The Next Level Living Podcast With Jeremy Anderson

The Resonance Network

115 - Invest In Yourself

In this episode of Next Level Living, Joshua Crisp shares his testimony of overcoming small beginnings into becoming a successful & fulfilling millionaire.

Next Level Speaker Shoutout
Jamie Watkins earned 10,500 for one contract. 

Next Level Takeaways

“Better to be a prepared man than having a prepared speech.”

“The only failure is not failing at all.” Stop bringing afraid to try! Don’t allow opinions of others halt your mindset of running towards success. 

Your current situation can serve as a stepping stone if you allow it to. Lessons can be learned when having the right perspective. 

“Immediate execution is better than flawless execution.” There’s no perfect time to get started. Take the first step and don’t look back. 

Do what will fulfill your heart. Keep your end of the bargain with God doing what he ask you to accomplish. 

Serendipity With Inky Johnson


Season 3 Episode 43- VISION

SERENDIPITY - https://www.inkyjohnson.comSerendipity is a captivating show that explores the magic of unexpected moments and connections in our lives. Hosted by Inky and Oak , each episode delves into serendipitous encounters, chance events, and the surprising twists of fate that shape our journeys. With a mix of personal anecdotes, and thought-provoking narratives, Serendipity invites listeners to reflect on the role of chance in their own lives and appreciate the beauty of the unplanned. INKY JOHNSONHusband, father, collegiate, athlete, entrepreneur, and author, Inky Johnson is one of the most highly sought after speakers in the world. For over a decade, executives, professional, sports teams, business owners, and people all over, have benefited from the rock, energy office, thought-provoking, and inspirational presentations. Whether the topic is leadership, teamwork, excel in the miss of adversity, embrace and change, mental agility, or perseve

Nicky And Moose

Nicky Saunders & Mostafa Ghonim

The End Of The Podcast

In the final episode of Nicky and Moose, they recap & reminiscence on what has been a wonderful & insightful journey. 

What You Will Learn
Benefits that comes from a Ramadan fast. 

Breakdown of the Hulu Freaknic documentary. 

Lessons from Mr Beast starting a game show on YouTube.

Nicky & Moose Takeaways
Be intentional about your growth and productivity. Protect your peace in the process of protecting your mind. 

Build your community with your unique and authentic story. Only you can tell your story best. 

Implement systems that sustain the progress and success you’re accumulating. 

Find ways to scale your business when necessary. You’ll need a team & systems in place to successfully do so.

Mr Beast’s Game Show Lessons
Consistency is vital to your growth. 

Negotiate your worth. It’s ok to accept less while proving yourself. 


REALationships Podcast

Still & Co.

Shame: The Silent Killer of Relationships

In this episode, we discuss the subtle yet powerful ways shame can permeate and influence the dynamics of a marriage. Drawing from both personal experiences and research, we uncover how shame manifests within the context of marriage, often operating beneath the surface yet profoundly impacting communication, trust, and intimacy. From societal expectations to familial upbringing, we examine the various sources from which shame can stem, shaping our beliefs about ourselves and our worthiness of love.  

The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas

The Resonance Network

434 - Think Like a Millionaire: Secrets to Building Your Empire!

In our latest episode, we delve deep into the realm of financial success, revealing the often-overlooked strategies that could be the missing pieces in your journey. It's not just about setting ambitious goals; it's about understanding the nuances and tactics that separate those who merely dream from those who achieve.
Join us as we uncover the secrets that could propel you toward your financial goals at warp speed. From mindset shifts that reshape your approach to money to practical financial maneuvers that pave the way to prosperity, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to decode the millionaire mindset.
If you're tired of spinning your wheels and ready to take concrete steps toward financial abundance, this episode is a must-listen. Don't miss out on these game-changing tips that could fast-track your journey to the financial promised land. Subscribe now for more life-alterin