

《全台最熱門的威士忌Podcast》 竟然有台灣人在蘇格蘭擔任蒸餾師? 來自酒廠第一線最真實的業界秘辛, 帶你脫離酒商行銷話術, 體驗威士忌的歷史、製程與美味。 - IG及FB請搜尋《業務用威士忌指南》 - 歡迎小額贊助維護節目品質: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/8680042

Fiber Coven Podcast

Fiber Coven

A weekly witchy themed fiber arts podcast! We’re a coven of two yarn witches trying to craft fiber magic through knitting, dyeing, spinning, and whatever we can get our witchy hands on. It’s a long distance coven, so we thought we’d open it up to yarn witches across the globe so we can spread our black magics far and wide. Lauren is the dyer behind Valkyrie Fibers and Emily designs knitting patterns under the name Kitty With A Cupcake. New episodes drop on Tuesdays!

Prairie Craft Almanac

Leanne of Moth and Rust DIY

Prairie Craft Almanac is a show exploring craft, nature and simple, creative living. Each episode, I talk about different topics that relate in some way to creativity, craft, art, nature, gardening, culture, etc. and also share my recommendations for different artists, books, and other various resources. Let's learn and grow together! Hosted by Leanne of MothandRustDIY.com Thoughts or questions? Want to request a show topic? Don't hesitate to send me a message!

De l'or dans les mains

De l'or dans les mains

Avec son podcast, De l'or dans les mains (http://www.delordanslesmains.com)  donne la parole aux artisans et aux entrepreneurs de savoir-faire, pour qu’ils et elles nous partagent leur histoire, leurs matières, leurs outils et leurs gestes. Chaque épisode est un voyage en immersion, au sein des ateliers et des manufactures, pour susciter des vocations et changer notre regard sur les métiers du faire. De l’or dans les mains est aussi une association qui a pour mission de sensibiliser la nouvelle génération aux métiers manuels à travers des ateliers dans les établissements scolaires.  Crédits : Écriture et voix : Gabrielle Légeret.  Prise de son et montage : Malo de Saint Venant et Gabrielle Légeret  Musique  : Oscar Meurer Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


mary josh

doing things right

Keng Romyen Studio

Kraisorn Srisuwan

Essential oil :) อโรม่า ง่ายๆ


Maria Theoharous

Sew organised style- listen to people just like you. We'll cover sewing, style and interview people who are the backbone of our sewing community and provide you with reputable organisations you can go to for help when you need it. Go to our website: https://seworganisedstylepodcast.com/ There will be evolving playlist series as we find experts with gems of information and resources to keep you creative. Don't keep our podcast channel a secret. Tell your friends and rate us on Itunes.

I Just Talk


hi, i'm the unknown girl with an S. Here, i talk about pretty much everything that has been going on with my life. I'm going to be completely incognito about this. I talk about every teenage stuff. You can come hang with me or not- that's totally cool. It's just a hobby so...yeah, let's talk:)