Mother of George

Director: Andrew Dosunmu
Release Date:

In this dazzlingly beautiful romantic drama, a Nigerian woman living in Brooklyn must make a choice which could have dire consequences when she has failed to conceive a child a year after her glorious wedding.

5 (3 customer reviews)


Incredible acting and beautiful cinematography make this film well worth the watch. Enjoy!

Mother of George

I loved this movie. It tells the ordinary story of a married couple who are having trouble conceiving a child. However, this couple are of traditional Nigerian heritage, and in their culture, this sort of a situation has extraordinary consequences. Preeeettty interesting.

Great film!

Awesome movie! Really well done. Beautifully shot too. The colors rich and crisp and just pop right off the screen. The acting is great too and holds the whole thing together as these characters are pulled into this not-so-uncommon familial conflict of infertility. The film immerses you in the dynamics of this remote Nigerian enclave in Brooklyn, NY.

Mother of George
Andrew Dosunmu
Release Date
Sales Price
7.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD