Love & Mercy

Director: Bill Pohlad
Release Date:

LOVE & MERCY is an unconventional portrait of Brian Wilson (portrayed by both John Cusack and Paul Dano), singer and songwriter for The Beach Boys. The film intimately examines the unique journey and ultimate salvation of this musical icon, whose success came at an extraordinary personal cost. Also starring Elizabeth Banks and Paul Giamatti.

4.4 (50 customer reviews)

Love and Mercy

Dano, Cusack, and Banks shine in this non-linear glimpse into the life of a great artist.

A Terrific and Disarming Biopic

What makes this biopic so effective is ultimately how low-key it is. The topics discussed are big scale, but more on an intimate level as they are more insular than most biopics would be. This is not about lavish concerts or showy scenes. This is a nuanced and poignant examination of a man’s destruction and eventual healing from the demons in his life. It helps that it has a razor sharp script, inspired directed, stellar production value considering its low budget and a trio of top notch performances from Elizabeth Banks, John Cusack and especially Paul Dano. If you have been having an overload of summer blockbusters or have been feeling that 2015 has been an underwhelming movie year, check this out ASAP. It’ll leave you smiling at the end, on top of having an insatiable need to immediately listen to a Beach Boys album!

Fascinating and Unforgettable

"You'll never hear the music in the same way again." At least that's what the trailer warned. And it's true. I'm a Southern California native having grown up on the beach to boot - and love the Beach Boys. But I had no idea Brian Wilson was so astounding, gifted and such a precious soul. His story is worth knowing, and Bill Pohland ( director ), Paul Dano and John Cusack all do their part to share who Brian and the Beach Boys was/is with great respect and deserved dignity. Applause to Elizabeth Banks who, with just a look, can bring a tense scene to a head or to beautiful, tragic closure. Love the score, the editing is spot on, the execution ( shifting from 80's to 60's ) smooth and clear. A must see. A must share.

This is what biopics should be like

A great examination if Brian Wilson without the cheesy sentimental aspects of biopics from last year like the imitation game and theory of everything. Amazing performances, a powerful nonlinear story and a heartbreaking look at mental illness


Outstanding script, acting, and directing. If this film doesn't move you in a big way then you might want to look into getting a heart transplant.

Love & Mercy
Bill Pohlad
Release Date
Sales Price
9.99 => 4.99 USD
Rental Price
3.99 USD