Chain Reaction

Director: Andrew Davis
Release Date:

Two members of an advanced energy experiment--a clever machinist and an ambitious female physicist--become fugitives from government operatives who've framed them for murder and the sabotage of their laboratory as part of a concerted effort to bury their project's promising energy research.

3.6 (18 customer reviews)

good movie

was trashed by critics....but i liked this movie

Great Movie!

Overall i liked this movie! I belive it is exactly what would happen if technology like this was realesed. Back in about 1927, a Scientist which name cannot be found, made a vehicle that could soley run on rubbing alcohol. You know, the stuff that is .98 cents at the store.....well a famous car company found out about it bought it from him and then destoryed it. We are so money hungry in ths time, we need to realize that even though we still have tons of oil in the ground, that we still can invent new ways of making energy.

Much better than expected

I don't know why the critics panned this film. It held together quite well and the action was perfect for the characters. The message is important and timely (was in 1996 as well). Morgan Freeman does a superb job.

cool moive

why can't we rent

Classicadventure / drama / crime / sci-fi

Really good, even if the critics have the usualy and reasonable criticisms. Keanu is typical so-so. Rachel W. was very good in her role of a scared scientist although typical sexism issues there. Good character development, twists and turns in plot and good cast locations.

Chain Reaction
Andrew Davis
Release Date
Sales Price
14.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD