Cholesterol, The Great Bluff

Director: Anne Georget
Release Date:

For more than six decades, doctors, nutritionists, and public health officials have been waging a war against high cholesterol in an effort to fight heart disease. It’s a war that has seen the demonization of saturated fats, the rise and fall of hydrogenated oils, and the introduction of several generations of “miracle” drugs.

But what if the basic premise linking cholesterol and heart disease is wrong?

CHOLESTEROL, THE GREAT BLUFF convincingly argues that the link between cholesterol and heart disease is tenuous – and that its persistence results from a potent mix of bad science, entrenched interests, and pharmaceutical profits

4.5 (2 customer reviews)

Big Pharma, Big Sugar

Very good documentary how we are manipulated by one persons study (Ancel Keys) for generations through the government, big pharma (Crestor, Lipitor) and huge lobby organizations (American Heart Assoc., Big Sugar, etc..). 1/2 of it is spoken in French (or German, Italian) so get your subtitles working.

Amazing Eye Opener

This movie is truly a truck load of information. In fact there is so much information and research confirming this information, so why is this movie hidden in the basement of iTunes? Every person who takes Cholesterol and or statin drugs own to them selves to see this movie and talk to their doctor. For those who don't speak the different languages heard in the movie, go to the subtitle meneu at top of the screen!

Cholesterol, The Great Bluff
Anne Georget
Release Date
Sales Price
10.99 USD
Rental Price
0.99 USD