Dior Talks


[DLA] Xu Zhen reinvents the Lady Dior: invitation to discover his unique imagination revisiting the spirit of this iconic object of desire

Welcome to the Dior Talks podcast series dedicated to the eighth edition of Dior Lady Art, hosted by Paris-based journalist Katya Foreman. For this highly-anticipated edition, 12 artists from around the world were invited to transform the iconic Lady Dior handbag into a unique piece of art. With his 360-degree vision of the art world, as a gallerist and curator, our latest guest, the renowned Chinese contemporary artist Xu Zhen, combines installation, video, painting and performance in a singular, inventive universe that explores subjects ranging from socio-political taboos to consumerism and the principles of the art market. The artist’s fascinating works subvert – not without irony – notions of artisanship and originality (relative to mass production), as well as concepts of ownership and globalization in the digital age. He thwarts and



[A.B.C.Dior] Dior et la miniature, une ode à l’art du détail

A.B.C.Dior vous propose d’explorer – à la lettre M – l’univers de la miniature. Célébrant la magie de l’infiniment virtuose, ce monde féerique constitue un terrain de jeux unique où prennent vie(s) les anecdotes les plus fascinantes de la maison Dior. Un voyage sonore captivant au nom des rêves et de la créativité. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

Dior Lady Art


Artist Xu Zhen reinvents the Lady Dior: invitation to discover his unique imagination revisiting the spirit of this iconic object of desire

Welcome to the Dior Talks podcast series dedicated to the eighth edition of Dior Lady Art, hosted by Paris-based journalist Katya Foreman. For this highly-anticipated edition, 12 artists from around the world were invited to transform the iconic Lady Dior handbag into a unique piece of art. With his 360-degree vision of the art world, as a gallerist and curator, our latest guest, the renowned Chinese contemporary artist Xu Zhen, combines installation, video, painting and performance in a singular, inventive universe that explores subjects ranging from socio-political taboos to consumerism and the principles of the art market. The artist’s fascinating works subvert – not without irony – notions of artisanship and originality (relative to mass production), as well as concepts of ownership and globalization in the digital age. He thwarts an

Dior Common Thread


Simon Parris Discusses Creative Influences, Contemporary Culture and Growing Up with Kim Jones

The Dior Common Thread podcast series represents a fascinating new avenue for exploring the collaborations initiated by Kim Jones since his arrival at Dior. Each episode will present a compelling encounter with one of the inspiring figures who have participated in his endlessly original reinventions.
In conversation with Ed Tang, each recounts their unique experience and shares their singular vision, providing an immersive new window into the world of Dior Men.
In this episode, Tang talks to Simon Parris, a core member of the Kim Jones Studio, a multifaceted studio based in London that provides design, communications and artistic consultancy services to Dior, Fendi and other international clients. 
A contemporary Renaissance man, Parris was raised in a creative home; his late father was an art historian and curator who worked for the Tate for 35 years, and his mother



The rose de Granville

Flowers have been vital sources of inspiration for Dior’s legendary creations. The rose is the queen of all flowers; its rare beauty and unique fragrance have been celebrated since antiquity. It combines nature’s perfect alchemy - fragile, sensual, but also resilient. It is the culmination of 35 million years of evolution. Its molecular complexity has long fascinated biologists and seduced perfume-makers with its delicate essence. In this fourth episode of Dior Untold, you’ll hear the story of the most extraordinary of roses that elevates Dior Prestige skincare today: The Rose de Granville. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.