Lucky Red

Dietro ogni film c’è una storia gigantesca, quasi più grande di quella del film stesso. È la storia dell’intreccio di capitali, intenzioni, rischi e follie che sono servite per farlo. Sono storie che coinvolgono persone fuori dal comune, capitalisti senza scrupoli, artisti ingestibili, personalità egoiste, titaniche o anche solo refrattarie al compromesso. Nei casi migliori sono storie tipiche del loro tempo, che parlano di un pezzo di storia del Novecento. In tutti gli altri fanno semplicemente molto ridere.


Davide Zagnoli

Il cinema dagli...affetti speciali, le opere che hanno fatto la storia e quelle che ci hanno provato. Le epoche e gli autori, le grandi star, i periodi storici ma anche le nuove uscite. Geni e visionari, indipendenti e sovversivi, ma anche b-movie e artisti borderline. Un percorso in ordine sparso condotto da Davide Zagnoli e con (a rotazione) Massimiliano Bolcioni, Michela Gorini, Edoardo Saccone, Fabio Gorini, Luca Antoniazzi, Filippo Reina, Francesco Menici, Luca Mancini e tanti altri Per info, comunicazioni, consigli, dubbi, richieste, proposte e perplessità

Cinema Confidential

il Cinemino

CINEMA CONFIDENTIAL È IL PODCAST DEL CINEMINO CHE SI INFILA TRA I FILM E LA VITA, PER RACCONTARVI QUEL GENERE DI STORIE CHE FANNO DIRE: "MA DAI, NON LO SAPEVO!" Da un'idea di Andrea Diego Bernardini. Direzione creativa: Simona Angioni. Autori: Agata DeLaurentiis, Andrea Diego Bernardini. Voci: Simona Angioni, Marco Turco. Graphic designer: Carlotta Inferrera. Musiche: Gianluca Mancini. Per il Cinemino: Agata De Laurentiis e Graziano Palamara.   Regia: Jido Casals e Germano Palomba.

Storie Alternative

Giacomo Giaquinto e Likeabee

Testi di Giacomo Giaquinto Produzione : Likeabee Creative Company Il cinema ci regala da sempre grandi racconti e dietro quelle narrazioni, ci sono storie di attori e registi, sceneggiatori e tecnici. Grandi sacrifici per il grande schermo. Lo sapevate che "Ritorno al futuro" venne rifiutato da 43 case di produzione? E che la Disney disse un secco NO a E.T.? Sono Giacomo Giaquinto, narratore e scrittore, e questo è il mio podcast "Storie Alternative". Ho deciso di scrivere e dare voce a questo progetto, perché le storie non solo sono parte della mia vita, sono intrecci e parafrasi di tutto ciò a cui siamo legati. Vi siete mai chiesti come certe strade possano essere cambiate per un semplice dettaglio? Questo è il podcast dei grandi “Se” e nulla meglio dell’arte del cinema sa raccontare quei dubbi.

Espion, une vie sous légende


Espion, une vie sous légende. Le Bureau des Légendes, première fiction française à avoir eu accès à la DGSE, dévoile un univers froid, très éloigné des habituels fantasmes associés à l’espionnage. À l’occasion de la sortie de la saison 5, Espion, une vie sous légende offre un point de vue unique sur la sphère clandestine de l’État à partir d’interviews de ceux qui ont créé et incarné la série, et d’experts du renseignement. Entre immersion dans la psyché des hommes de l’ombre et plongée dans le monde du secret, ces cinq épisodes reviennent sur l’origine de la série, les thèmes qui l’ont traversée, et explorent les multiples formes de la clandestinité contemporaine. Avec l’équipe du Bureau des Légendes : Éric Rochant, Mathieu Kassovitz, Mathieu Amalric, Florence Loiret Caille, Sara Giraudeau, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Jules Sagot, Brad Leland, Alexeï Sergueïevitch Gorbounov, Camille de Castelnau. Et la participation de : Hélène L’Heuillet, philosophe et psychanalyste, maître de conférences en philosophie à Sorbonne Université, auteure de Basse politique, haute police (Fayard 2001), Aux sources du terrorisme (Fayard, 2009) et Éloge du retard (Albin Michel, 2020). Damien Van Puyvelde, maître de conférences en sécurité internationale et renseignement à l’université de Glasgow, auteur de Outsourcing US Intelligence (Edinburgh University Press 2019).  Julien Nocetti, enseignant à l’école de St Cyr-Coëtquidan, chercheur associé à l’IFRI. Alexandre Papaemmanuel, enseignant à Sciences Po, directeur défense, renseignement et sécurité au sein d’une entreprise du numérique, auteur (avec Floran Vadillo) de Les Espions de l’Élysée (Tallandier, 2019). Jean Guisnel, journaliste, auteur de Histoire secrète de la DGSE (Robert Laffont, 2019). Episode 1 : L’entrée dans la clandestinité Comment les clandestins de la DGSE sont-ils recrutés, formés? Quelles sont leurs motivations pour ce mode de vie hors-normes? Episode 2 : Sur le terrain À quoi ressemble la vie d’un clandestin sur le terrain ? Episode 3 : La vie du Service Comment la DGSE gère-t-elle les clandestins envoyés sur le terrain ? Episode 4 : Le retour à l’ordinaire Comment les clandestins se réadaptent-ils à la vie après le terrain? Episode 5 : La guerre secrète Quel est le rôle du renseignement dans la rivalité internationale ? Le cyber permet-il la poursuite de la clandestinité par d’autres moyens ? Ce podcast est produit par TOE - The Oligarchs Editions et Canal +, il a été écrit et réalisé par Pauline Blistène, Samuel Dekyndt a assuré la prise de son, Basile Catelin le montage et le conseil sonore, Antoine Caracci l’habillage et le mixage. Le Bureau des Légendes créé par Eric Rochant, produit par TOP - The Oligarchs Productions et Federation Entertainment est une création originale Canal+. Retrouvez tous les épisodes en exclusivité sur . Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Il Cinema Colpisce Ancora

Michela Gorini

In questa nuova stagione, denominata "Il Club dei 39" parliamo dei 39 film da vedere...prima della fine del mondo. Un programma in onda tutti i lunedì sera alle 21.00 su RadioFlyWeb Si ringraziano Francesco Menici per le musiche e Lara Mengozzi per la voce della sigla

ANSA Cinema: ieri, oggi, domani


Un podcast che aiuta a scegliere tra i film in sala nel fine settimana, attraverso la presentazione delle trame, degli attori e delle curiosità legate al film, ma non solo. E' un podcast che parla del cinema di ieri, di oggi e di domani.

Malati di Cinema


Malati di Cinema - Ogni martedì ore 22:00 in diretta su Radio Roma Capitale FM 93 mhz - streaming Facebook - Twitch - Youtube - whatsapp 393.793.93.93 Regia Audio/Video : Stefano Terranera Conduttore & Ideatore : Fabrizio Eleuteri Speaker : Luigi Tenzi & Federico Bagnoli Rossi

History of Animation

Chelsea Thomas

This is a podcast about the amazing history of the animation medium. We will look at the people, technology, and characters that have shaped animation till now. So if you love animation or history please join us on this inspiring look through the past.

'You Talkin' to Me?’ Film Podcast


What if you'd never seen film classics like Casablanca or Blade Runner or Apocalypse Now? What would your reaction be if you watched these films now for the first time?'You Talkin' to Me?' is a podcast project that shares unseen classic movies and records the results.The best films shared, viewed for the first time and discussed. 

Deconstructing Disney

Rachel Casey, Erin Casey

Two life-long Disney fans take on the Disney film catalog, beginning with the animated features, and discuss with a critical lens. New episodes the first Tuesday of every month. @DeconDisney on social media.


Emanuele Rauco

La storia del cinema vista dai margini. Un podcast di Emanuele Rauco Sigla: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

The Movies That Made Me

Trailers From Hell, Josh Olson, Joe Dante

Filmmakers and entertainers discuss the movies that inspired them. Hosted by Oscar nominated screenwriter and TFH Guru Josh Olson and fearless leader himself, director Joe Dante. The Movies That Made Me is recorded live in Hollywood and engineered by film composer Don Barrett.

Talking Simpsons

Join your friends Bob Mackey and Henry Gilbert for a chronological and cromulent exploration of the greatest show ever made! Each week we're joined by funny guests to tackle a different episode of The Simpsons, breaking down every 22 minutes of animated entertainment into an embiggening discussion about Our Favorite Family. Support us directly at

And the Runner-Up Is

Kevin Jacobsen

"And the Runner-Up Is" is the Oscar history podcast that highlights past races at the Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress. Host Kevin Jacobsen and special guests break down why winners won, why losers lost, and which films and contenders were the likely runners-up, falling just short of taking home the gold.

Love is a Crime

Vanity Fair & Cadence 13

It’s one of the wildest scandals in Hollywood history: In 1951, major Hollywood producer Walter Wanger (Jon Hamm) went to prison for shooting an agent who he suspected was having an affair with Joan Bennett (Zooey Deschanel), Wanger’s actress wife. When the dust settled, Wanger was accepted back into Hollywood’s inner circle with open arms, while a puritan panic virtually ended Bennett’s career in movies and her family would never be the same. How did Joan — the youngest member of one of America’s most famous acting families, and one of the key femme fatales of 1940s film noir — end up a real-life fallen woman, paying a public price for her husband’s crimes? In this limited podcast series, Joan and Walter’s granddaughter/filmmaker Vanessa Hope, and film historian/podcaster Karina Longworth (You Must Remember This), tell the untold story of the Bennett/Wanger romance and professional partnership — a film noir played out in real life.

Film Stories with Simon Brew

Simon Brew

Film Stories with Simon Brew is a podcast that looks to dig into the stories behind popular movies.From troubled productions, to rights issues, to difficulties with release to films nearly falling apart, the podcast will be looking at the stories that don't always seem apparent when watching a movie! The podcast is hosted by Simon Brew, the founder of Den Of Geek. You can find Simon at


Earwolf, Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson

Each week actor & comedian Paul Scheer (Black Friday, The League) and film critic Amy Nicholson (New York Times, Washington Post) break down the greatest films of all time. From the classics, to new releases and every indie film in-between. Along the way, they’ll dissect iconic scenes, spotlight their favorite characters, and talk to some of the actors and directors who worked on these classics. Join Paul and Amy every Thursday as they “Unspool” a new film and decide if it still stands the test of time.

L'Universo Marvel spiegato a mio padre - Il Podcast Italiano sul Marvel Cinematic Universe

Facto Media

Ci fu un’idea. Quella di mettere insieme un gruppo di persone straordinarie, e creare l’universo narrativo più celebre ed importante che storia la storia abbia mai visto. Questo podcast è il primo portale italiano completo sul Marvel Cinematic Universe e tutti i suoi progetti. Io sono Leonardo Rinella (@serafino_gubio96), e ti guiderò in questo viaggio.

Good Fellas

Giuseppe e Alfredo

Good Fellas è un podcast che parla di cinema, serie tv e tutto ciò che riguarda il mondo dell'intrattenimento, sempre con ironia e senso dell'umorismo

Nuovi Incubi

Marika Paracchini & Lucia Patrizi

Un Podcast che si occupa del cinema horror del XXI secolo e delle sue infinite diramazioni.


Cult Pop

“Oltre”, il nuovo podcast della famiglia di Cult Pop a cadenza quindicinale che parla di cinema horror! È un podcast sul cinema horror che cerca di abbattere gli stereotipi legati al genere e mira a far avvicinare più persone possibile a questo tipo di cinema.

Wool-Shift-Dust watches Beacon 23


Between Silo seasons, Wool-Shift-Dust is exploring the outer sectors of the galaxy with the newest Hugh Howey sci-fi adaptation to hit the screen: *Beacon 23* , airing on MGM+. We'll be covering the full season, a few episodes at a time.Meanwhile, our ongoing *Dune* retrospective goes deep into what makes a good adaptation, with the book many call the most important work of science fiction ever, the unadaptable yet often adapted Dune – from the book to the movies you know and the ones you probably missed, we get into the lore, philosophy, filmmaking, and Sting's winged speedo (we have some laughs, too).Also, listen back to our Halloween *Edgar Allan Poe* and *The Fall of the House of Usher* coverage, and our weekly breakdowns of *Silo* , Apple TV+’s dystopic scifi thriller, from two different perspectives: book reader Elysia, and show only Luke, with spoilers only up to the episode discussed and equivalent parts of the book. *Coming this holiday season* : Wool-Shift-Dust explores the world of It's a Wonderful Life *Coming in Jan* : Wool-Shift-Dust studies The Three-Body Problem Find us on Twitter: Elysia Brenner: @elysiacb ( ) Luke Middup: @LUKEMIDDUP ( ) And Discord: Email us: Join the Wool-Shift-Dust bookclub: Published by The Lorehounds. (c) Elysia Brenner 2023

Gli Archivi del Noir

Noir in Festival

Lasciatevi guidare dai direttori del Noir in Festival, Marina Fabbri e Giorgio Gosetti, che dal loro quartier generale racconteranno i libri, personaggi, film ed epoche storiche di un genere senza tempo: il Noir.

La Scuola Romana


پادکست چکاوا

chakava | چکاوا

چکاوا پادکستی درباره گویندگی و دوبله می باشد. در این پادکست درباره دوبلورهای پیشکسوت و حرفه ای و گویندگان جوان صحبت می شود. از تاریخ دوبله و گویندگی سینما و تلویزیون و رادیو تا استودیوهای دوبله و نریشن و همچنین به معرفی کتاب و مقالات مختلف درباره دوبله پرداخته می شود.

Kino Korea

Stephan Fasold

Kino Korea - der Podcast über koreanische Filme und ihre Geschichte. Stephan Fasold spricht mit wechselnden Gästen über alles, was das koreanische Kino ausmacht. Von den Anfängen im 20. Jahrhundert bis hin zur koreanischen Welle (Hallyuwood) der letzten Jahre. 

The Secret History Of Hollywood

Adam Roche

An ongoing series of specially produced histories, bringing to life the stories and secrets that shaped cinema. @moviehistories



Historia de los personajes o acontecimientos reales en las que se basan o inspiran las películas. Twitter ⤵️ Instagram ⤵️ Inicio, hasta programa 32#: Música autor: Javier Suarez Jahzzar Título de música: Siesta Licencia: CC BY-SA Descargar: https://www.

The Video Archives Podcast with Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary

Insertomatic • Video Archives Podcast

Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary invite you to become a customer at Video Archives, the video store where it all began. Joined by their trusty producer Gala Avary, they’ll travel back in time to revisit old classics and discover new favorites, pulled from the thousands of actual VHS tapes that Quentin & Roger used to recommend to customers back in the day at the original Video Archives store in Manhattan Beach. From controversial James Bond films to surprising exploitation flicks, the Video Archives team will expose you to movies you didn't know you'd love, give awards to their favorites, and of course, rate the quality of the video transfer.

Talking Hitchcock

Rebecca McCallum

A podcast exploring the work and world of Alfred Hitchcock. Created and hosted by Rebecca McCallum

Filmgeschichten - 1 Film, 2 Generationen

Juergen Seibold

1 Film - 2 GENERATIONEN Laura (*1994) und Jürgen (*1971) sprechen über einen Film.  Verschiedene Generationen, verschiedene Meinungen?

The Soundtrack Show


The Soundtrack Show is a look at film scores and soundtracks for some of the most popular movies, TV Shows, Video Games and Theater pieces of all time.

Into A Larger World

Kara DJ

A podcast dedicated to the stories and history of Star Wars fans

Casual Cinecast: Blockbuster Movies to Criterion & Classic Film

Casual Cinemedia

Casual Cinecast is a weekly film and TV podcast where we discuss current movies, watch through the Criterion Collection and much more! Every review has a spoiler free section!

All The Right Movies: A Movie Podcast

All The Right Movies

The best movie podcast around. Full making of stories behind classic and hit films, with big opinions and bigger laughs. Watch and subscribe now.

The Next Picture Show

Filmspotting Network

Looking at cinema's present via its past. The Next Picture Show is a biweekly roundtable by the former editorial team of The Dissolve examining how classic films inspire and inform modern movies. Episodes take a deep dive into a classic film and its legacy in the first half, then compare and contrast that film with a modern successor in the second. Hosted and produced by Genevieve Koski, Keith Phipps, Tasha Robinson and Scott Tobias.



The CineNation Podcast analyzes the histories and tropes of film genres and why we love them.

The Final Girls: A Horror Film History Podcast

Anna Bogutskaya

A weekly podcast dedicated to exploring horror film history, one trope at a time. Each series we dissect a trope to death through deep dive conversations hosted by film writer Anna Bogutskaya.

Weekend at Bergman's

Forever Dog

Arthouse movies vs Mainstream movies. It’s a high stakes showdown every week on Weekend at Bergman’s as Forever Dog co-founders and movie lovers Brett Boham and Joe Cilio watch an arthouse movie and mainstream movie that share a theme and have to decide which one they liked better. And they have to be honest. The Seventh Seal vs Weekend at Bernie’s! The Red Shoes vs Showgirls! Gummo vs Home Alone! The winning movies enter the canon and the losing movies enter the trash canon and Brett and Joe can never watch them again for the rest of their lives. Produced by the Forever Dog Podcast Network.

Talking Bay 94: Star Wars Interviews

Star Wars

TALKING BAY 94 is the only Star Wars podcast solely devoted to interviews with the cast, crew and creators from a galaxy far, far away. Join host Brandon Wainerdi (huge DVD special feature dork), for a weekly deep dive into some never-before-heard stories from the set and Skywalker Ranch. From background aliens to some of the biggest stars in the universe, TALKING BAY 94 will be trying to talk to them all, every Wednesday.

Leggende e misteri del cinema

Danilo Bruni

“Il Cinema è un’invenzione meravigliosa! Si vede la realtà in tutte le sue forme! Un miracolo di ingegneria!” Queste le reazioni più frequenti del pubblico entusiasta. Ma c’erano anche gli oppositori: chi apparteneva alle classi più agiate pensava che la fotografia animata fosse un divertimento da fiera popolare e alcuni rappresentanti del clero erano addirittura convinti che le emozioni che suscitava nel pubblico fossero peccaminose. Possiamo dire, quindi, che l’avvento del Cinema ebbe una notevole influenza sulla vita di tutti. Danilo Bruni, attore, doppiatore e regista, ha fatto parte per molti anni della Compagnia di Prosa della Rai, nelle sedi di Roma e di Torino. Ha mantenuto una grande passione per la prosa alla radio e dal 2015 con il Centro D, la scuola in cui si è formato, tiene un corso sulle tecniche di recitazione al microfono, sulla realizzazione di effetti sonori e sul montaggio e missaggio di voci, musiche e “rumori”. A questi podcast partecipano attori, ex allievi del Centro D e gli allievi che attualmente frequentano il corso “In Onda!” Leggende e misteri del cinema. Dal 20 settembre, ogni mercoledì, una nuova puntata!


Jessica camargo

Historia de la fotografía

Hollywood Party

Lauren Semar

Each week we explore a famous figure from Old Hollywood and decide if we would like to party with them. Support this podcast:

Gli Aggiustafilm

Gli Aggiustafilm

Gli aggiustafilm è un podcast sui film italiani riusciti a metà. In ogni episodio Damiano Gerli ed Enrico Viticci rivisitano e discutono con ironia un film italiano del passato, immaginando come avrebbe potuto essere migliore. Perché c'è sempre qualcosa di aggiustabile.

It Was A Sh*t Show

It Was A Sh*t Show

Why did it take so long to make a Simpsons movie? Did Ed Harris really almost drown on The Abyss? How many times have they attempted to reboot Batman? And who thought Ugly Sonic was a good idea?Well, making stuff is hard. Especially in the entertainment world where big egos, bigger budgets, and just plain bad luck can make things go horribly wrong.In each episode of It Was a Sh*t Show, hosts Ian, Rae, and Clint dive into the unbelievable behind-the-scenes stories of disastrous, never-ending, and often dangerous productions. * New episodes on Wednesdays* Full video versions of Deep Dives can be seen on YouTube* Follow us on on social media @ItWasAShtShow Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Storie da Hollywood

Murph Magazine

Cosa si cela dietro una vita da copertina? Sfumature, cadute e risalite, successi e sconfitte. raconteremo le storie e le persone che hanno reso grande il Cinema e la sua "chiesa" più ambita, Hollywood.

The LexG Movie Podcast

LexG Podcast

A podcast for former comic and beloved film historian LexG to just ramble on and reminisce about beloved movie favorites, with the occasional new review.


Дарья Садовая

Трансмедийный проект о теории и истории кинематографа

Asian Cinema Film Club

Brainstew Productions

A bi-weekly podcast which aims to provide an introduction to the exciting world of Asian cinema. Each episode sees Elwood and Stephen highlighting a diffrent film worth discovering aswell as discussing a wide variety of topics relating from Actor / director profiles through to exploring the more random aspects of this facinating field.

It Happened In Hollywood

The Hollywood Reporter

On this podcast, Seth Abramovitch, senior writer at The Hollywood Reporter, takes you behind the scenes of the indelible pop culture moments that shaped Hollywood history — with special guests who were actually there. In a town where everything old is eventually new again, Seth gives listeners a front-row seat to the way things were. Welcome to IT HAPPENED IN HOLLYWOOD! Theme music composed by: Paul Masvidal and Sean Malone


Treksperts Podcast Network

The Queer Quadrant

The Queer Quadrant

Four-quadrant films are movies designed to appeal to the biggest, widest audience possible. In the process, they can often leave out a lot of LGBTQ+ representation – but end up loaded with subtext. In The Queer Quadrant, hosts Brooke Solomon and Jordan Gustafson examine cinema in all its cultural contexts, and explore why your favorite four-quadrant blockbuster is maybe…not as straight as you think it is.

Alabarde Spaziali

La Cappella Underground

Alabarde Spaziali. 60 anni di Festival e Fantascienza a Trieste è la mostra che celebra il sessantesimo anniversario della nascita del Festival Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza di Trieste (1963-1982), il “nonno” dell’attuale Trieste Science+Fiction Festival, che si teneva nelle sere di luglio proprio nel cortile del Castello di San Giusto. La mostra è realizzata dal Comune di Trieste – Assessorato alle Politiche della Cultura e del Turismo in co-organizzazione con La Cappella Underground, con il sostegno della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, della Fondazione CRTrieste, de Le Fondazioni Casali e con la collaborazione di Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste.

رادیو سانسور

Salman Khorshidi

پشت هر فیــــــــلم ، یک داستان جذاب و پر حــــــــــاشیه وجود دارد رادیو سانسور در هر اپیزود چگونگی تولید یکی از فیلمــــــهای تاثیر گذار تاریخ سینمای ایران را برای شما روایت خواهد کرد Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

SpyHards - A Spy Movie Podcast

Scott Hardy & Cam Smith

The Projection Booth Podcast

Weirding Way Media

The Projection Booth has been recognized as a premier film podcast by The Washington Post, The A.V. Club, IndieWire, Entertainment Weekly, and Filmmaker Magazine. With over 600 episodes to date and an ever-growing fan base, The Projection Booth regularly attracts special guest talent eager to discuss their past gems, including Ellen Burstyn, Willem Dafoe, Joe Dante, Bruce Dern, Chris Elliott, William Friedkin, Jeff Goldblum, Elliott Gould, Ed Harris, John Landis, Dolph Lundgren, Michael Palin, Sir Tim Rice, Julie Taymor, John Waters, and more. The podcast features discussions of films from a wide variety of genres with in-depth critical analysis. Visit us at Become a supporter of this podcast:

The Woody Allen Pages Podcast

William Miller

The story behind every Woody Allen film. Find out how each film got made, with plenty of trivia. From the person who created The Woody Allen Pages website.

TUTTO TOTO' HD Altadefinizione

Fabrizio Sparta

Il primo Podcast dedicato al Principe della risata Antonio De Curtis in arte Totò. Le scene più belle dei suoi film in formato audio con titolo del film, anno di produzione e la scena descritta dopo l'hashtag, da ascoltare quando e dove si TTHD Altadefinizione.

Chasing Labels

Steven Billings & Andrew Cabral

Escritores da liberdade: O aluno, o professor e a educação.

Verônica Dias

O podcast traz algumas perspectivas do filme “Escritores da liberdade” e como ele dialogo com a formação docente atuando nas salas de EJA.

The Kubrick Series

Jamey DuVall

The Kubrick Series includes in-depth analysis and recounts of the Stanley Kubrick canon from Fear and Desire to The Shining, as well as over 60 interviews with his collaborators, friends and assorted critics and analyists, including Matthew Modine, Vincent D'Onofrio, Leon Vitali, James B. Harris, Malcolm McDowell and many others.

Cult Cinema Circle

Jesse Krempel

This podcast is all about cult classic films that span all different genres (horror, comedy, drama, etc.) I give behind-the-scenes tidbits, plot summaries, and share my own opinions of the films I cover. I also sometimes bring fun guests onto the shows to talk about some of their favorite cult classic movies. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Rated H

The Gaff Network

A semi-regular horror podcast for horror fans.

Too Much Information


'Too Much Information' is a new iHeartRadio podcast that gives you the secret history, behind-the-scenes details and little-known fascinating facts about your favorite movies, music, TV shows and more. The series is brought to you by two trivia titans with too much free time. Jordan Runtagh and Alex Heigl are big-time pop culture nerds and longtime listicle writers who've worked at Rolling Stone, People, Entertainment Weekly, VH1, and Page Six. Now they're let off the leash and ready to dive deep into a different beloved entertainment classic three times a week. Get ready for everything you never knew about 'Rugrats,' 'Hook,' "Dancing Queen," Sonic the Hedgehog, 'Jeopardy,' 'Top Gun,' 'Jagged Little Pill'...The list goes on, and so will these guys. But in a good way. Promise. 

Retro Ramble

George McGhee & Charlie McGhee

Retro Ramble is a movie podcast and blog from the Brothers McGhee. Join George and Charlie McGhee as they review the TV and Films of their youth and discuss why many are still relevant and worth revisiting today. Warning: contains explicit language and poor impressions.

Sunburnt Screens: The Australian Cinema Odyssey

Umbrella Entertainment

Join Alexei Toliopoulos on a journey through the landscape of Australian cinema. Celebrating classics, unearthing rare cinematic rediscoveries and conversations with some of Australia’s greatest filmmakers.  From the gonzo mavericks of the Ozploitation era, to the re-discovery of our lost classics, to our complex works of queer filmmaking and our new wave of Australian filmmakers, no stone is left unturned Each episode of Sunburnt Screens is accompanied by a curated selection of films on BROLLIE, the free streaming service from Umbrella Entertainment specialising in cult cinema, curated discovery and Australian independent film.  Sunburnt Screens is a collaboration between Umbrella Entertainment, Brollie and DM Podcasts

Calling Old Hollywood

Calling Old Hollywood

Host & Producer Kat Lively brings you a sentimental deep dive into Hollywood's most glamorous era, with the legends in Film, Television, and Music history who lived it.


Himank Yadav

Sprite impacts Boeing

The Plot Thickens

TCM & Novel

Our fifth season is Decoding John Ford, a seven-episode series about cinema's most mysterious auteur. Using scores of never-before-heard archival interviews, host Ben Mankiewicz strips back John Ford's self-spun mythology to reveal his brilliance behind the camera – alongside the often ugly, uncomfortable truths about his life and movies, asking whether we can ever truly separate art from the artist. Decoding John Ford starts June 6.

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone

Adrya Cristyne Matos

Trabalho escolar de Adrya Cristyne, Laura Helena, Caio Henrique, Marina Maria e Isadora Lorraine. Turma de Meio Ambiente 2A - T1

Историс: Саундтрек

Историс: Саундтрек

"Саундтрек" - программа, выходящая больше 15 лет в эфире Радио России и Радио Культура. Это история создания фильма и саундтрека к нему. В основном песенного саундтрека. Иногда с уклоном в историю фильма, а иногда с уклоном в саундтрек. В основе одного выпуска - 5 песен из картины (если там было пять). Большие фильмы или саундтреки дробятся на несколько программ. Маленькие объединяются в одну программу-сборник. Меня зовут Андрей Куренков. Добро пожаловать! Поддержать проект: СБЕР 4276 3800 3702 4580 ЯНДЕКС 4100116346222277

The House Of Hammer

The Gaff Network

The House Of Hammer Podcast - A Definitive Guide Of The Films, The Figures & The Folklore Of One Of The 20th Century’s Greatest Cinematic Legacies Brought to you by Adam Roche, Ben Taylorson, Cev Moore and Smokey

El Contador de Películas


Cine y series en un podcast semanal sobre lo que ocurre frente y detrás de la pantalla. Historias sobre gente que hace películas, las sueña, las ve. Libreto y conducción del escritor y guionista Daniel Villalobos.

The Post Cast

J3 Filmworks

The Post Cast Podcast takes a look at films, filmmakers, and the film industry from the post-production perspective. As working professionals with multiple films and tv credits under our belts, we like to break down the technical and sometimes mysterious process of television and film editing.

Genre Geschehen

Daniel Schröckert, André Hecker, Tino Hahn, PodRiders Netzwerk

Genre Geschehen ist der Film-Podcast für alle Sucher, Spürnasen und Trüffelschweine. Abseits der gängigen Sehgewohnheiten wühlen sich Daniel Schröckert, André Hecker und Tino Hahn durch den etwas anderen Filmstoff, um die Perlen aus den Trögen heraus zu picken und euch wöchentlich in diesem Format zu präsentieren.

The Spaghetti Westerns Podcast

The Spaghetti Westerns Channel

The only podcast dedicated to Spaghetti Westerns and the people who made them.

Pillole di storia del Cinema


Podcast interamente dedicato al cinema e alla sua storia

The Cultworthy Cinema Podcast

Antonio Palacios

Here at The Cultworthy Cinema Podcast we celebrate obscure cinema, highlight cult films and discover new ones! Your host Antonio Palacios will bring you weekly reviews, cult film suggestions and insights to upcoming DVD and Blu-Ray releases. #film #cult #podcast #cinema #movies

Oscar Wild

Sophia Ciminello & Nick Ruhrkraut

Oscar Wild is an entertainment podcast where Sophia Ciminello and Nick Ruhrkraut discuss the latest in film from new releases to old favorites, always counting down to next year's Oscars.

Как смотреть Дзигу Вертова


Как устроены фильмы режиссера и одного из основателей документального кино Дзиги Вертова. Цикл лекций Ассы Новиковой — киноведа, основателя паблика «С красной строки». Подкаст «Электронекрасовки».



Ryan (@molecularlioneI) and Esté (estebzz_) go through the filmography of Robert Altman one by one. Join in for the fun discussions and interesting guests as we explore some of the finest movies ever made.

The Midnight Myth Podcast

Derek Jones and Laurel Hostak

Derek & Laurel dish on myths, history, pop culture and more as they explore universal themes in storytelling. From Game of Thrones and Harry Potter to the Marvel Universe and Star Wars, we've been making pop culture sound smart since 2017. Support this podcast:

עושים מזה סיפור


מה מסתתר מתחת למכסה המנוע של הסיפורים הגדולים? מה הסודות והשטיקים של יוצרי הקולנוע, הטלוויזיה, הספרות והגיימינג הגדולים בעולם? איך כל זה קשור למציאות של כולנו - בחדשות, בפוליטיקה ובעסקים? מפצחי הסיפורים מעיין רוגל ונועם פיינהולץ עושים מזה סיפור.

Scream Queen

Federica Cremonini

Scream Queen è un podcast di Federica Cremonini (Instagram: federica.cremonini) sul cinema horror. In ogni episodio si analizzerà un film rappresentativo del genere, passando per i sottogeneri dello slasher, del body horror, del sovrannaturale e molti altri ancora.

Settima Arte

Marta Fornari

Podcast sui protagonisti della Storia del Cinema per gli studenti di Audiovisivo del Liceo Artistico Midossi

Surely You Can't Be Serious Podcast

Surely You Can't Be Serious Productions, LLC

The pinnacle of infotainment! Crazy stuff you didn’t know about the greatest movies and music of the 80’s, 90’s, and beyond. Hilarity ensues as a research professor and a pop culture savant are pitted against each other in a debate to determine what entertainment icons of film, music, and games are the best of the best of Generation X.

Vanguard of Hollywood

Shannon Allen

A Feel-Good Classic Hollywood Podcast | This uplifting Classic Hollywood podcast offers inspirational insights into the films of the Golden Age & the stars who made them great.

Kvikmyndapod: An Icelandic Cinema Podcast

Rob Watts

Halló! Kvikmyndapod is a film discussion podcast that journeys through the cinema of 21st century Iceland celebrating the unique films made in Iceland and the film-makers behind them. Each week Rob (a big fan of Iceland) and Ellie (a relative newbie to all things Iceland) tackle a single movie and chat about it. From comedies to documentaries to horror films, the podcast looks at what makes them specifically Icelandic as well as how they fit into the wider world of film. Get in touch:

All The Best Pictures

Matthew Vivian

Join Matthew Vivian and Jack McMahon as we watch every Academy Award Best Picture Winning Film. Hopefully along the way, we'll learn a little about Hollywood history and have a laugh or two.

Sibling Cinema

Bonnie and Dennis

Welcome to Sibling Cinema! Dennis and Bonnie are siblings and we're here to talk movies! Dennis is an obsessive cinephile and Bonnie is a super casual movie watcher. In this series we are embarking on a countdown of the Academy Award Best Picture winners. We aggregated several different lists (our trailer goes into more detail on how) that rank the ninety-four winners of the Best Picture Academy Award in a rough attempt to get a consensus. It is not intended to be rigorous or definitive. It's just a framework to guide our journey through cinema history.


Team VHS

Régulièrement, la Team VHS se retrouve pour défendre du bis, des oeuvres souvent oubliées ou mises de côté pour de bonnes ou mauvaises raisons, des productions un peu grasses voir douteuses qui remplissaient les étagères de nos vidéo-club favoris dans les années 80/90. Tu aimes les productions Cannon et moulines des bras comme Steven Seagal ? Camarade, tu es ici chez toi... Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Just The Discs Podcast

Brian Saur

Just The Discs is a podcast about Blu-rays. Each episode, Brian Saur (of The Pure Cinema Podcast) will go through a stack of discs from various distributors and talk about them.

Dici a me?

Edizioni Intra

Sappiamo riconoscere e apprezzare le ‘parole’ dei film, senza le immagini? Questo podcast ci porta esattamente dentro i film, ma attraverso le ‘parole’: analizzando i più celebri monologhi della storia del cinema, facendoci conoscere la struttura dei testi e ricostruendo la storia della sceneggiatura e del soggetto. Un percorso guidato da Gianluca Sposito, docente e divulgatore, tra i più attivi studiosi della retorica e del linguaggio. “Dici a me?” è un libro e un podcast Edizioni Intra. *** Una giovane e dinamica casa editrice, con oltre 500 titoli (in italiano e inglese) pubblicati in meno di due anni e classifiche Amazon dei grandi classici scalate negli Stati Uniti e in Canada, sbarca nel mondo dei podcast italiani con una serie a cura del direttore editoriale Gianluca Sposito. Intra - Libri, eBook e audiovisivi, tra Innovazione e Tradizione Global readability, Italian charm

To the '90s and Beyond! Film Podcast

Vince Leo

A concise deep-dive look at the films of the 1990s, as well as newer films that were influenced by them. Hosted by Vince Leo, author of the review site

FNI Wrap Chat

HeadStuff Podcasts

Film Network Ireland's Wrap Chat Podcast is the Irish Film Industry Podcast. Hosted and produced by freelancers. Founded by Paul Butler Lennox and Paul Webster in 2017, they were joined in 2020 by an exceedingly talented line up of presenters including Mia Mullarkey, Sean T. O Malley and Remie Clarke and more recently by the indomitable Georgina McKevitt, Mark Monks (who is also our engineer) and Luke Brabazon. It is a show about and for Irish filmmakers of all levels and industry enthusiasts. A library of personal experiences in Irish Film, Animation, Audio and TV. We're also delighted to welcome the wondeful Carla Lennon as a host focusing on the irish Animation industry. We endeavour to bring you regular interviews with the most exciting voices working in the Irish Film and Television industries, from directors and producers to actors and aasting agents to editors and cinematographers. Please Support Fni Wrapchat on Wrap Chat is available on Spotify, Google podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and wherever you get your awesome audio content. FNI@Home is currently bringing you regular online classes and events Please Check out our social media pages: for more #WeAreFni #FNI #YouAreFni

How the West Was 'Cast

A podcast

Whether you grew up watching the movies of John Wayne, cut your teeth on Clint Eastwood’s “Man with No Name” trilogy, or consider Kevin Costner to be the screen’s quintessential cowboy star, HOW THE WEST WAS ‘CAST is just the podcast you’ve been waiting for. Join screenwriter and journalist Matthew Chernov and film historian and professor Andrew Patrick Nelson as they discuss the beloved masterpieces, forgotten treasures, and curious cult movies that make up the Western film genre. From the timeless classics of the 1940s and ‘50s, to the bold and bloody titles of the 1960s and ‘70s, to the prestige Westerns of today, HOW THE WEST WAS ‘CAST explores one of cinema’s most fascinating and enduring genres.

The Artists: Arts, Culture, and Cinema with Suchita Bhhatia

Ep.Log Media

THE ARTISTS podcast started in 2019 with a focus on creators and filmmakers, but, gradually realizing that Artists and Entrepreneurship are two sides of the same coin. Also, realizing that mental health is an important aspect for Artists to thrive. Hence, the gamut of knowledge and inspiration has gone beyond just creating to also building , balancing, sustaining and catapulting. The Artists Podcast endeavors to push and inspire Artists to bloom in all areas of their life by conversing with the best Artists globally.

Time Warp Radio Presents: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie-by-Minute Podcast

Time Warp Radio: Rocky Horror Minute Pod

Time Warp Radio is the original Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie-by-Minute Podcast, where with each seven minutes, we can make you a faaa-aaa-aaaa--a-annnn!🎶 A deep dive introspective of the 1975 cult classic. Is human life meaningless, as the Criminologist implies? Is THIS MOVIE meaningless, as the Criminologist implies? Is it Katie and Hayley's favorite movie? We'll find out! On Wednesdays we watch Rocky! And tune into season two: SHOCK TREAT-MINUTE ✨👽👄

The Hollywood Babylonians

Benjamin Burke

Join your Happy Hollywood History Host, Mr. Benjamin Burke, as he and a friend discuss the history of some of the greatest classic films out of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Become a supporter of this podcast:
