Livio Ricciardi - Est Radio

FACCIAMOLO è un podcast di Livio Ricciardi in collaborazione con Est Radio incentrato sulla divulgazione e il trattamento di tematiche legate a psicologia e sessuologia. L'intenzione principale è quella di sfatare tabù, analizzare aspetti psico-sociali e farsi un paio di risate.


Dottoressa Leni - Psicosessuologa

Leni, Dottoressa in Psicologia Clinica e Master in Sessuologia ed Educazione Sessuale racconta con serietà e ironia il sesso di oggi, perché domani sia un sesso migliore per tutt*. La sessualità è trattata con professionalità, maturità e proprietà di linguaggio. Un viaggio per mano a noi stess* verso l’orgasmo. Il contenuto del Podcast è destinato ad un pubblico adulto. Scrivimi a vengoanchioofficial@gmail.com. Seguimi su Instagram @vengo_anchio_podcast Logo by @chiaraliki.art

The Bad Girls Bible - Sex, Relationships, Dating, Love & Marriage Advice

Sean Jameson

Each week on the Bad Girl's Bible podcast, your host Sean Jameson interviews experts and professionals and everyone in between to teach you the tips and techniques you can use to improve your sex life and relationship or marriage. You'll also learn powerful insights on how to improve your dating and love life.

Girl Core

Halli Smith

Join TikTok sensation Halli Smith as she takes you on a journey of breaking free from societal restrictions and embracing her sexuality on her new podcast. Halli dives deep into taboo subjects related to sex and relationships, providing a refreshing and open perspective on these oftentimes stigmatized topics. With a focus on curiosity and experimentation, Halli encourages her listeners to explore their desires and boundaries both in life and in the bedroom. Through candid conversations, she offers detailed tips and tricks how to be a freak in the sheets. New episodes every Sunday.

Unchained Sex - Sesso Scatenato

Priapo e Afrodite

Discussioni italiane di sesso senza tabù. Un confronto maturo sulle tematiche di cui nessuno parla! Per non perdere neanche un episodio unitevi al canale che vi aggiorna sempre sui nuovi episodi qui: https://t.me/unchained_sex Se avete delle domande da porre ai nostri ospiti o se volete raccontare la vostra storia contattateci tramite Telegram cercando il bot di Unchained Sex o cliccando qui https://t.me/UnchainedSex_bot ----- ⚖️ Tutte le opinioni espresse dai singoli ospiti, in qualunque modo esse vengano manifestate, sono strettamente personali ----- ⏳Podcast running since 2020

1LIVE Intimbereich


In 1LIVE Intimbereich, der Sendung über Sex und Beziehungen, trifft Catrin Altzschner besondere Menschen, um mit ihnen über intime Dinge zu sprechen. Kein Thema ist zu heikel, kein Gespräch zu peinlich, kein Fetisch zu außergewöhnlich – und keine Frage tabu. Ein 1LIVE-Podcast, © WDR 2022

Mai dire maschi

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Mai dire maschi è un podcast della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in cui scrittori, pensatori, influencer e altre figure pubbliche raccontano i tanti modi in cui si può essere maschi per sabotare il patriarcato, prendendosi la libertà di andare controcorrente. Mai dire maschi è condotto da Federica Merenda e realizzato nell’ambito di ENGINE, un progetto che utilizza le tecnologie digitali per contrastare la violenza e la discriminazione di genere, coordinato da Anna Loretoni e co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea tramite la call CERV-2021-DAPHNE.

Brave Mai

Brave Mai - Gli Ascoltabili

Le Brave Mai sono pronte a trascinarvi nel magico mondo del sesso tra donne. Come? Come solo loro sanno fare: con racconti in prima persona, ironici e spudorati, che cercano di sfatare tutti i luoghi comuni, i falsi miti sulle lesbiche e gli stereotipi che ruotano intorno al piacere femminile. Una produzione de Gli Ascoltabili. 

LADYLIKE - Die Podcast-Show: Der Talk über Sex, Liebe & Erotik

Yvonne & Nicole

LADYLIKE - Die Podcast-Show: Der Talk über Sex, Liebe & Erotik.

Hot Mamas Show

Hot Mamas Show

Секс теревені від ґаздинь секс крамниці Hot Mamas Shop та їх гостей Наша крамниця: https://www.instagram.com/hotmamas_shop/ По ділових і не дуже питаннях: hotmamas.show@gmail.com


ZM Podcast Network

Season two has landed! Somatic sexologist Morgan Penn and ZM's Hayley Sproull are back to delve deeper into the world of sex and kink.   Morgan is putting her body on the line again to find out what’s on offer sexually in Aotearoa, New Zealand.   From sex clubs to happy endings, season two promises to be juicy.   Listeners are encouraged to not be passive in this listening experience but to participate with homeplay (homework) that Morgan has set. It links back to a topic they have discussed in that episode with the aim that everyone can expand their sexual selves. Hayley reports back in the following episode how her Homeplay went. New episodes are out every Hump Day (Wednesday). Wild Secrets is the proud sponsor of the sex.life podcast. With 30 years’ experience behind the scenes and between the sheets helping Kiwi’s live their best sex.life Wild Secrets have the biggest range and best prices.  Use promo code sex.life for a 20% discount on your next purchase at wildsecrets.co.nz! Morgan Insta: @morganthesexologist  Hayley Insta: @hayleysproull  ZM Podcast Network @ZMOnline  Part of the ZM Podcast Network: linktr.ee/zmpodcastnetwork

Sesso: è permesso?

Susanna Sartori

Ti racconto di sesso, ma non ti insegno il sesso. In questo tempo che tu scegli di condividere con me, parlo di ognuno di noi. Parlo delle nostre storie, indossando gli occhiali dell’altro. È un viaggio di consapevolezza nella sessualità: non è il sesso a raccontare di te, ma sei tu a raccontare il tuo sesso. Mettiti in ascolto. Prima di te e poi di me. Scritto da Susanna Sartori, psicologa e sessuologa, Interpretato dalla voce di Marella Motta. Musiche originali, sound design, editing e montaggio: Fabrizio D'Elia Distribuito da Another Music Records Photo credits: Melinda Hall

In Bed With Alexa

Alexa Andre

Welcome to ”In Bed With Alexa,” the podcast where psychologist and sexologist Alexa Andre (@sexwithalexa) explores the diverse realms of sexuality, dating, non-monogamy, queerness, and effective communication. Join candid conversations, expert insights, and real-life stories for a sex-positive and inclusive exploration of intimacy.

Savage Lovecast

Dan Savage

Dan Savage, America's only advice columnist, answers your sex questions and yaps about politics. To record a question for Dan to be answered in a later podcast, record your question and send it to Q@Savage.Love, or call 206-302-2064. For a much longer version of the show, with no ads, visit savage.love and get yourself a subscription.

Sex With Emily

Dr. Emily Morse

Dr. Emily Morse shares her expertise on sex, relationships and everything in between! Submit your questions to Emily at sexwithemily.com/ask-emily. For more sexy fun, visit sexwithemily.com and our online store shop.sexwithemily.com. Order her new book today: SMART SEX: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your Pleasure.

Club Privé

Luca Anselmi

Podcast dedicato ai rapporti di coppia,alle relazioni e alla sessuaità "non convenzionale" (scambismo, threesome e molto altro). Autobiografico. Nuove puntate ogni lunedì a partire dalle 8. Chat Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/80DBiMhcr2AyYmJk FB e IG (podcast): @Club Privé Podcast FB e IG (personali): @lucaanselmicomedy https://allmylinks.com/lucaanselmi

Sex and Happiness

Laurie Handlers

Dive into a world where amazing sex is just around the corner and happiness is available to everyone! Join Laurie Handlers as she explores sex from every angle -- rediscovering hot sex with your spouse, deepening intimacy after having children, talking to your kids about sex and to your partner about infidelity - and learning, asking, chatting about, and most of all, having great sex. You deserve to share real intimacy and to experience real happiness. That's why you absolutely must listen to Laurie every week!

PRN Podcast


Il podcast di PRN, la rivista italiana dei pornonauti per i pornonauti. Tre conduttori, accompagnati sempre da un ospite, vi accompagnano in questo viaggio nel mondo del porno e del sesso.

Im Namen der Hose - der Sexpodcast von PULS

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Sex kann so gut, Sex kann so vieles sein. Aber wie finden wir heraus, was wir wollen, was wir mögen und wie wir es bekommen? Wir müssen drüber reden! Für Ariane Alter und Kevin Ebert gibt es keine doofen Fragen, keine komischen Praktiken oder Tabus. Im Sexpodcast "Im Namen der Hose" sprechen sie mit Expert:innen, mit Gäst:innen und vor allem mit euch, um gemeinsam klarzukommen. Sie erzählen von eigenen Erfahrungen, räumen auf mit Vorurteilen und gehen raus an Orte, an denen es auch mal spicy wird. Das Motto: Deepe Themen, viel Humor und am Ende sind wir alle ein bisschen schlauer. Damit wir Sex gleichberechtigt und selbstbestimmt ausleben können. Jeden Samstag, überall wo es Podcasts gibt.

Pillow Talks

Vanessa & Xander Marin

Meet Vanessa and Xander Marin, your new BFF couple friends! She’s a sex therapist with 20 years of experience and he’s a regular dude. Together they’re the shockingly open, slightly nerdy, and seriously funny couple you want to grab sushi with. They share the ups and downs in their relationship while giving you step-by-step techniques for improving yours. Subscribe for your weekly double date full of totally do-able sex tips, practical relationship advice, hilarious and honest stories of what really goes on behind closed bedroom doors, and so much more. It’s the sex education you WISH you’d had!

E' il Sesso, Bellezza!

Giulia Di Quilio

Il tradimento, il calo del desiderio, il sesso in gravidanza, i sogni erotici, la masturbazione, le insicurezze legate al corpo, i sexy toys... E’ vero che noi donne oggi, viviamo il sesso e il corpo con maggiore consapevolezza rispetto al passato, sicuramente ci sono meno pregiudizi ma, di contro, un approccio esplicito e aperto alla materia sessuale mi sembrava ancora non molto frequentato e, soprattutto, non scontato... Così per i miei primi quarant’anni ho deciso di farmi un regalo: la licenza di dire tutto, anche quello che non so o... ho paura di sapere. Un racconto in prima persona, in bilico tra distacco ironico e sincerità spudorata, speranza negli astri e incapacità di scegliere, limiti autoimposti e attacchi alla morale comune.


Diane Deswarte & Margaux Terrou

Nous sommes Diane & Margaux, sexologues, et nous sommes heureuses de vous présenter : Basium. Basium, c’est un podcast qui a pour but de parler de sexualité ultra simplement. Basium ça veut dire embrasser en latin, et à l’oreille on entend bien la base. Les fondamentaux, la simplicité. Ce podcast, nous l’avons imaginé grâce à vous, celles et ceux que nous accompagnons au quotidien et qui se sentent trop souvent seul(e)s. Basium. Conversations croisées, regard des professionnelles que nous sommes et surtout, histoires de vie.  L’idée est vraiment de s’inscrire dans la révolution sexuelle qui est en train de se jouer, dans la libération de la parole, le côté expert en plus.  Bonne écoute ! --------------------- Nous suivre sur Instagram : @basium.podcast Et n’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à notre newsletter, on vous récapitule les conseils à mettre en place issus du point B (à la fin de l’épisode), ainsi que des références culturelles et des ressources à explorer.  Nous rejoindre sur la newsletter : https://basiumpodcast.substack.com/ Réalisation & Production : Basium Montage & Mixage : Les Belles Fréquences Musique : Les Belles Fréquences Identité graphique : Juliette Poney Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Liebe Leben - Der Podcast

Melanie Mittermaier - Affären-Managerin & Liebes-Coach

Ich unterstütze dich bei allen Herausforderungen, die vor, während und nach einer Affäre entstehen. Ob du fremdverliebt bist, in einer Affäre steckst, oder betrogen wurdest, mit meiner Hilfe verstehst du, was da passiert und kommst raus aus dem Gefühlschaos. Du lernst, wie du deine Beziehung nicht nur rettest (falls ihr das wollt), sondern auch wie du sie verbesserst. Du wirst viele Dinge in einem völlig anderen Licht sehen und deine Perspektive auf Liebe und Partnerschaft für immer verändern. Abonniere Liebe Leben, den Podcast mit dem du dein Leben veränderst! Du willst mehr? Arbeite mit mir: VIP-Einzelcoaching und Paarberatung: https://melanie-mittermaier.de/coaching/

Hormongesteuert – Der Wechseljahre-Podcast mit Dr. Katrin Schaudig

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Wir alle sind hormongesteuert. Hormone regulieren nicht nur die Sexualität, sondern auch Herzschlag, Blutdruck, Atmung und Schlaf. Und wenn sich einige Hormone in der Mitte unseres Lebens langsam verabschieden, kann es Probleme geben. Aktuell sind neun Millionen Frauen in Deutschland in den Wechseljahren. Und doch ist das Thema Menopause unsexy und schambehaftet. Wohl deshalb wurde bislang darüber am liebsten geschwiegen. Doch eine neue Generation Frauen kommt nun in die Wechseljahre und fordert Öffentlichkeit für das Thema. Prominente Frauen reden offen über ihre Probleme, auf sozialen Medien wird mehr und mehr darüber diskutiert. Also höchste Zeit, offen und ohne Scham über die Wechseljahre zu reden. Dieser Podcast will Frauen informieren, mit Tabus und Vorurteilen aufräumen. Zusammen mit der Frauenärztin Dr. Katrin Schaudig bespricht MDR AKTUELL-Moderatorin Katrin Simonsen die vielfältigen Symptome der Wechseljahre. Schaudig ist eine absolute Kennerin der Materie. Sie ist nicht nur Frauenärztin, sondern auch Präsidentin der Deutschen Menopause Gesellschaft. Unter anderem beantworten wir folgende Fragen: Was ist die Perimenopause? Warum können so viele Frauen nicht mehr schlafen? Wie schütze ich mich vor Inkontinenz und Osteoporose? Warum bekommen so viel Frauen auf einmal Bluthochdruck und Diabetes? Für wen eignet sich eigentlich die Hormonersatztherapie? Warum wissen viele Ärztinnen und Ärzte so wenig über die Wechseljahre? Und wir beantworten die ganz spezifischen Fragen unserer Hörerinnen. Schreibt an hormongesteuert@mdraktuell.de.

Just A Reddit Erotic Drama

Midnight Writer

Come here and listen to what Reddit has to offer. Make your ears tingle with the sexy stories written for us by our friends from Reddit. Thank you for listening on today’s story. Make sure to rate and subscribe and spice up your day and night! FREE EROTICA WITH FREE XXX VIDEO CAPTIONS: https://gumroad.com/realifewriter Advertise On my Other Podcasts! : https://fvrr.co/3bK8mY7 
 For Business Inquiries: boredwriterwrites@gmail.com Check it out on: https://linktr.ee/myfriendseroticstories Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfriendseroticstories/

Sex and Psychology Podcast

Dr. Justin Lehmiller

The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at sexandpsychology.com

Lesbian Sex Stories 🌈 Free Lesbian Erotic Audio 🔥


Welcome to Audiodesires. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life. Here you'll find lesbian sex stories featuring sexy tales of women who are unafraid to satisfy their appetites together in our carefully curated podcast collection of erotic lesbian sex stories. Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing. For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, visit us at Audiodesires.

Orgasmic Enlightenment with Kim Anami

Kim Anami

Where the sexual and spiritual come together. Sex and relationship coach and vaginal weight lifter Kim Anami gives you the sex education and orgasms you never had. www.kimanami.com

This Tantric Life with Layla Martin

Layla Martin

This Tantric Life is a podcast created by Layla Martin. The profound conversations throughout This Tantric Life are dedicated to exploring the deep wisdom and practices of Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, and conscious relationships. Join host Layla Martin as she invites her mentors and friends to dive even deeper into the Tantric philosophy and approach that can transform life, intimacy and relationships. Each guest shares their wisdom through deep, thought-provoking conversations that explore the mysteries of conscious living and loving and the opportunity Tantra and Sacred Sexuality present to help us free ourselves. Layla Martin believes Tantra is the last bastion of personal development, and whether you’re a seasoned practitioner of Tantra looking to deepen your practice or simply curious about the intersection between spirituality and sexuality, This Tantric Life with Layla Martin is the perfect podcast to guide you on your journey toward a more fulfilling and meaningful life. This Tantric Life with Layla Martin will inspire you to embrace your truth and awaken your full potential as a human being.

Sesso libera tutti

Donna Moderna

«Per le donne i migliori afrodisiaci sono le parole. Il mio Punto G è nelle orecchie. Colui che cerca più in basso sta sprecando il suo tempo». Isabel Allende Se anche tu stai sprecando il tuo tempo a cercare il Punto G, è il momento di Sesso libera tutti - Le domande che non hai mai avuto il coraggio di fare, la nuova serie di Donna Moderna che, finalmente, dà delle risposte, pratiche, dirette, irriverenti a quelle curiosità che tutte noi abbiamo ma che, per pudore o vergogna, teniamo nascoste.

Brown Girls Do It Too

BBC Sounds

From Dirty Talk to the A to Z of Sex Toys, Poppy and Rubina confess all the funny and intimate details of their sex lives. A South Asian woman still can’t talk openly about her sex life, but Poppy and Rubina are determined to change that, beginning with their own experiences. In this new series of Brown Girls Do It Too, Poppy is continuing on her exploration of non-monogamous dating and Rubina is navigating sex and love as a (relatively) new mother. They continue to break taboos and ask difficult questions such as “Has BDSM become passé?” “Are younger men better in bed?”, or “Is the baby monitor the ultimate mood killer?”. Brown Girls Do it Too is a raucous celebration of sex, love, heartbreak and friendship.

Entre nos lèvres

Céline & Margaux

Bienvenue sur Entre nos lèvres, le podcast qui raconte les vraies histoires autour de la sexualité, mais pas que. Nous sommes Céline et Margaux, et depuis 2018, dans un coin de notre salon, on accueille des inconnu·e·s et on enregistre leurs témoignages. On y décortique ensemble leur enfance, leur éducation, leur rapport au genre, au corps, aux autres, à l’amour, et plus généralement à tout ce qui construit leur définition de la sexualité. Grâce à eux, et après avoir compris qu’il existait de nombreux tracas quotidiens pour lesquels il n’y avait toujours aucune solution saine et efficace, on a décidé de les inventer. Du coup, Entre nos lèvres c’est aussi maintenant une marque de soins qui vous aide au-delà des écouteurs, et accompagne votre sexualité (mais pas que, toujours). Retrouvez-nous sur : Notre boutique en ligne (https://www.entrenoslevres.fr/boutique/). Notre newsletter (https://www.entrenoslevres.fr/inscription). Notre compte Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/entrenoslevres). Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Ach, komm! - der Sex-Podcast

RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland

Ist mein Penis zu kurz? Wie viel Porno braucht es im Bett? Ich werde nicht (mehr) feucht, warum? Fremdgehen oder nicht? Diese und viele weitere Fragen rund um die Themen Sexualität und Beziehung sind auch heute noch - in allen Generationen - mit starker Scham verbunden. Nicht selten mit der Folge, dass die Sexualität darunter leidet, Wünsche offen bleiben, Hemmungen und Barrieren weiter existieren. Doch das muss nicht sein! Bestsellerautorin, Paar- und Sexualtherapeutin Ann-Marlene Henning galt einst als Deutschlands erste Sexologin. Im RND-Podcast "Ach, komm!" will die gebürtige Dänin Unwissenheit und Scham abbauen - im Gespräch mit Caro Burchardt, Teamleitung im RND-Ressort Magazin, greift Henning die drängendsten Fragen auf und scheut auch vor frechen Antworten nicht zurück. Jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge. Impressum: https://www.rnd.de/impressum/

EasyToys • Racconti Erotici


I racconti erotici di EasyToys sono storie che vi faranno brillare le orecchie! Sono storie stuzzicanti scritte e inviate dalla nostra comunità. EasyToys vuole aiutarvi a rendere la vostra vita sessuale ancora più divertente. Con toys eccitanti, lingerie sexy, suggerimenti entusiasmanti e consigli professionali. Volete ancora più ispirazione? Date un'occhiata al nostro sito EasyToys.it

Sesso e volentieri

Valentina Pontello Samantha Anselmo

Una ginecologa sessuologa e un'educatrice sessuale si incontrano per parlare di tabù e falsi miti sulla sessualità e sul corpo femminile, in un programma pensato per persone dall'adolescenza in poi. Valentina Pontello è ginecologa, sessuologa, fitoterapeuta e counsellor. Si occupa principalmente di ginecologia infanzia e adolescenza e di problematiche ormonali. Esercita a Firenze. Su Instagram è @valentinapontello_ginecologa Samantha Anselmo è Esperta in educazione sessuale e agente di vendita nel campo della salute e del benessere sessuale. Su Instagram è @prevenzioneperpiacere

Normalizing Non-Monogamy - Interviews in Polyamory and Swinging

Emma and Fin

Hi! We’re Emma and Fin! We’re a married couple in our thirties who have been exploring non-monogamy for over 15 years. Every week we interview people from across the spectrums of gender, sexuality, and relationship styles to hear their amazing stories. Many of our guests identify as swingers or polyamorous. However, quite a few have redefined non-monogamy in their own way by creating a unique dynamic that works for them. We hope that by giving a voice to the diverse community exploring non-monogamy that we can show people they are not alone and inspire them to embrace their true selves so that, together, we can open minds and live authentically without shame. We hope you enjoy the show and who knows, maybe someday you’ll even be up for sharing your own story. We’d love to hear it!

Il Rimorchio Secondo Gio


Grande Novità! Finalmente è nato il Podcast di SeduzioneAttrazione.com: Il Rimorchio Secondo Gio Di cosa andrò a parlare in questo podcast esattamente? Impossibile da dire in poche righe, ma gli argomenti principali saranno: - Cos’è la seduzione e perchè non dà adito ad interpretazioni ed opinioni - Tutto quello che ti serve per migliorare sia come uomo sia le tue abilità sociali - Tutto quello che i sedicenti guru non ti dicono ma che porta veramente risultati - Argomenti scomodi di cui i maestri del politically correct non hanno il coraggio di parlare ma che sono quelli che veramente ti portano al successo al contrario delle mezze verita annacquate in stile Disney

Dirty Talk

Radio CAP

☣Questo programma tratta di temi sensibili in modo esplicito🔞☣ Ciao a tutti, siamo Jenny e Bianca e questo è Dirty Talk, un programma che tratta la tematica del sesso e di tutto ciò che lo riguarda, senza tabù o censure. In ogni episodio tratteremo una tematica diversa inerente al tema, buon ascolto!

Fallo Meglio

Giovanna Verde

Ciao, sono Giovanna Verde, sessuologa e terapeuta di coppia. Ogni giorno parlo di sessualità e relazioni con donne, uomini e coppie nel mio studio e ho un sogno: che le persone possano finalmente guardarsi negli occhi mentre fanno l'amore, con la sicurezza di potersi esprimere liberamente senza alcun tabù, alla ricerca di un piacere condiviso nel rispetto reciproco e con lo stesso diritto di godere. Questo è Fallo Meglio, un podcast di sessuologia e relazioni di coppia.

Hakeh Sareeh | حكي صريح

Hakawati | حكواتي

الدكتورة ساندرين عطاالله، المتخصصة في الطب و العلاج الجنسي، تكشف النقاب عن الأساطير والمحرمات المتعلقة بالجنس والنشاط الجنسي.



Elena, medico ed educatrice sessuale. In questo podcast, pensato per genitori, educatori e ragazzi, vengono fornite pillole di educazione sessuale

Hot Stories Sexe & sexualité sans filtre 🔥

Bliss Studio

LE podcast qui vient glisser au creux de vos oreilles des récits de sexe et sexualité... sans filtre. HOT STORIES, le podcast by Bliss qui s’enflamme pour une facette souvent cachée de nos vies de femmes… Vous entendrez donc ici des femmes comme vous et moi, qui vous transmettront leur chemin vers une sexualité libre et affranchie ... Elles vous confieront, en toute IN-discrétion, le jour où leur vie sexuelle a embrassé un changement inédit, parfois même interdit... pour mieux laisser leur corps s’embraser... À travers ces histoires croustillantes, qui se racontent habituellement en chuchotant, vous vous sentirez je l’espère déculpabilisées, peut-être émoustillées, pourquoi pas inspirées et je vous le souhaite sincèrement : complètement libérées de ce qui vous empêcherait de réaliser vos désirs les moins assumés... Vous pouvez donc noter dans vos agendas que désormais le mercredi n’est plus seulement le jour des enfants... et rassurez-vous, tout ce qui se passe dans vos écouteurs... reste dans vos écouteurs. Je suis Clémentine Galey, vous êtes ici chez Hot Stories et je vous accueille dans le monde d’une sexualité décomplexée, bienvenue chez Hot Stories...

Geliebte auf Zeit – der Sex-Podcast

Lenia Soley und Luisa

Wie kann das eigentlich sein, dass Sex(-Arbeit) immer noch so stigmatisiert ist?! Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass die meisten Menschen mehr ÜBER Sexarbeitende als MIT Sexarbeitenden reden? Lenia Soley und Luisa sind beste Freundinnen, Geliebte auf Zeit und haben es sich zum Projekt gemacht, das Thema Sex aus der Tabu-Ecke rauszuholen. Mit viel, viel Spaß, Offenheit und Neugier interviewen Luisa und Lenia verschiedene Menschen, die etwas mit dem großen Bereich "Sexarbeit" zu tun haben. Außerdem sprechen sie zu zweit über Sexgeschichten, teilen Sexhacks und reden ganz schambefreit über alles, was zum SEX dazugehört. So hoffen sie, euch da draußen die Möglichkeit zu geben, die beiden etwas kennenzulernen und Vorurteile über diese Branche über den Haufen zu werfen. Luisa: https://luisa-escort-hamburg.de/ Lenia Soley: https://lenia-escort-berlin.de/

LottasLust: Erotische Geschichten


Nach 12 Jahren in einer Beziehung, inklusive 5 Jahre Ehe, befindet sich Lotta mit Ende 20 in Berlin plötzlich dem Single-Dasein ausgesetzt. Eine Reise vom ehemals sicheren Hafen beginnt, wobei sie mit ihrer temperamentvollen Art nie ein Abenteuer verpasst! Dabei begegnet sie nicht nur spannenden Menschen, sondern lernt sich selbst, ihre Lust und das Ding mit der Liebe immer wieder ein Stück besser kennen. Lauscht Lotta, wenn sie aus dem Nähkästchen plaudert und fühlt euch animiert, euch selbst auszuprobieren. Anregungen, Wünsche und Fragen können an post@lottaslust.de geschickt werden.

Arcobaleni Timidi


In ogni episodio racconto un nuovo coming out. Ascolta le prime due stagioni, in attesa della terza. Social, caffè e contatti: https://linktr.ee/sommerso. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/arcobaleni-timidi--5676041/support.

Black Sugar Baby

Call Me Your Good Girl

In Little Space. No one to talk to. No one understands. I don’t wanna be big!! 🙄 🔐🎀

Sacress Woman

Jasmine Alicia Carter

Mi chiamo Jasmine Alicia Carter e sono la fondatrice di Sacress. Sono una madre, una moglie, una pittrice di sangue mestruale e una praticante Tantrica. Se sei pronta a lasciar andare tutte le credenze limitanti che ti stanno trattenendo dal risplendere la tua luce più grande, e sei pronta ad imbarcarti in un viaggio per manifestare l'infinito potenziale della tua femminilità, questo podcast è per te. Condivido tantissimi contenuti dalla mia esperienza verso il risveglio spirituale e sessuale. Benvenuta nel Santuario!


Clue BioWink

Hormones affect everyone and everything: from our skin, to stress, to sports. But for most of us, they're still a mystery. Even the way we talk about hormones makes no sense. ("She's hormonal.") So let's clear some things up. Each week, Rhea Ramjohn is asking scientists, doctors, and experts to break it all down for us. And this season? We're talking about birth control. Season 2 launches Oct 13 with eight weekly episodes.

Chastity Pod

Chastity Pod

Everybody gets h*rny but only a certain kind of person wants to stay that way! Join two chastity enthusiasts Deniedumpling and Locked Fist Monster as they discuss the thrilling world of male chastity and find out why people put their roosters in cages. This content is intended for mature audiences.

Sex Upgraded

Taylor Johnson - Sex Coach for Men

Helping men and their lovers experience the best sex and relationship lives possible.You'll hear wild personal stories, interviews with guest experts, and practical how-to episodes as well.TLDR: In each episode you'll get practical tools & insights you can start using today to improve your sex life AND entire life.Why?Because I (Taylor) used to struggle massively with sex. I never had a good mentor, and my struggle negatively impacted my entire life. Now after a huge journey studying sex around the world, I'm thriving, and I want to help you thrive in your sex life too. Why? Because it feels amazing! AND because the world needs more men who can embody their sexual power with confidence and integrity.Thank you for being here!-Taylor• Web: www.taylorjohnson.life• Insta: www.instagram.com/taylorclarkjohnson• Youtube: www.youtube.com/@taylorclarkjohnson

heart2heart by AMORELIE


Wie funktioniert dieser mysteriöse Orgasmus? Warum reden alle übers "Kommen"? Wie geht man mit Geschlechtskrankheiten um? Warum wird nach einem Date geghosted? Haben auch Männer Versagensängste im Bett? Und was mach ich, wenn meine Beziehung einfach nicht mehr funktioniert? Hast du dich das auch schon einmal gefragt? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In „heart2heart“ spricht Lina über alles, was mit Liebe, Sex und Beziehungen zu tun hat. Ehrlich. Kritisch. Reflektiert. Und das nicht allein: in jeder Episode sucht sie in intimen und unterhaltsamen Gesprächen mit unterschiedlichen Menschen gemeinsam nach Antworten, Erkenntnissen und neuen Wegen, vermeintliche Tabus umzudenken und gesellschaftsfähig zu machen. Das Vorspiel hat dir schon gefallen? Dann geht es jetzt ans Eingemachte! Schreibt uns, was euch bewegt, was ihr uns schon immer sagen wolltet: podcast@amorelie.com Credits: Redaktion: Lina Marie Gralka, Victoria Hippe & Valentina Loria Musik: Mariusz

Ask Women Podcast: What Women Want

Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney

What do a female comic and a professional wing girl have in common? The realistically raw and hilarious perspectives on what women ACTUALLY want in a man. Prepare to be offended and awed as Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney take you through the uncensored and often ridiculous mind of a woman to help you better understand, appreciate, and avoid getting punched by the next girl you come across. Wanna Ask The Girls A Question? Send your questions to ask@askwomenpodcast.com and check out our other dating tools and advice: https://www.winggirlmethod.com and Kristencarney.com/datinghelp Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/AskWomen/support

Relationship Advice

Hosted by: Chase Kosterlitz, Produced by: Sarah Kosterlitz

I Do Podcast interviews today’s most successful and inspiring relationship experts, therapists and couples. Hosted by Chase Kosterlitz and produced by Sarah Kosterlitz, I Do Podcast is all about inspiring young couples to create a fulfilling and happy relationship. The weekly podcast will give you great advice to improve your relationship and fun ways to keep the spark alive. Each episode Chase interviews amazing relationship experts who share their knowledge on building successful and lasting love. The guests provide daily tips to improve your relationship, advice for young couples, amazing books and resources and much more.

How To Talk To Girls Podcast

Tripp Kramer

Tripp Kramer (instagram.com/trippadvice) has been teaching shy men around the world how to date the girls they truly desire by approaching confidently, using openers that really work, starting conversations that are fun and engaging, and closing with her number and planning a date.

Love Lives

The Independent

Love comes in many shapes and forms. People, objects, places, animals, music, and even moments are all capable of sparking those magical feelings within us. In this new video podcast from The Independent, we’ll be speaking to guests about the different loves of their lives, the stories behind them and what that love has taught them about themselves and their place in the world. Because all of us are capable of loving something – and deep down, it’s the things we choose to love, and how we love them, that often reveal the most about who we are. Welcome to Love Lives with Olivia Petter. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/millenniallove. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Club Privé - Sessualità a confronto

Luca Anselmi

In questa nuova stagione del podcast dialogo con vari ospiti su diversi temi legati alla sessualità "non convenzionale" quali: BDSM, Poliamore, Gang Bang, Identità di genere e molto altro

Honeydew Me

Emma Norman & Cass Anderson

Welcome to Honeydew Me, a podcast that goes into the bedroom and beyond with your hosts Emma Norman and Cass Anderson. We believe that everyone deserves to have great sex, feel good in their bodies and love themselves and while we may not be experts, our guests are. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of sex, bodies, confidence, and all those burning questions you've been dying to get answered.

Erotic Audio Stories 💋 by Audiodesires


Welcome to Audiodesires, where sexual wellness meets your pleasure. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life. Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing. For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, create a free Audiodesires account.

Esploratori del sesso insolito 2


Un viaggio alla scoperta degli aspetti più curiosi della sessualità (e di ciò che significano) guidati da Ayzad, giornalista specializzato nella divulgazione dell'eros insolito.

Sessuologando, io vengo dopo Rob!

Loris Patella

Sessuologando, io vengo dopo Rob! Sì, perché parlare di sesso dovrebbe essere facile come quando chiediamo se abbiamo il sole nel segno, facile come quando cerchiamo nell’oroscopo di Rob, su "Internazionale" una speranza che ci faccia pensare: “dai, oggi magari... una gioia!” Io vengo dopo Rob!, perché mi sentirete parlare di sessualità ogni giovedì alle 13.00, perché dopo aver letto il vostro immancabile oroscopo, è importante iniziare ad abituarsi a parlare di sesso! Quali temi? Diciamo il sesso... ché mi sembra già abbastanza! A cura del Dott. Loris Patella, Psicologo e Sessuologo

The Bate Escape


Curious about Solosexuality? You're definitely in the right place! A podcast dedicated to masturbation, self-love, and Solosexual pride! Every two weeks, Beastly sits down and chats with Bators in the masturbation community about sex, life, and all things masturbation. Listening to fun, meaningful conversations about sexuality and join Beastly in working to destigmatize masturbation and embrace a Solosexual lifestyle full of joy and love Hosted by Beastlybator Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thebateescape/support

Strictly Anonymous Confessions

Kathy Kay

Welcome to the Strictly Anonymous Podcast where you get to listen in to the secret lives of total strangers. I talk to real people about their interesting, secret lives as well as give them my unprofessional advice. If you have a secret, interesting life and/or a problem you want to discuss while remaining anonymous, go to my website http://strictlyanonymouspodcast.com/ and click on "Be on the Show" or send me an email Strictlyanonymouspodcast@gmail.com To see anonymous pics of my female guests + gain access to my Discord channel where people get super naughty + get early, ad free access to all episodes, + anonymous confessions+ get early, ad free access to all episodes, join my Patreon. It's only $5 a month and you can cancel at any time. You can sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/StrictlyAnonymousPodcast Have something you want to confess while remaining anonymous? Call the Strictly Anonymous hotline now at 347-420-3579. Lines are open 24/7. Please note, everyones voice will be changed. Sponsors of the show: Want to have better S-E-X?! Who doesn't?! Use Promescent, 15% OFF here https://promescent.com/strictlyanon Hear the hottest stories on Dipsea 30 day FREE TRIAL https://www.dipseastories.com/strictlyanon Have great sex with High Love THC Gummies used code: STRICTLYANON for 15% off plus FREE sleep gummies https://viiahemp.com/ For 20% of your Butter Wellness prostate massager use code: STRICTLY here https://butterwellness.com/ You can get one year supply of DoxyPEP for just $109, here : www.shamelesscare.com/strictly  For advertising opportunities please email strictlyanonymouspodcast@gmail.com

Two Dykes And A Mic

McKenzie Goodwin and Rachel Scanlon

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/two-dykes-and-a-mic/subscribe ”Two Dykes and a Mic” is a weekly queer podcast dedicated to sex positivity, lgbtq dating and building a community filled with laughter and gayness. Hosts Rachel Scanlon and McKenzie Goodwin, two lesbian best friends, keep listeners up to date with “Gay News”, relationship advice with “Ask A Dyke”, dating horror stories with weekly “Bumble Fumbles” and so much more!


Leonie Rachel Soyel, Sinah Edhofer

Beziehungsprobleme, One-Night-Stands, Dating, Sex, Liebe: In ihrem Podcast Couchgeflüster (@couchgeflüster.vienna) diskutieren Influencerin Leonie-Rachel Soyel (@leonie_rachel) und Journalistin Sinah Edhofer (@sinahsinsta) persönliche Themen wie Dating-Gewohnheiten, Unsicherheit in Beziehungen und sexuelle Vorlieben. Mittlerweile zählt Couchgeflüster mit über 6 Millionen Streamings und 100.000 Zuhörer:innen zu Österreichs größten und beliebtesten Podcasts. Kooperationsanfragen sowie alle anderen Anfragen gerne an: pr@leonierachel.com

Ist das normal?


Warum komme ich nicht? Macht Porno süchtig? Und was ist guter Sex? Die Ärztin und Sexualtherapeutin Melanie Büttner und der Wissenschaftsjournalist Sven Stockrahm klären auf – über Mythen, Ängste und Fragen rund um Sex, Partnerschaft und Liebe. Hier geht’s um Fakten, nicht um Anekdoten. Überraschend, wissenschaftlich fundiert und mit spannenden Gäst:innen. Immer montags, alle zwei Wochen. Feedback per Sprachnachricht oder Mail an istdasnormal@zeit.de. Falls Sie uns nicht nur hören, sondern auch lesen möchten, testen Sie jetzt 4 Wochen kostenlos Die ZEIT: www.zeit.de/podcast-abo

The Ace Couple

The Ace Couple

Asexual married couple Courtney and Royce talk about all things Asexuality. By discussing queer culture and history, we'll explore the topics of life, love, and sex through an Ace lens.


Hat Trick Podcasts

Diggory Waite is joined by accredited sex and relationships therapist Cate Campbell to give you the sex education you never got at school. But, unfortunately for Diggory, Cate is also his mum. Have a question about sex or relationships you want answered on the podcast? You can send it into us on Instagram, TikTok or X (formerly known as Twitter) we're @theRSEpod (and follow us there for podcast updates, behind the scenes pictures and exclusive clips!)You can also send them in via this anonymous form https://forms.gle/WX9UnCFyQXw513UE8Or email your questions to podcasts@hattrick.com  This podcast is based on the real-life relationship between the host Diggory Waite and his mother, accredited sex and relationships therapist Cate Campbell. The show is therefore inspired by but otherwise unrelated to the tv show 'Sex Education’. THE REAL SEX EDUCATION is a Hat Trick Podcast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Better in Bed | A Sex & Sexuality Podcast

Sara Tang, Sex Coach

Created by certified sex coach and educator Sara Tang, this podcast features intimate conversations about navigating sex in the modern world. On this frank, informative and lighthearted show, we tackle the taboos that many people commonly experience around sex. Expect banter and open hearted discussions between the hosts and their guests, as we dish up inspiration around how to get Better in Bed. Featured as the Best Sex Podcast on Esquire, The Guardian and more! Tune in now at http://sarasense.com/podcast.

Kinky, Nerdy, and Poly

M & G

Curious about kink? Need to know more about nerds? Puzzled by polyamory? Meet M & G. One allosexual and one asexual. A sadist and a masochist. Transfeminine and transmasculine. Both are kinky, nerdy, and polyamorous. In this podcast we explore the relationship between these three defining features that are interwoven in some evident, and some not so evident, ways. This isn’t your ordinary alternative podcast.

Shameless Sex

Amy Baldwin and April Lampert| Pleasure Podcasts

Amy is a Sex and Relationship Coach and Sex Educator with a passion for promoting unabashed, pleasure-focused sexuality education. April is a motivational speaker, sex toy mogul, as well as one of the leading women in the sex-toy industry. April and Amy combined forces to create the Shameless Sex Podcast, inspiring radical self-love, sexual empowerment, and shame-free intimacy with a playful twist sharing real life experiences and tell all details. Visit www.shamelesssex.com for more. Shameless Sex is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact cameron@pleasurepodcasts.com

X Stories

Wyoh Lee

How do we connect? What makes a mutually satisfying relationship? What are other people into? This is not erotica—these are real human stories. Guests share details of their personal lives and/or work to add emotional context to the confusing experience of attempting to relate to other human beings. The goal? To learn from and more deeply understand one another through exchanges of personal wisdom and experience. The focus is always connection and intimacy in our modern world: relationships, dating, friendship, cultural “norms” and taboos. Conversations explore vulnerability, shame, desire, pleasure, celebration, creative bucket lists, fantasy play spaces, irresistible invitations and so much more. Listen and share to co-create the story-based, connection-first sex ed we never got­—but will all definitely benefit from. Share a voice memo or written story, see X Story question lists and apply to be a guest or work with wyoh via xstoriespodcast.com. Follow us on our new instagram: www.instagram.com/xstoriespod Created and hosted by Wyoh Lee | wyohlee.com Edited and produced by the amazing Kimberly Loftus | email Original title: “Sex Stories” (Dec 2018-Jan 2024).

Sex Life Unleashed

Dr. Stephen de Wit

Are you ready to turn obstacles into orgasms and take your sex life to the next level? Join celebrity sexologist, Dr. Stephen de Wit, as he combines personal development strategies and practical advice to give you the necessary steps so you can have the sex life of your dreams. Each episode contains powerful information, infused with Stephen's infectious energy and humour, to help you grow both personally and sexually.

Erotic Stories

Sexuality and Erotica

Enjoy erotic stories every week for your pleasure! Indulge your wildest fantasies as I read you tantalizing erotic stories every week. A chance to escape and unwind. Enjoy!

Tabulose Tatsachen

Tim Dolle & Fiona-Marie Rinklake

Tickets für unsere TOUR "UNZENSIERT" bekommt ihr bei TICKETMASTER: https://shorturl.at/wJMS5 Willkommen bei "Tabulose Tatsachen". Fiona ist lesbisch. Tim ist Lebemann und Single. Genug Potenzial für tabulosen chit-chat. Blatt vor den Mund nehmen war gestern. Die beiden reden über alles, was Dich interessiert. Moderne Beziehungen, sexuelle Identität, Akzeptanz oder LGBTQ+-Themen. Unser Ziel ist es, ehrlich zu sein und dabei Persönliches zu teilen. Das ist kein Laber-Podcast, der in die Tiefe geht. Das ist ein Podcast, der tief geht. Werde Teil unserer Community und entdecke mit uns eine unverblümte Seite des Lebens! Hinweis: In unserem Podcast behandeln wir sensible Themen und respektieren jegliche Privatsphäre. Wir fördern Toleranz, Akzeptanz und Offenheit und stehen für eine inklusive Welt, in der jede Stimme zählt. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Meno Żadna Pauza

Marzena Rogalska i Monika Łukasiewicz

Czego najbardziej potrzebują kobiety? Wsparcia, szczerości w kontakcie z drugą kobietą. Właśnie takie wspierające rozmowy przygotowałyśmy dla Was – dziennikarka, Marzena Rogalska i lekarka, Monika Łukasiewicz (ginekolożka i seksuolożką). Nasz podcast powstał z potrzeby serca, zatytułowałyśmy go Meno-Żadna-Pauza. Połączyłyśmy wiedzę medyczną i naukową z doświadczeniem dziennikarskim, ponieważ marzy nam się, by kobiety nie bały się tej zmiany w życiu i nie traktowały menopauzy jak końca swojej kobiecości. Czekamy na Wasze komentarze i pytania, w naszych rozmowach tematy tabu nie istnieją.

El Rincon Erotico de Lady


Bienvenidos a mi espacio Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ladyadry/support

Sex Diaries Uncensored


Ημερολόγια του σεξ, χωρίς λογοκρισία. Με τον Άλεξ Μάνο.

Girls on Porn


A cheeky podcast aimed at helping you find adult content that you can feel good about! Each week, Laura and Rachel - cohosts, erotic enthusiasts, and all around horny gals - traverse the wet and wild of porn. We pick popular search terms, load up on research, and review porn that features that particular proclivity. We’re here to help you find hot, ethical material to upgrade your spank bank, and spice up your “self care” routine.

The Vagina Rehab Doctor Podcast

Dr. Janelle Howell

The Vagina Rehab Doctor Podcast is hosted by Dr. Janelle Howell, a Pelvic Floor physical therapist who is dedicated to helping women and all people everywhere love their bodies and love their vaginas. In this podcast, Dr. Howell breaks the silence and cancels shame around all things related to vaginal health, pelvic floor fitness, and sexual wellness. Every Monday, a new episode is released where listeners can laugh, learn, and maybe even blush a little as Dr. Howell debunks myths and empowers everyone to own their bodies and pleasure without shame. Follow Dr. Howell on Instagram and TikTok @VaginaRehabDoctor and join her on this journey of discovering everything your mama didn't teach you about your vagina.

Lust auf EIS


Sex auf die Ohren und in den Kopf! Bei uns geht es um Liebe, Sex, Beziehung… Ihr wisst schon: Die geilen Dinge eben!  Unsere Moderatoren Paula und Hendrik sprechen über schlüpfrige Themen und zeigen Euch wie Ihr euer Liebesleben (noch besser) gestalten könnt.  Jeden Montag erwartet Euch eine neue Folge. Abonniert diesen Kanal, um keine Folge zu verpassen! Wir freuen uns auch von Euch zu lesen!  Folgt und schreibt uns auf Instagram @eisde oder eine Mail an podcast@eis.de!

Front Porch Swingers

Brenna and Brian

Each week, hosts Brenna and Brian share their real-life adventures in non-monogamy! Join them for a raw and titillating recount of their encounters as swingers, a hotwife and stag, and newly polyamorous people!

Siamo donne. La menopausa


Nella società odierna una donna raggiunge la cosiddetta mezza età trovandosi ancora alle prese con figli, genitori, lavoro, hobby, relazioni e mille impegni. Ma come si sente davvero una donna quando è in menopausa? Cosa prova fisicamente ed emotivamente? La ginecologa Nadia Cherli affronta l’argomento menopausa a tutto tondo, illustrandone sintomi e problematiche, suggerendo alle donne terapie e strategie da mettere in atto per affrontare e superare al meglio questa fase della vita, con un approccio che guarda alla menopausa non più come un tabù ma come un’opportunità. «Siamo donne» è una miniserie podcast prodotta da Podmedia. La cura e la supervisione editoriale sono di Barbara Beretta, post-produzione e montaggio di Enzo Beretta, la supervisione dei suoni, la musica e il sound design sono di Riccardo Luchini, fonico di studio Stefano Romoli. Potete contattare Nadia Cherli scrivendole un’email all’indirizzo cherlinadia@gmail.com oppure troverete tutti i suoi riferimenti nella sua pagina Doctolib e sul profilo Linkedin. Sul profilo Linkedin di Podmedia ci sono le foto del backstage durante la registrazione in studio.

Nothing BUTT Sex

Vanessa de Largie

Nothing BUTT sex is a podcast hosted by Maxim sex columnist Vanessa de Largie. Raw, fierce and unashamed, join de Largie each episode while she discusses Nothing BUTT Sex.

Lena liebt's


Wie fühlt sich Squirting für die Frau an? Ist nur ein praller Penis ein geiler Penis? Und wie viele Dickpics bekommen Pornostars eigentlich am Tag? Lena liebt`s - Der Sex Podcast von BILD ist wie die große Schwester, die dir verrät, wie du Frauen & Männer rumbekommst, die Sex Hotline, die dich in der Nacht über einsame Stunden hinwegtröstet, der letzte Rest Gleitgel, den du findest, wenn du Bock auf Analsex hast! Lena geht schamlos den wichtigen Dingen des Sexlebens auf die Spur. Warum beim Sex die Blase voll, aber der Kopf leer sein sollte und es für jedes Würstchen das richtige Brötchen gibt. Montags, alle zwei Wochen neu!

Verbotene Lust

Amy Starr Pina Popp

Unzensiert ehrlich. Der Podcast voller unanständiger Fantasien mit Amy Starr und Pina Popp

Sex Talk With My Mom

Sex Talk With My Mom | Pleasure Podcasts

Sex Talk With My Mom offers sex and relationship advice while exploring the hilarious dynamic between a sexually-liberated, "C.O.U.G.A.R." mom and her comedian son. With over 3 million downloads and having been featured on Esquire, Huffington Post, and TODAY, they are the best (albeit only) mom-son comedy duo talking about sex. Each week they respond to listener comments and questions about all topics that a mom and son don't typically talk about. To join the fam, shoot them a text at 310-356-3920. You can also support them on Patreon at www.patreon.com/sextalkwithmymom; Instagram – @SexTalkWithMyMomPod; Twitter – @SexTalkWMyMom; Email – SexTalkWithMyMom@gmail.com Sex Talk With My Mom is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact admin@pleasurepodcasts.com.

Talk About Gay Sex TAGSPODCAST

Steve V. Rodriguez

TAGSPODCAST aka Talk About Gay Sex podcast is a bi-weekly show celebrating it's 6th year of podcasting about gay sexuality with host Steve V, and Co-hosts Kodi Maurice Doggette, Jeremy Ross Lopez and Lincoln along with special guests. Every Tuesday we break down hot gay sex topics and every Thursday we drop another episode that was recorded live the previous evening on Crowdcast. We feature special guests who share their expertise or story. @tagspodcast on all social media or visit: tagspodcast.com Interested in sponsoring or advertising on this podcast? Contact us at ads@ossacollective.com. For programmatic ads, reach out to the Spreaker team below.

Erotic Stories 🔥 Passionate Erotic Audio Tales of Lust & Desire


Welcome to Audiodesires, your go-to destination for intimate audio experiences that nourish your desires. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, helping you to dive deep into your wildest fantasies and explore your most profound desires. Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing. For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, create a free Audiodesires account.

Poly Pocket Podcast

Hunter & Butcher

Hello and welcome to the Poly Pocket Podcast. A pocket sized podcast for your polyamorous, CNM, open relationship or swinging journey. In this show we will be discussing adult themes (just in case you weren’t sure) and it is intended for over 18’s. Each episode is meant to be pocket sized and fit in to your busy life whilst giving you the tools and information on our broader community. We are 'Hunter' & 'Butcher', a married UK based couple, with children and an ongoing interest in supporting and developing the 'Poly' community.

Aprendiendo a ligar con Gabriel Casanova

Gabriel Casanova

Dinámicas Sociales, Seducción, Psicología Femenina y Red Pill. Te ayudo a ser un hombre de alto valor y multiplicar tus citas. Sigueme en Instagram, YouTube, TikTok y Twitter como @pickupartist55 o como Gabriel Casanova.

Bad in Bed

Gabrielle Kassel and Bobby Box

Bad in Bed: The Queer Sex Podcast is a sex-positive podcast hosted by sex educators and journalists Bobby Box (he/him) and Gabrielle Kassel (she/her). Every week, the two tackle a topic near and dear to their hearts and loins, sharing their (s)experiences and chatting with industry experts. From sex toys, strap-on sex, and fisting, to sexual identity, painful sex, and loose genitals, Bad in Bed is the (queer) sex ed you never had, but always wanted and deserved!

Double Teamed with Cami and Niki

Cami and Niki

Every other sex and dating podcast tells you how to be with that “one special person.” Screw monogamy! Join us on the flip side and let’s talk about open relationships. Welcome to Double Teamed, we’re Cami & Niki, and we want you to come to explore non-monogamy with us: polyamory, sex parties, watching your partner have sex with other people… no topic is off the table! Double Teamed is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts Network.


Tatiana Fogt

How do I have better orgasms? How do I even date these days? How do I build amazing relationships? What's the secret to Good Sex anyways? Each week on Bedside, you'll hear intimate interviews and explorations into modern day sex, dating, love, and wellness. With a little manifestation sprinkled in there too! We chat with the sexperts and wellness leaders about the many and unique approaches to sex & pleasure all while keeping you curious, informed, and of course having fun. Join our host and founder, Tatiana, as we delve into all things love, sex, and tangible how-to's!

Ladies, We Need To Talk

ABC listen

Sex, heath, relationships: frank, funny, furious. Join host Yumi Stynes as she rips open the sealed section on life. Ladies, We Need to Talk goes deep on the personal stuff that's hard to talk about, even with your closest mates. From the wonders of our vulvas to managing the mental load to the search for orgasms and much more! With sensitivity, personal stories, and serious smarts, this show is for women who feel the squeeze between work, their private life, and their pelvic floor.

Est-ce que c’est normal ?

Agathe Lecaron

Sex Ed with DB

Danielle Bezalel

Sex Ed with DB is a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got through unique and entertaining storytelling, centering LGBTQ+ and BIPOC experts.


RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera

La serie podcast sulla sessualità prodotta da RSI SPAM - Radiotelevisione svizzera. Ideato e condotto da Alessia Caracciolo e Natascia Bandecchi, Sex Box è un confronto aperto ad un’esplorazione senza veli su piacere, relazioni, salute, pratiche, ménage, schemi e taboo intorno all’esperienza del sesso e dell’intimità. In ogni puntata alcuni giovani si raccontano apertamente, sollevando dubbi e curiosità a cui rispondono la sessuologa Gaia Polloni e altri esperti del settore. www.rsi.ch/sexbox Scrivici se vuoi fare domande, dire la tua o chiedere di partecipare a una puntata: sexbox@rsi.ch

Erotic Hypnosis for Women from Wylde In Bed

Wylde Podcasts

Intensify your pleasure with the most intense erotic stories on the internet. A unique blend of guided visualizations, hypnosis and erotic stories, you can bring your fantasies to life, all from the safety of your own bed. Erotic Hypnosis for women is a truly unique podcast, each story crafted to enable you to explore your darkest fantasies and explore the depths of your sensuality, so you can enjoy intimate pleasure, whether alone or with a partner, in an incredibly intense way.

Bulls & Queens | Swinger Podcast for Cuckolds Hotwives & Bulls

Doc Chocolate - Sex Coach for Cucks & Hotwives

The Bulls & Queens Swinger podcast experience is a WEEKLY Swinger & Lifestyle adventure series for adults over the age of 18 that love sex, love kink and love to laugh! Every week we explore the Sexy, Fun swinging Adventures of BBC Black Bulls, Queen of Spades, Hot Wives, Cuckolds, Stag and Vixen dynamic, Black Swingers, Interracial Swinging & Open Relationships. It is hosted by Doc Chocolate, who is a BBC (Big Black Cock), who is based out of Las Vegas, his various sexy lady guest hosts and the occasional gentleman bull or cuck. On every single episode, you're going to laugh your ass off, learn new tips & tricks to having fun as a swinger and get to hear sexy lifestyle sexascapes of the hosts and the guests. If you want to meet up with Doc privately for a play session with the female half ... create nude sex scenes and play with him ... or even apply to be a guest on a future podcast episode ... make sure to head over to www.BullsAndQueens.com and go to the contact form.

FemDom Podcast - dominant, deutsch & wöchentlich

Domina Herrin Ariadne

Du willst deinem Alltag entfliehen? Du suchst eine bizarre Ablenkung? Du möchtest geilen Geschichten lauschen? Domina Herrin Ariadne erzählt Sessions, die dich fesseln werden und die deine Phantasie zum Explodieren bringen. Der FemDom Podcast - Hier gibt's was auf die Ohren. Auf Deutsch! 1x pro Woche. Neue Episode immer Freitag 12:00 *** UNTERSTÜTZE DIESEN PODCAST UND HILF MIT, DASS ICH WÖCHENTLICH INSPIRIERT BLEIBE UND PROFITIERE VON WUNDERBAREN AKTIONEN UND EXKLUSIVEN ANGEBOTEN *** Unterstütze mich auf www.patreon.com/herrinariadne Besuche mich auf www.herrinariadne.com
