humorous situations and interactions. Even if this type of humor isn’t your thing, the martial arts sequences have a nice sense of realism and never get into that hyper reality of the John Wick films, which in my opinion gets exhausting pretty quickly. I’ve already watch this movie four times this last weekend alone. I can’t recommend it enough.

Good times

I was fairly unsure about Paper Tigers but it hit a little close to home so I gave it a chance. I ended up watching it with the family and we all enjoyed it. I was hoping to see them get back in shape together but it was still entertaining.

Better than expected

I hadn’t heard much on the streets or media about the movie but I do enjoy martial art movies when good, took a chance so I could watch on a long car ride. I really enjoyed it! Subtle comedy mixed with martial arts, fatherhood, friendship, relationships, and over coming challenges. You need to watch it.

The Paper Tigers
Bao Quoc Tran
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD