
Director: Andrew Hull
Release Date:

A group of friends escaping the city for a weekend away have a simple plan, to tour the coast for a relaxing weekend. Things hit a snag when one of the friends spots a seductive, sultry young woman waving for help off the shore of one of many secluded islands along the coast. Reaching out to rescue her turns deadly and they risk everything to get off the island alive.

2.7 (3 customer reviews)


Odd movie with a somewhat predictable storyline, but Anna Skellern is one hot babe!

Sexy, fun, plausible, and completely predictable

If you take the time to watch it more than once, this is a great movie. And it might actually have touched on the origin of the myth. Most people don't know the original myths of sirens and mermaids. Both were said to be beautiful, attractive, predatory killing machines, who use their feminine whiles to lure men to horrible deaths. My only issue with it is the sexual fantasy scene in the first 10 minutes. Waste of film, and it's only discernible purpose is highlighting the wive's rather conservative sexual nature. And that method of killing, high frequency, high decibel noise, is actually well within the bounds of scientific plausibility. The Japanese experimented with it just before WW2, and the US Army tried it during the cold war. The sound waves create blood pressure imbalances throughout the body, which rupture capillaries in the brain, lungs, and most vital organs. You either drown in your own blood, or suffer a massive stroke. Not a nice way to die.


Didn't make sense at all

Andrew Hull
Release Date
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5.99 USD
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3.99 USD