
Jamal Powell

Open discussion



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Space Valley Live

Space Valley

Versione Podcast delle live di Space Valley Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:

BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Podcast

Immediate Media

Discover gardening inspiration and advice from your favourite gardening experts with the BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine team. Join Monty Don, Alan Titchmarsh, Adam Frost, Frances Tophill, Arit Anderson and others to garden for wildlife and wellness, sow and grow flourishing flowers, immerse in the benefits of nature, get the most from your vegetable plot, successfully use colour in the garden, enjoy the beauty of house plants and much, much more. With Sowalongs and Tea Break Tutorials too, we have your gardening needs covered. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or beginning your growing journey, step into the garden with us throughout the year for an enjoyable and informative garden-getaway in every episode. Additionally, you can find advice, chat and information for allotment growing, grow your own flowers, outdoor living, garden design, organic and sustainable ways to tackle pests and solve problems, growing from seed, caring for plants, looking after roses, pruning tips, thrifty/money saving ideas, plant-based eating, preserving and pickling, spending time in nature, winter evergreens, greenhouse knowhow, favourite garden plants, container planting, raised beds, marking a garden look good year round, small garden and tiny spaces, patio gardening, window boxes, supporting urban birds and wildlife, lawn care, hedgerow help, green roofs, biodiversity, benefits of trees, compost and soil health, rewilding, window boxes, gardening with changing weather, gardening for climate resilience, gardens of the year, professional tips from head gardeners, balcony gardening, healthy plants, British woodlands, tasty crops, productive veg, gardening on a budget, forest school, gardening with children, spring plants, plants for shade, splendid summer colour, shed essentials, great British gardens, must-grow veg, pollinators, harvesting, summer flowers, wildflowers, wildflower meadows, eating homegrown food, gardening for mental health and wellbeing, gardening for health and fitness, hospital gardens, gardens for healing, green spaces for reflection, plants and trees to aid poor air pollution, taking cuttings, propagating, pruning, plants for free, succeeding with roses, growing soft fruit, tackling weeds organically, growing herbs, planting shrubs, taking hardwood cuttings, caring for houseplants, plants for all seasons, trees for spring blossom, fruit trees, climbing roses, flowering shrubs, coastal gardens, making a show garden, behind the scenes at Chelsea, gardening for time-poor gardeners, allotment life, decoding nature’s secrets, companion planting, the healing ppwer of gardens, gardening with trees, gardening with cancer, downsizing a garden, making a new garden, battling slugs and snails, no mow May, spring bulbs, growing sweet peas, sunflowers, cosmos, nasturtiums, tomatoes, beetroot, dahlias, foxgloves, carrots, parsley, onions, shallots, garlic, cucumbers, chillies, potatoes, beans, French beans and runner beans, cabbage, kale, broccoli, pumpkins, squash, courgettes, spinach, chard, leafy veg, parsnips, strawflowers, Verbascum, basil, echium, rocket, zinnia, camellia, tasty soft fruit, successful wisteria, superfoods, tropical gardens, community gardens, Great Dixter, Knepp. With James Alexander Sinclair, Nick Bailey, Errol Reuben Fernandes, Terry Walton, Rachel de Thame, David Hurrion, Sheila Das, Caroline Quentin, Deliciously Ella, Tristan Gooley, Plant Kween, Nancy Birtwhistle, Matt Biggs, Tom Allen, Ashely Edwards, Joe Lycett, Spicy Moustache, Patrick Gale, Georgina Yates, Griff Rhys Jones, Kate Bradbury, Rekha Mistry, Rich Heathcote, Marchelle Farrell, Tayshan Hayden-Smith, Advolly Richmond, Fergus Garrett, Alistair Griffiths, David Hedges-Gower, John Little, Cel Robertson, Ken Thompson, Charlie Harper, Suzi Turner, Moly Fierheller, Rukmini Iyer, Jamie Johnson, Ingrid Chiu, Ray Mears, Sarah Gerrard-Jones, Jason Williams, Sue Kent, Tom Brown, Sarah Price, Liz Schofield, Kevin Smith, Cat Mansley, Adam Duxbury, Emma C

A Blog To Watch Weekly

Watching Watches Watch

A weekly podcast featuring news and reviews from around the watch world as reported on

Un Cafe Con El Alma

Marcela Tomeo

Toma un cafe con el alma... Entrevistas e historias para tu desarrollo personal Support this podcast:

fit4life | fitgirl weekly chat



Adeptus Ridiculous

Adeptus Ridiculous

Lifelong Warhammer fan Bricky and grimdark greenhorn Dkdiamantes delve into the incredibly vast ocean that is Warhammer 40000 lore in this unofficial Warhammer 40k podcast. From superhuman space warriors to depraved cultists and green-skinned Mad Max rejects, not even the most ridiculous aspects of this setting are off the table for these two mad men.

Love to Sew Podcast

Caroline Somos & Helen Wilkinson : Sewing Enthusiasts and Entrepreneurs

Helen Wilkinson and Caroline Somos host Love to Sew, a fun weekly podcast about making clothes, sewing community, and small business. They talk about their passion for sewing a handmade wardrobe and their daily lives as creative entrepreneurs. Listen to interviews with indie business owners and inspiring sewists who totally understand your obsession with sewing.

Fumble GDR - Il primo podcast di Giochi di ruolo in Italia


Fumble è il primo podcast italiano di actual play di Giochi di Ruolo. Ci troviamo ogni settimana davanti ai microfoni per esplorare mondi narrativi, tra (rari) colpi critici e (frequentissimi) fumble. Fumble è un podcast ideato da Claudio Serena, Jacopo Colò, Roberto de Luca e Matteo Mantovanelli.

Rico's Watches Podcast

Rico's Watches Podcast

A podcast featuring a new guest from the watch collecting community every episode.

TBSラジオ『ジェーン・スーと堀井美香の「OVER THE SUN」』


ジェーン・スーと堀井美香による、Podcast番組。リスナーのみなさんともに語らいながら、〝太陽の向こう側〟を目指していきます。 ※メールアドレスは、⦅ ⦆ ※毎週金曜日・午後5時に配信予定 出演:ジェーン・スー(コラムニスト・作詞家)、堀井美香(フリーアナウンサー・ナレーター) 「幸せの黄色い私たち」特設サイト 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:

Fumble GDR - Il primo podcast di Giochi di ruolo in Italia


Fumble è il primo podcast italiano di actual play di Giochi di Ruolo. Ci troviamo ogni settimana davanti ai microfoni per esplorare mondi narrativi, tra (rari) colpi critici e (frequentissimi) fumble. Fumble è un podcast ideato da Claudio Serena, Jacopo Colò, Roberto de Luca e Matteo Mantovanelli.

来都来了 | 听了再走




Ripotter Podcast

Ripotter è un podcast italiano di rilettura e analisi della saga di Harry Potter. In ogni puntata Mirco e Filippo analizzano tra il serio e il faceto un paio di capitoli del libro, dal “bambino che è sopravvissuto” all’epilogo “19 anni dopo”. Seguici su Instagram:

Around The Game - il Podcast

Renato Ligas

Viaggiando nel "MondoGioco" con la piccola mongolfiera l'obiettivo è quello di migliorarlo condividendovi la mia esperienza di giocatore, i miei viaggi pindarici e tutto quello che mi passa per la mente sul gioco, da tavolo, di ruolo e...

E quindi vuoi multiclassare bardo?

Gianluca Bonzani

Giocare di ruolo è il gioco più vecchio e semplice del mondo: si crea una storia tuttə insieme (che sia attorno a un tavolo, a un falò, o in una video-call) e facendolo ci si diverte.  Ma creare storie, per chi con le storie ci lavora, è anche questione di consapevolezza e di esperienza.  E quindi vuoi multiclassare Bardo? è un podcast di Fumble GDR che parla di storytelling, narrazione e GDR dando visioni critiche, consigli pratici e analisi curiose per creare la migliore esperienza di gioco per tuttə. La voce è quella di Gianluca Bonzani, giovane storyteller professionista e accanito giocatore di ruolo. Tutti i nostri contenuti sono gratuiti e disponibili pubblicamente, rilasciati sotto licenza Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0: puoi distribuirli, manipolarli, copiarli quanto vuoi, e se hai dubbi su quali siano i limiti entro cui farlo puoi scriverci su Discord, dove saremo felice di risponderti.

The Erasable Podcast

Tim, Johnny and Andy

From literature to carpentry, accounting to space travel, the wood-cased pencil and its ancestors have undeniably been at the center of creation and innovation for centuries. Join Johnny, Tim, and Andy on The Erasable Podcast as they discuss and pay homage to these seemingly simple tools of human expression. Hosted by Johnny Gamber, Tim Wasem, and Andy Welfle.

TOC the Podcast

Nonno TOC

Da YouTube al Podcast in compagnia del Nonno e di Rosario per raccontarvi *anche di notte* storie e misteri di Orologi e Uomini Straordinari. Buon ascolto!

Saltwater Edge Podcast

Peter Jenkins

On the Saltwater Edge Podcast, we will learn the tackle, tactics, and observations of some of the top surf, fly and inshore anglers around. We will also focus from time to time on fisheries management, conservation, and specific saltwater destinations. The Saltwater Edge exists to share our passion for saltwater fishing...from bonefish to bluefin.

Hör auf Dein Holz!

Jonas & Hannah Winkler

Du bist Heimwerker, Holzwerker oder Handwerker? Dann "Hör auf Dein Holz"! In dem Podcast von und mit Jonas Winkler dreht sich alles um die Themen (Tischler-)Handwerk, Selbstständigkeit und soziale Medien. Jonas erzählt dir (im Gespräch mit seiner Frau Hannah) aus seinem Leben als Tischlermeister und Influencer und du erhältst wertvolle Tipps für deine Arbeit in der Werkstatt, den Umgang mit Holz, Werkzeug, Maschinen und für deinen Lebensweg. Fragen, Anregungen, Themenideen? Schick eine Mail an socialmedia(at)

Deejay 6 Tu

Radio Deejay

Andrea e Michele con il mondo dei Guerrieri, le telefonate di Non solo belle, gli interventi di Alta Infedeltà ti aspettano in podcast.

[막걸리] 막던져서 하나 걸리기를 바라는 이야기


Lezioni di Chitarra | Podcast

Chitarra Facile™

Il podcast di Chitarra Facile, lezioni di chitarra, consigli e aneddoti per chi vuole imparare a suonare la chitarra. Vieni a trovarci su e

The Journey On Podcast

Warwick Schiller

Embracing the old adage of ‘The Journey is the Destination’ world-renowned horseman Warwick Schiller invites guests to share their stories of personal development and growth both inside and out of the horse world. Powerful conversations and mindful nuggets of wisdom define The Journey On Podcast. ~~~~~ Warwick moved from his home country of Australia in his 20s to the U.S. so he could pursue his dream of training horses. Warwick's accomplishments in the show arena include representing Australia at the 2010 & 2018 World Equestrian Games. The ability to show at the highest level coupled with his ability to develop a strong connection with his horses and ability to break down training information into a relatable, easy to follow process led to the development of his Online Video Library in an effort to help individuals form a better relationship with their horses and a cultivate a deeper understanding of the foundation on which all successful horse training is built.



《大俗小雅》是散落在世界各地的“打工人”每周跨时差谈天说地。我们将通过长年的海外经历与多元文化背景,严肃八卦国内外的热点话题和艺术圈不为人知的猛料!希望成为各位听众朋友旅行居家的好伙伴 (๑•̀ㅂ•́) 听友群:hilarydsxy 红薯:ariaava WB :秧子aria; 小希小希xi 合作

Cocktail Podcast

Davide Angelini e Samuele Cavaccini

Benvenuti a Cocktail Podcast, il luogo dove le risate incontrano la riflessione! Siamo due amici che si riuniscono per chiacchierare di tutto e di più con un tocco di umorismo e tanta autenticità. È come sedersi al bar con noi, sorseggiando un cocktail e godendosi il momento. Preparati per conversazioni leggere, ma anche profonde, che ti faranno sentire come se fossi tra amici. Qui, ogni episodio è una pausa piacevole dalla routine, un mix di svago e pensieri intriganti. Unisciti a noi per un momento di pura spensieratezza! 🎙️🍹 ---

Dekozeit - Dein Tauch-Podcast

Martin Splitt

Dein Tauch-Podcast mit Themen rund ums Sporttauchen und technische Tauchen. Wir wollen den Sachen ein bisschen mehr auf den Grund gehen und freuen uns auf eure Kommentare!

Trapped Under Plastic

Scott & Jon

Do you enjoy mini painting, sprue clipping and the smell of super glue? Then pull up a chair and join Scott and Jon as they delve into everything hobby and find themselves Trapped Under Plastic!



凱莉粟說說 分享鬼故事、世界各地的都市傳說、靈異事件、日本怪談 ------------------------------------- 主持人🧡KELLY 凱莉, 拿到生醫碩士後,在醫院、學校翻滾幾年, 毅然決然不務正業的走進電商世界。 因為熱愛鬼故事, 所以32歲創立凱莉粟說說YT頻道 從零學畫畫做鬼故事影片 仍持續在生活中繼續探索下一個灑脫的出走時刻。 30歲後,我任性,我驕傲。 你好,我是凱莉。 💌合作信箱 🟠Google投稿表單 👍 凱莉粟說說 𝓨𝓣➽ 𝓕𝓑➽ 𝓘𝓖 ➽kellysusaying 🟢Line 好友(@也要輸入才找得我) ➤ @kellysutalk 或是點擊 此連結加入LINE 好友 🧡請我喝杯咖啡☕ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Sewing Together

Apple Tree Sewing

Welcome to Sewing Together! I'm a PDF Sewing Pattern Designer for Apple Tree Sewing Patterns and this is a sewing podcast where I share sewing tips and information as well as a bit about me. Each week I invite you to participate in the conversation online through social media. View more info and the show notes by visiting

Storie Di Stadio

Mr. P

Storie di Stadio è il primo podcast dedicato alla sottocultura Ultras. Ricordi e racconti su calcio, stadio, trasferte, musica, abbigliamento, alcool, adrenalina, amicizia…

Segeln ist Meer! Thomas und Ümit über Fakten und Mythen zum Thema Segeln und Meer!

Thomas Käsbohrer und Ümit Uzun

Moderne Mythen des Segelns gibt’s wie Sand am Meer. Auszeit unter Segeln - Traum oder Alptraum? Kroatien - ist doch ein Einsteigerrevier! SBF See - reicht doch? Ein Bier für den Skipper - geht immer? Thomas und Ümit tauchen ein in moderne Mythen und folgen ihnen bis auf den Grund. Mal launig. Mal lustvoll. Mal kritisch. Immer faktenbasiert. Und hörenswert. Auch als Video Podcast auf YouTube: Thomas und Ümit - zwei unterschiedliche Typen verbindet eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft. Thomas Käsbohrer: Autor, Segler, Blogger, Journalist, der seit seinem Ausstieg aus dem großen Verlag nicht müde wird, das Sommerhalbjahr auf seiner Yacht Levje zu verbringen und Bücher über Abenteuer auf dem Meer und in den Bergen zu schreiben - zuletzt zwei Kroatien-Törnführer. 2014 gründete er den Verlag millemari., wo bis heute etwa 50 Bücher erschienen . Ümit Uzun: Lebenskünster, leidenschaftlicher Segler und Geschäftsführer und Gründer einer der renommiertesten Yachtcharter-Agenturen Deutschlands. Kontakte der beiden Protagonisten: Thomas Käsbohrer Ümit Uzun:

Forge the Narrative - Warhammer 40k Podcast

The FTN Crew

Weekly podcast focused on Warhammer 40k. We have tournament tips, Warhammer 40k codex reviews, vendor spotlights, community highlight segments and Black Library author interviews.

FreakCasters - Menschen, Geschichten & Leidenschaften

Christoph Dirnbacher, Sandra Knopp, Udo Seelhofer

Bei den FreakCasters geht es um Menschen, ihre persönlichen Geschichten und ihre - mitunter außergewöhnlichen - Leidenschaften. Hier erfahren HörerInnen, wie der Begriff "Freaks" entstanden ist, wir beleuchten das Leben eines Praterurgesteins aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, reden mit Menschen, die in ihrer Freizeit gegen Orkhorden zu Felde ziehen und lernen einen weltberühmten Detektiv kennen. Das und vieles mehr gibt es alle zwei Wochen bei den FreakCasters!

Perpetual Chess Podcast

Ben Johnson

Perpetual Chess features weekly conversations with the chess world's best players, trainers and accomplished amateurs about their careers, current projects, best practices and the latest in chess news. Learn more at

The Trading Desk


WatchBox traders Jason and Josh give weekly breakdowns of the pre-owned luxury watch market. As traders that spend their days buying and selling certified pre-owned watches from Rolex, Patek Philippe, Panerai, Omega, Breitling, Audemars Piguet (and many more) – Josh and Jason bring a unique perspective to the watch market. From uncovering fake watches to highlighting the coolest trades to cross their desk, you won’t want to miss an episode of “The Trading Desk”

Vox Ludica


Vox Ludica è un podcast con cui vogliamo cercare di dare delle definizioni condivise dei termini che girano intorno al nostro hobby preferito, cioè il gioco di ruolo, dandovi anche un nostro punto di vista personale. Speriamo di sollecitare una discussione su questi temi che aiuti sia chi si approccia al gdr per la prima volta, sia chi ci è immerso da anni, a trovare un vocabolario condiviso con cui riuscire a capirci. Vox Ludica è un podcast prodotto e diretto da Fumblecast in collaborazione con Morgengabe. Dietro ai microfoni Claudio Serena, Chiara Listo e Giuseppe Vitale, da un'idea di Mari Gallo. Tutti i nostri contenuti sono gratuiti e disponibili pubblicamente, rilasciati sotto licenza Creative Commons By - Non Commercial - Share Alike 4.0: puoi distribuirli, manipolarli, copiarli quanto vuoi, e se hai dubbi su quali siano i limiti entro cui farlo puoi scriverci sui nostri canali, dove saremo felici di risponderti.



美容家の神崎恵と編集者の大森葉子でお届けする雑談ポッドキャスト『WONT(ウォント)』。 ふと「私って誰なんだ?」と思う瞬間ありますよね? 恋愛、友情、キャリア、育児……など、テーマは縦横無尽。 思わず自分がぐらついてしまう時の戸惑い、そして、「その時どうする?」を アラフィフ2人組がリスナーの皆さんと一緒に考えていきます! ニューエピソードは毎週月曜日・水曜日に配信。 ▼X ハッシュタグは #ウォント ▼メッセージ投稿はコチラ 【WONT 公式アカウント】 Instagram @wont_podcast X @WONT_Podcast

The Brülosophy Podcast


Brülosophy - where they who drink beer will think beer! Join the crew as they discuss the history of various brewing topics and the results of their interesting exBEERiments!

WIP12 - An Infinity the game Podcast

The WIP12 Team

A podcast devoted to Infinity - the tabletop wargame by Corvus Belli. Email: TTS Map Collection: The WIP 12 Podcast is supported by: The Infinity Global League:

The Grey Nato

James Stacey and Jason Heaton

A loose discussion of travel, adventure, diving, driving, gear, and most certainly watches! Hosts Jason Heaton and James Stacey break down their love for adventure, their addiction to watches, and the many forms both can take. Have a question? Let us know at

QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

Eric Guth, 4Z1UG

QSO Today is a weekly conversation, or QSO, between amateur radio operators about ham radio. Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, hosts a new guest every week to talk about their ham radio journey, their specialized expertise in ham radio, and how amateur radio has impacted their personal and professional lives. QSO Today is targeted at anyone interested in amateur radio who wants to learn more about this fascinating hobby.

Scottish Watches

Scottish Watches

If you like watches then you've come to the right place. The Scottish Watches Podcast features news, reviews and chat on everything from Rolex and Omega to Casio and Credor.



欢迎来到宁浪别野,这里是城市浪人的海边乌托邦。四个阶段性逃离北京的大龄女生,在中国最嬉皮的浪人聚集地万宁合租了一个拥有270度大落地窗的大别野。我们想在这里拥有阳光自由、呼吸自由、冲浪自由、发呆自由、胡思乱想自由。 我们的Wi-Fi 密码是:gosurf666,有缘来蹭网。 主创: @fit4life 姥爷:“是一个安全感与自由,眼前的苟且与诗和远方并存的地方。” @Yoyo孙佳祺:“不确定的流动生活中,一个确定的心安之处。” @赵依侬_ :“如果你有幸在年轻时尝试过‘浪人生活’,那么不管以后你去哪里,这里的生活都会跟着你一生一世。” @轻食堂猪侨:“去想去的地方,见想见的人,做想做的事。来跳伞吗?”


Spence, Spangler, & Buzz

A concise weekly discussion of whiskey we are drinking, watches we are wearing, and featured segments from Fresh Forum Finds, to Omega Opinions, and Defunct Designs. We are enthusiasts, not experts.

CITY BOY 的使用說明書


新一季開播啦~~~~~~ 2024 年 我獨立出版的新書《用鴨川,把京都放口袋》 現正發售中 點此購買 \ 旅男 dato 聽眾專屬,超實用旅行折價券 / 01.日本 BIC CAMERA 電器、藥妝最高享 17% 折扣折價券 高清下載這裡走 02.KLOOK 訂單滿美金 50 元享 95 折折扣碼「DATODATO」 站內商品繁多使用條件不一,結帳前套用看看,有折就當賺到 ★ 聽一本 CITY BOY & GIRL 都能上手的使用說明書,dato 將從生活、旅行、選品、音樂、電影、運動、閱讀、美食等自身關注的事物切入,讓我們一起在日常生活裡,添加更多迷人的元素。 入選「KKBOX 年度百大 Podcast」。 ▲ dato 生活、旅行、音樂專欄作家。 男子休日委員會成員之一。擅於書寫旅途心事、捕捉遠方風景,同時也兼具音樂、影劇專欄作家身份,文章散見雜誌、報紙與各網路平台,曾獨立出版《把清邁放口袋》、《開動啦!男子便當委員會》、《把里斯本放口袋》、《海街遠足:鎌倉畫報》、《little me, little trip 北歐一人旅日記》與《再一次,把清邁放口袋》。 ★ instagram| facebook | 合作e-mail | ■用贊助應援我| Powered by Firstory Hosting



一位声线低沉的百灵鸟,King of 主食,心力交瘁的母亲@发发大王

Rubrica di


La Rubrica di orologeria ideata e condotta dai Forumisti di in collaborazione con GorgoRadio, Fieri della Fiera e 30Seconds Production. The Watchmaking Directory designed and conducted by the Forumists of in collaboration with GorgoRadio, Fieri della Fiera and 30Seconds Production.

Achtung PFEErd

Anja Federwisch

Alles rund ums Pferd, den neusten Gossip und Branchen Insights findest du in diesem Podcast. Anja Fee spricht alleine- sowie mit ihren Gästen über spannende Themen, die die Reitsportwelt beschäftigen. 

Laying Down The Lore: Warhammer 40K

Laying Down The Lore: 40K

Join sci-fi fanatic Darren as he attempts to bestow his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Warhammer 40,000 on Ben and Cral, a couple of Warhammer noobs.

Laying Down The Lore: Warhammer Old World

Laying Down The Lore: Old World

Join fantasy fanatic Darren as he attempts to bestow his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Warhammer Old World on Ben and Cral, a couple of Warhammer noobs.

Recensioni Podcast - Il mondo dei podcast raccontato da chi li ascolta


Questo è “Recensioni Podcast” by ascoltarepodcast, lo show di Content Curation dedicato a chi ama divertirsi, informarsi e, perché no, anche formarsi tramite questo bellissimo media digitale che è il podcast.  Ci trovi su: Su Telegram, dal lunedì al venerdì, ( trovi recensioni, notizie, chiacchiere sui podcast e quel che ci gira intorno. Ti aspettiamo. Stefano e Antonino.

This Watch Life

Lydia Winters and Vu Bui

Start your morning with a daily podcast (M-F 8am CET) about all things watches... from watch releases to the industry to brands and everything in-between. Join Lydia Winters (@lydiaswatches) and Vu Bui ( as we discuss this watch life that we all enjoy!

偷聽史多利 Talking Story


如果你也上班到厭世,就來偷聽故事吧!! 真實、靈異、恐怖、驚悚鬼故事 你所不知道的民間習俗和傳說 每週日、四 讓康納與卡菈帶你走入另一個世界 . 來加入偷聽客的行列和我們一起嚇(笑)到不行! . 🌟Instagram :偷聽史多利 Talking Story 🌟合作邀約 🌟隨喜支持我們: 🌟偷聽客社區: 回饋/投稿 千萬不要客氣喔!來IG 找我們就對了! Available on : Spotify, Apple Podcast(拜託評分一下), Google Podcast, Mixerbox, KKbox, Firstory Powered by Firstory Hosting

So Very Wrong About Games

Mike Walker & Mark Bigney

A podcast about all manner of hobby games by Mike Walker and Mark Bigney. Bad games don't go easy on you, so we don't go easy on them. Thorough analysis via reviews, news, and discussion of topics in gaming. We take context seriously, we value your time, and we're not into hype. Just because games are fun doesn't mean we can't take them seriously, and just because we take them seriously doesn't mean we can't have fun.

Auténtico con Pedro Prieto

Sonoro | Pedro Prieto

Bienvenidos a Podcast Auténtico El podcast donde no ofendemos ni juzgamos pero de todo hablamos. Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales y disfruta de diverso contenido que realizo para ti. Facebook: Instagram: Youtube:

Cheers! Der Weinpodcast mit Lou

Lou Schmidt & EDEKA

„Über Wein kann man eigentlich nie genug wissen“, sagt Lou Schmidt. Als Wein-Expertin kennt sie sich bestens aus mit Rebsorten und Regionen, mit Säure und Süße – mit Korken und mit Schraubverschluss. In „Cheers! Der Weinpodcast mit Lou” schenkt sie uns großzügig Weinwissen ein – handgelesen, leicht verständlich und mit trockenem Humor. Was passt zu welchem Essen? Welche Rolle spielen Terroir und Tannine? Und warum gibt es überhaupt so große Qualitätsunterschiede? Co-Host Jonas Frank sorgt mit den richtigen Fragen dafür, dass dein Wissensdurst in Sachen Wein gestillt wird. Außerdem stellt Lou jede Woche einen Wein vor. Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findest du unter Besuche uns auch gerne auf Instagram:

IamCasa Podcast - Orologi e molto altro- IT/EN/fr

IamCasa - Andrea Casalegno

Finalmente in versione audio, il meglio di IamCasa, tra orologeria e molto altro, con tutte le live, i Q&A e qualche video, per voi da ascoltare nei momenti migliori! Seguitemi anche sulle altre piattaforme: Tutti: Instagram: Sito: TikTok: LinkedIn:

Podcast o Włoszech. È divertente - Podróże po Italii - Ciekawe historie

È divertente - podróże po Italii by Nasz podcast o Włoszech. Zanim powiemy sobie więcej ... poinformuję Cię, że możemy też porozmawiać przy wirtualnej kawie: Zapraszam. Lubimy zwiedzać ciekawe włoskie miejsca, smakować włoską kuchnię. Lubimy lazur pięknego morza, gdy zachodzi słońce - to tylko niektóre z wielu licznych naszych zainteresowań związanych z Italią. Spróbujmy z duecappucci podróżować z wykorzystaniem naszej wyobraźni. Na bieżąco zaglądaj na naszą stronę internetową:

The Kung Fu Genius Podcast

Alexander Richter

The new podcast by the Kung Fu Genius, aka Alex Richter. Come for stories, history, and commentary on Wing Chun, Bruce Lee, Kung Fu Flicks, Hong Kong culture, and interviews.

アフター6ジャンクション 2


あなたの"好き"が否定されない、あなたの"好き"が見つかる場所。 映画・音楽・本・ゲームなどの分析や、独自視点による文化研究など、日常の中にある「おもしろ」を掘り起こすカルチャー・キュレーションで現代社会に広がる様々な趣味嗜好の多様性を受け止める。 番組略称は「アトロク2」(いとうせいこう命名)。 #TBSラジオ 「 #アフター6ジャンクション 」 (月~木 22:00~23:55生放送 FM90.5, AM954, 出演:宇多丸(ライムスター)、宇垣美里(月)、日比麻音子アナ(火)、宇内梨沙アナ(水)、熊崎風斗アナ(木)、山本匠晃アナ(第4月・火) 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:

Warhammer Para Prietos


Un podcast amistoso para nuevos en el lore de Warhammer 40k y que quieran pasársela bien mientras aprenden de este chingon mundo

Horse People Podcast

Gideon Kotkowski

A podcast diving into the stories behind some of the world's everyday equestrians. Horse People weaves a narrative journey about entrepreneurs, professionals, and riders alike, and the stories about the lives they’ve built. 

Darkness Radio

Darkness Radio

The Best in Paranormal Talk Radio Tim Dennis & hosts take listeners on an entertaining journey into all aspects of the supernatural, from ghosts and aliens, to monsters, mysteries, myths & legends with guest experts, experiencers and eye witnesses. With over 16 years experience they continue to be your guides to the encounters that seem to lie just outside the limits of normal life and just past the boundaries of the darkness on the edge of every town.

Bonsai Wire

Bonsai Wire

Plants, art, and experience wired to perfection. Join bonsai artists Jonas Dupuich, John Eads, Michael Hagedorn, Andrew Robson, and Carmen Leskoviansky for roundtable debates on hot button topics and interviews with bonsai luminaries. Connect with us at; learn more about our exemplary sponsors.


Thirtysomething Carpool

サーティサムシング・カープールへようこそ。 このポッドキャストは、ひょんなことで車の相乗り(カープール)で出逢った、三十路超えの2人が日常の悲喜こもごもを雑談ベースで配信します。一緒に相乗りしませんか? ✉️お便りお待ちしてます 📸インスタもTwitterも秘かにやってます どちらも下記リンクからどうぞ! 読むポッドキャスト: Language:日本語(Japanese)

Coffee news


Ho creato questo podcast per parlare delle ultime notizie senza appesantire troppo.

Hobby Talks

Auralien, Domnin

Подкаст о фантастике, фэнтези, играх, истории и многом другом.

Kill Team Casuals

Rhys, Russ and Ben

Kill Team Casuals is a Podcast all about everyones favourite skirmish war game: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team. Join Rhys, Russ and Ben as we talk the latest Kill Team news, hobby and everything surrounding it. 

Scuba Diver Magazine

Mark Newman

All things Underwater from equipment and destination reviews to scuba diving industry news, stories and advice. Scuba Diver Magazine is made for SCUBA divers by SCUBA divers.

What's New!


What's New!是一档关于每周发生的新鲜事的聊天节目。由Alex,素素和Guru三位不同年龄不同背景不同所在地但有不少相同兴趣爱好的女生共同主持。我们不承诺绝对有干货,但我们承诺绝对有新鲜。

Kaffeskål med Hollund & Krogh

Simpl & Acast

I Kaffeskål inviterer bestevenninnene Øyunn Krogh og Frida Hollund deg inn til intime samtaler om sex, kjærlighet, kjendislivet, fester og alt som kommer med det å være unge voksene på vei mot de store 3 0 - duoen dykker også innom politikk og passer på å holde deg oppdatert på pop-kultur og alt som kommer med det! Så kok klar en deilig kopp med kaffe og bli en Kaffeskåler du også. Vi høres 3 Ønsker du å samarbeide med denne podcasten? Ta kontakt med Du kan se mer av galskapen på instagram her: @kaffe.skaal eller @oyunnkrogh & @fridahollund Denne podcasten er produsert av simpl - @simpl.talent Ønsker du å samarbeide med denne podcasten? Ta kontakt med Du kan se mer av galskapen på instagram her: @kaffe.skaal eller @oyunnkrogh & @fridahollund Denne podcasten er produsert av simpl - @simpl.talent Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



日谈公园出品的短节目“日日好物”,由主持人乐乐邀请日谈主播和嘉宾,以“好物推荐官”的身份,聊聊那些让everyday成为good day的好东西,不在乎省钱,不关注实用,只想分享点平凡生活中的小乐趣。

Korda - The Thinking Tackle Podcast

Korda Developments Ltd

Rich Stewart presents The Thinking Tackle Podcast. The original Thinking Tackle was one of Korda’s most successful and popular projects ever, and now you can listen to it on the go. We will be speaking to a variety of popular guests, discussing advice and tips and sharing our most entertaining fishing stories and adventures. For more information and content from Rich Stewart visit,

Com'è quel gioco? - Il podcast di board games


Un gioco in scatola costa mediamente tra i 20 e i 60 euro, a volte anche di più. Decidere di comprare un gioco in scatola è un investimento, ma siete sicuri che il gioco che state per comprare valga veramente la pena di essere comprato. Voi lo sapete Com’è quel gioco? Questa domanda è quella a cui Roberto de Luca e Claudio Serena cercheranno di rispondere ogni puntata, in un podcast più video che audio in cui non solo vi racconteranno il gioco, ma vi faranno vedere come funziona davvero una partita, per decidere Com’è quel gioco. Ci saranno ogni tanto regole sbagliate e ce ne scusiamo in anticipo, ma ricordate che lo scopo di questo podcast è più che altro trasmettere la passione per i giochi, perciò concedeteci qualche licenza poetica qua e là, cercheremo di limitarle il più possibile.

Babbel-Net - Podcast


Babbel-Net - Der Gemischtwarenladen eures Vertrauens über Filme und TV-Serien, Games aller Art und Musik. Hier präsentieren wir euch interessante Nerd und Geek Themen. Besucht uns unter!

Artigiani digitali

Mattley - Matteo Moras

Il podcast dedicato a chi è già un artigiano oppure a chi lo vuole diventare, sfruttando le nuove tecnologie e le opportunità che internet ci offre. Conduce Mattley

TCG Dudes

Tim-Gi-Oh und It's me JackyD

Hier sind Tim und "It's me JackyD", und wir können es kaum erwarten, mit euch in die faszinierende Welt von Yugioh und Pokemon TCG einzutauchen. Unsere Leidenschaft für diese Kartenspiele ist wie ein bunter Blumenstrauß, voller einzigartiger Geschichten und Erlebnisse, die uns im Laufe der Zeit miteinander verbunden haben. Es gibt so viele unvergessliche Momente, wovon wir euch einfach erzählen müssen! haben wir gemeinsam Höhen und Tiefen durchschritten, wovon wir euch natürlich erzählen wollen. Ein neuer Yugioh Podcast ist am Start!



💀不聽不可💀 一個喜愛鬼故事不務正業的歐巴 讓我來分享一些恐怖都市傳說、靈異怪談給大家 陪伴大家渡過每個深夜👻 👀你喜歡看圖文說故事嗎? 也歡迎到Youtube訂閱我的頻道(不聽不可),全面打開小鈴鐺吧~ 甘溫阿~❤️ 👇Youtube : 👇IG頻道:Instagram:mustlisten0 👇FB粉絲專頁 ===================================== ▶▶連絡我或是投稿可寫信給我喔~ E-mail : ✌如果你有餘力,也請贊助支持本節目,Book很感謝您的支持. Powered by Firstory Hosting

Mitolojik İnciler

Podcast BPT

O ilginç mitolojik hikayelerde beraber kaybolalım, öğrenelim, ortamlarda havamızı atalım. Instagram hesabımdan takip etmek için; Discord Sunucusuna ulaşmak için: Patreon üzerinden destek vermek için;

sneak ON AIR

Sneakers EMPIRE

sneak ON AIR, la première et la seule émission de radio 100% sneakers au monde !!! Animée par l'équipe de Sneakers EMPIRE.

Scacco Matto

Scacco Matto

Podcast di Roberto,Enrico e Thomas. Ogni Giovedì alle 14:30

The Stars Made Me Do It

The Stars Made Me Do It

Three modern astrologers come together to discuss all things being human: the silly, the serious, and the stars. Blending intuitive astrology and casual conversation, Ciera Martha & Mimí use astrology as a tool to navigate self-discovery and self-empowerment while aiming to educate their listeners on how a birth chart comes together to describe one’s life. Join them as they giggle their way through the zodiac and enable healing along the way. Support this podcast:

Sogni di Pipa

Il Pipatore in America

In inglese si chiamano "pipe dreams" le fantasie impossibili, i sogni irraggiungibili. E nel mondo di oggi, dedicarsi alla pipa può spesso sembrare tale. Quindi, un podcast dedicato non solo alla pipa ma alle persone che, in qualche modo, la sognano. Potete seguirmi su YouTube Contenuto riservato ad un pubblico adulto e che nessun modo intende promuovere il fumo. Non iniziate a fumare. Facebook Instagram @pipatoreinamerica Email: Sigla by E's Jammy Jams - You had to be

For the Love of Tractors

Jason Shireman

Farming, toy tractors, real tractors, classic tractors, and anything farm or tractor related. Let's talk tractors ya'll!

The 1916 Company Podcast

The 1916 Company

Tim Mosso and Armand Johnston welcome you to The 1916 Company Podcast. The duo bring you news from the industry, opinions on watches they see, and take questions from listeners about their collecting habits. Welcome to The 1916 Company Podcast! Got a question for Tim and Armand? Want them to review your collection? Email for the chance to hear it discussed on future episodes.

Sports Card Investor

Sports Card Investor

Profit from the hobby you love. What are the best baseball, basketball and football cards to invest in today? How is the market trending? How can you profit? In each episode, we tackle these questions and more. Sports Card Investor is brought to you by eBay, your number one spot for cards and collectibles. With the largest inventory of sports cards from basketball to soccer, and buyers from all over the globe, eBay is the leading place to buy, sell and invest your cards. Search eBay trading cards here:

The Greywoodie Show


A podcast brought to you by Greywoodie about pipes, pens, tobacco, and life. Hosted by Greywoodie owner, Nathan Davis and Eugene Falco, owner of UNCANNY?!

Weird Science Marvel Comics Weekly Review Shows

Marvel Comics, marvel, Comic Books, Comics, Marvel Comic Books, X-men, Star Wars, Spider-Man, Avengers, fantastic four, pop culture, television, movies

Home of the most honest Weekly Marvel Comics Review Shows. Other Marvel podcasts can fight over Marvel movies and television shows - We love Marvel comics, and we talk about Marvel Comics! Marvel, Marvel Comics, X-Men, Star Wars, Comics, Comic Books

Guitar Nerds

Guitar Nerds

Guitar Nerds is a weekly show all about guitars. Each episode includes the latest guitar news and releases, reviews, and discussion from the Guitar Nerds Facebook forum. Hosted a team of enthusiasts from the guitar retail and manufacture industries, and supplemented by additional weekly episodes on Patreon. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Equestrian Connection

wehorse - The Online Riding Academy

Every two weeks, wehorse team member Danielle Crowell sits down with trainers, industry experts, and horse people from all over the world to talk about everything related to horses and the equine industry so we can learn and do better as horse-first equestrians.



Jyllands-Posten præsenterer Bilradio, en podcast om biler. Hver uge giver værten Christian Schacht dig de mest interessante nyheder, tager aktuelle emner op og vurderer bilerne i testgaragen. Spørgsmål til Bilradio:

The Nextlander Podcast

The Nextlander Podcast

Longtime friends and games media colleagues Vinny Caravella, Brad Shoemaker, and Alex Navarro share their combined decades of knowledge, expertise, and passion for games with weekly discussions about what they're playing, what's happening in the industry, and whatever else they're up to.

Pferdewissen - ganzheitlich & inspirierend mit Sandra Fencl

Pferde-Expertin Sandra Fencl

Dein Pferdepodcast über Pferdetraining, Pferdegesundheit, Pferdefütterung und Tipps rund ums motivierte und glückliche Pferd! Frei nach dem Motto #WeilWissenschützt gebe ich seit vielen Jahren mein ganzheitliches Pferdewissen als erfahrene Pferdetrainerin, Pferdegesundheitsexpertin, Pferdejournalistin und ehemalige Züchterin an umsichtige Pferdebesitzer weiter. Mein Ziel ist dabei immer, dass Du selbst Dein Pferd ganzheitlich verstehen lernst und Deinen vierbeinigen Liebling jeden Tag gesünder, schöner und besser balanciert machst! Ich möchte Dir meine Sicht auf Pferde schenken, sodass Du mit Deinem Pferd viele tolle Herzensmomente und gemeinsame Trainingserfolge erlebst! Ich freue mich sehr, wenn ich Dir in meinem Podcast wichtige Tipps an die Hand geben darf und Du dadurch jeden Tag ein bisschen mehr mit Deinem Pferd zu einem echten Team zusammen wächst! 🐎 Neben essentiellen Pferdethemen möchte ich hier in meinem Pferdepodcast auch fundierte Lebenstipps, Mentaltrainings-Sessions und inspirierende Geschichten aus meinem bewegten Pferdeleben mit Dir teilen. Ich freue mich auf Dich und unsere gemeinsame Zeit! Deine Sandra

Clever Campen


Clever Campen, der Podcast für Camping und Campingkultur aus dem Hause Motor Presse Stuttgart. Alle vier Wochen präsentieren Isabell, Timo und Tibor neue und spannende Themen aus der Welt des Campings. Experten-Tipps für den Urlaub, Vanlife, Trends und Inspiration. Dabei darf der Blick gerne über den Tellerrand hinausgehen, aber auch Einsteiger und Technikfreaks kommen auf ihre Kosten. Ob Wohnmobil, Wohnwagen oder Zelt, die DNA des Campings bleibt gleich. Die Moderatoren sind selbst gern unterwegs und machen ihr Hobby für die Fachmagazine promobil, CAMPINGBUSSE und CARAVANING zum Beruf. Wenn Euch was am Herzen liegt, schreibt es uns gerne auf

The Sharek Podcast

Othmane Benhlima

Just a crazy person sharing stories.

Collectors Gene Radio

Cameron Ross Steiner

Collectors Gene Radio is a deep dive into the nuances of collecting. Hear from collectors and experts from all over the world speak on their passions and hobbies, and ultimately find out whether or not they feel they were born with the "Collectors Gene".

The Everyday Bucket List Podcast

Karen Cordaway

The bucket list ideas podcast for travel & non-travel is here! Website Owner & Author Karen Cordaway and her guests give a fuller picture of bucket list things to do both big and small. Locals share their insider tips for fun things to do in their area as well as hotel recommendations or other suggestions for where to stay. Add their location to your travel bucket list as they share bucket list inspiration for once in a lifetime adventures as well as simple, everyday ideas to weave into your schedule regularly, including hobbies for men and women and even fun things to do at home or locally that you’ve never tried before. Have more fun, feel more fulfilled and have better work/life balance! For helpful resources, check out my website at

IWS - Italian Watch Spotter

Italian Watch Spotter

Benvenuti nel podcast ufficiale di IWS - Italian Watch Spotter! Su questo canale potete riascoltare le nostre dirette e le interviste a personaggi del mondo dell'orologeria e... perché no? Scoprire anche qualche inedito!
