15 Minutes Wasted

Salmon Podcast

พอดแคสต์รายสะดวก ไร้แก่นสารใน 15 นาที กับบทสนทนาแบบปุบปับฉึบฉับโบ๊ะบ๊ะ 5 ประเด็นใน 10 วินาที สำหรับคนเหงาหูแต่ไม่รู้จะฟังอะไร แน่นอนว่าเวลาคุณจะเสียไปอย่างไม่ไหลกลับคืนแน่นอน รับรองความไปเรื่อยโดยนายแก๊ป-สิระ สิมมี และคุณไข่มุก-ภัทริน เชาว์พานิช ตัวชงลิเบอโร่ พบกับอีพีใหม่ได้ทุกวันอาทิตย์



อยู่​เย็นเป็นสุข Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amita99/support

Spitballers Comedy Podcast

Comedy Podcast

TWO-TIME COMEDY PODCAST OF THE YEAR! Comedy podcasts are the best, but it's not easy to find clean comedy podcasts that are actually FUNNY! Welcome to the Spitballers Podcast with the award-winning trio of Andy, Mike, and Jason. These three dads will make you laugh as they discuss ridiculous topics, answer life's most difficult questions, and dish out life advice that you should never, ever take. We all need a little nonsense in our everyday lives.  Be a part of one of the best audiences around and enjoy a comedy podcast for the whole family with new episodes every Monday morning! The one comedy podcast you can't leave off your podcast roster.  Award-winning comedy every week! Learn more at http://SpitballersPod.com and become an OFFICIAL Spitwad!




The Nateland Podcast

Audioboom Studios

Stand-up comedian, Nate Bargatze, is hosting a new podcast - Nateland. It's going to be real fun and funny...hopefully.  Come and find out!


Dzar, Dyn & Razie

Dungeons and Daddies

Dungeons and Daddies

A Dungeons and Dragons podcast about four dads from our world transported into a realm of high fantasy and magic and their quest to rescue their sons. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

This Paranormal Life

This Paranormal Life

Every Tuesday, comedians Rory Powers and Kit Grier investigate a different paranormal case and find the truth inside the mystery. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



從一些生活小事, 聊出一些人生歪理, 再用這些人生歪理, 讓你活得不那麼循規蹈矩。 - 商業合作信箱:janejanepp168@gmail.com 小潘IG:run_0305 寶拉IG:wan715 FB粉絲團「小潘&寶拉」 歡迎自由捐獻:https://open.firstory.me/join/168168 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Lucy & Sam's Perfect Brains


You might have SEEN Lucy Beaumont and Sam Campbell on Taskmaster but would you be interested in LISTENING to them? Can comedy’s biggest fruitcakes conquer the podcast movement? Imagine if they did! Basically, it is a sort of catch-up more than anything, full to the brim with sprawling anecdotes and highly important theorems.   Hosted by Lucy Beaumont (Hull) and Sam Campbell (Australia).    If you have any ideas for segments please email lucyandsamsperfectbrains@gmail.com. They will do anything! As long as it is interesting and on the right side of the law.   Produced by Plosive.    Artwork by Sam Campbell.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



我是肥杰(微博:@肥杰_FatJay),喜欢讲有趣的故事,这是我的播客,会有很多欢乐。 一起聊天的还有惠子(微博:@惠子老师_),她比我智慧、比我稳重,甚至有时候比我搞笑。 每周一更新,偶尔会加更,希望陪你度过美好时光。



點子以上,段子未滿 很無聊的認真的胡思亂想 從某些社會觀察,想辦法硬扯回一些喜劇圈的各種事 ⧉ #薩泰爾娛樂 ⧉ ≡ Podcast商業合作請來信:business@strnetwork.cc ≡ ≡ Podcast授權請來信:press@strnetwork.cc ≡ |未經同意,請勿轉載| Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Basement Yard

Santagato Studios

The Basement Yard is a podcast ran by me, Joe Santagato. I would write a long description about what this podcast will be about but I'm not even sure.. Enjoy!



于谦的父亲王老爷子姓孙,名叫李秀珍,号欧阳青松,人称罩百灵,是中国人民的老朋友,外文名尼奥,也叫于小谦、于小屁、于予菊、于香肉丝、于德刚,于千或者郭德纲。需知道于谦的爸爸不等于于谦的父亲,每十个北京人有一个是于谦的父亲,听相声的都是于谦的父亲。于谦的亲爹老翟头出生书香门第,也是宦官之后,满清最后一个骟人,出身满洲尿黄旗,满名爱新觉罗·筐,京城八大铁帽子王之绿帽子王世袭罔替!书籍收藏最多最爱读《金瓶梅》全图本,排行第八人称京八爷或京八,美髯公胡子长二丈余,祖上功夫世家自幼习武,其父善用紧背低头弩,江湖称号“北京第一剑人、天下第一瓢客、双刀李老大”,谦父在妙峰山出过家做跳墙和尚,发号法廊,师从西门吹灯、少林寺驻武当山办事处大神父王喇嘛、小咖喱黄不辣,排行兔老三,寒暑不侵,一团上午的精神!精于轻功,诨名草上飞,又一手开锁绝活,一包方便面捅开一小区,刀枪剑戟煎炒烹炸,持修垫剜眼刀,刀法肉上雕花融北京济南扬州三派,杀人于无形当时下地全无痛觉。耍剑无出其右,兵器为大宝剑,人剑合一,也叫剑人;又叫彪子,因家传独门暗器藏镖,纵使一丝不挂也能从身后摸出无数镖,令人防不胜防。江湖人称朝鲜冷面杀手,韩名朴人勇,膝下一子朴一生就是谦哥;早年家贫欠有屁股债,去东北卖身还债;后求学于保定军校,专业推火烧战车,戎马一生,孤陷贼船,勇开一千万发票,大富大贵,是杨梅大仓的公公夫人是果子李的小姐亲家贵至蒙古国海军司令。住皮条胡同老拉家四合院,因爱扒丫鬟衣服被尊称扒衣老爷。三大爱好是;花钱,洗头房和猪大肠(红烧清蒸刺身)。生活讲究,洗澡要洗清华池头一水,上公厕要换便服带随从和点心盒子,绅士风度有讲究,出门上个厕所穿脱(狐嗉大衣、水獭围巾、海龙帽子、西装、马甲、西裤、秋裤、毛裤、绒裤、背背夹、纸尿裤、鸡皮鞋)顺序不乱;只吃自己肥料种的菜,别人的吃不惯;献身学术,早年在云南昭通研究古汉语,发掘曹操墓;建设祖国,带队在保定盖30米高大烟筒,图纸拿倒了人家让挖井,和于谦父子俩在美国东西海岸对着挖隧道,没碰着,挖了两条;爱护晚辈,被称作知心姐姐,亲自教郭德纲尿和泥,炮炸屎,用胡子给娃当跳绳,陪谦儿的媳潘金莲睡觉,睡中间用一帘把于谦隔开;多才艺,拜师斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基学绘画,擅画黑扇面,一手蝇头狂草,尽写错自己名字,唱北京大鼓,《猪八戒大战孙悟空》,三弦弹得好,像藏獒挠门;医术高超老西医,专攻妇科,人赞曰“妙手淫心”;身体好,虽然高龄七十三、八十四但一顿火锅吃二十多盘肉四十多种菜,哆哆嗦嗦劫财劫色,每天早上八点半准时排便,九点钟准时起床。更是运动健将,国家帆船队,先翻船再潜水,四五天后捞上来栩栩如生! Powered by Firstory Hosting

Not Another D&D Podcast


Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford. This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.


Matt Watson & Ryan Magee

Venture into the two minds of America's brightest young men. Matt Watson & Ryan Magee are here with a ground-breaking podcast. It will make you giggle, chuckle, laugh, and much, much more! For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

Reddit On Wiki

Cultiv8 Podcast Network

Join your favorite trio: John, Josh, and Sean every Monday and Friday at 11:00 AM CST as they go through the juiciest stories on Reddit from popular subreddits ranging from TIFU, TrueOffMyChest, AITA, and many others.


Ден Талалá и Валера Юшков

Разговорный подкаст, в котором Ден Талалá и Валера Юшков говорят обо всём на свете: о музыке и кино, о технологиях и девайсах, о новостях, событиях, дизайне и людях.



這裡是我和小美的廣播電台 【 追蹤我的其他平台】 Youtube 圖文頻道 :霸軒與小美 Baxuan & Mei Facebook粉絲專頁 :人類超有病 霸軒 Baxuan Instgram 粉絲專頁 :@baxuan_ig 【 與我們聯繫】 工商合作請洽:霸軒 Mail:BaxuanStudio@gmail.com Phone :0986-383-719 LINE ID:@baxuan Powered by Firstory Hosting


Ярослава Рындина

Это очередной подкаст про психологию, где вам наконец-то хоть что-то станет понятно! Каждую неделю мы разбираем новую тему, которую вы наверняка слышали, но не до конца понимали, о чем речь. Я, Яра Рындина, практикующий психолог и педагог, простым языком объясняю здесь непростые и нашумевшие темы из мира психологии и педагогики. Ведущая подкаста - Яра Рындина @yaroslavkaa Над подкастом работают: Продюсер Наталья Ладутько Монтаж Александр Половцев Звукорежиссер Екатерина Кнапп


Kaihuaror Studio

ชายฉกรรจ์สามคน พกเรื่องขำขันมากันคนละมุก ประชันกันทุกวันศุกร์ โดยมีทั่นหัวหน้าเผ่าดูแลกติกา และมีแขกรับเชิญมากหน้าหลายตามาทำหน้าที่ 'ร่างทรงเทพสามมุก' เพื่อคัดเลือกว่ามุกของใครที่จะชนะ! โดยผู้ที่ชนะก็ไม่มีรางวัลอะไรนอกจากรอด (อ้าว) แต่ใครก็ตามที่แพ้ จะต้องโดนลงโทษอย่าสาสม วะ ฮ่าฮ่าติดตามเป็นกำลังใจให้พวกได้ทุกวันศุกร์ หรือจะมารอฟังลีลาการเป็นร่างทรงของบรรดาเกสต์ ก็เชิญได้ตามอัธยาศัยคร้าบ

ผีอยู่ในหัว What's in your head


รายการผีที่ไม่ใช่รายการผี แต่มันคือรายการตลกสดบทไม่มี ที่จะพาทุกท่านเข้าสู่ภวังความสนุกแทนที่จะเป็นความหลอน กับการนอกเรื่องของพิธีกรที่จะทำให้เรื่องผีที่ไม่ใช่เรื่องของผีอีกต่อไป ปล. ถ้าจะฟังเรื่องผีหลอน ๆ แนะนำไปฟังเจ้าอื่น pogo fm



人生就需要, 一起吐苦水還順便幫你做好人生筆記的朋友 恭喜你!找到寶藏了。 厭世姐妹獨特的社會觀察 偶爾也有雞湯的反轉魅力 【每週一更新】 YT|小熱唱 FB|小熱唱 GFTS 合作邀約|gfts9595@gmail.com 本節目由 熱點娛樂 與【聲歷其境】共同製作 Powered by Firstory Hosting



本节目由播客厂牌——「凹凸宇宙」出品 热辣发言,大胆BB! HotOnes指新鲜的观点、辛辣的疑问、大胆的我们,以及热辣的你们! 欢迎大家来到我们的小酌夜话现场!咱们主打百无禁忌、勇敢怒呛、大声爆笑!我们聊生活屁事、聊原生家庭、聊热点话题。希望我们都有勇气不走那条直线,而是把握住一个又一个热辣的生活碎片! 每周三晚20:00我们会扛着灭火器前来救火! weibo/ 漾漾 @半个漾子 库拉 @库拉_Bing 邮箱/ aotu_hezuo@163.com

Son of a Boy Dad

Barstool Sports

Lil Sasquatch recently dropped out of college and is rudderless in this big mean world. To help fill in the gaps on the education he missed, he leans on his producer Rone to help him craft a healthy worldview and teach him what it means to be a man You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/sonofaboydad


Tyler Ho & Enrique Concor

兩個空有夢想抱負,勇於創夢的待業青年在Bros Bond討論 一對待業中,沒有穩定收入但充滿激情的二人組在BrodBond節目中討論了一系列令人眼界+腦洞大開的話題,從留學生活到恐怖故事,到是否開辦Onlyfans,再到一路上的心態調適和安頓在現在稱為「家」的新地方。 由 Tyler Xingran 主持Ho 和 Enrique Concor帶來精彩歡樂的聆聽。 讓我們一起享受快樂時光吧! - A passionate duo with literally no job and no stable income discusses a dazzling spectrum of topics, ranging from life living abroad to the spookiest scary stories to starting Onlyfans to adjusting and settling in a new place now called home—genuinely fantastic listening hosted by Tyler Xingran Ho and Enrique Concor. Let’s enjoy some real silly goose time together. Powered by Firstory Hosting



凑近点看,一档都市打工人的播客。由三位海归打工人深入敌后为你报道:人类被异化的过程和日常的发疯时刻。每周出没,陪伴所有工位上按捺不住的反叛灵魂。 包江浩:券商金融打工人,善于指手画脚; 江轲:互联网运营打工人,善于原地躺倒; 李挺:互联网营销打工人,善于往死里卷。


Hey Sugar Inc. & Glassbox Media

An improvised satire from the staff of a fictional mega church. Mega is a critically acclaimed podcast that hilariously satirizes contemporary megachurches and their associated evangelical subculture. Hosted by Holly Laurent and Greg Hess, this show offers a unique take on American religious culture through a range of comedic characters and segments. It was named "Best Satire" by Vulture. One of the most exciting aspects of Mega is its guest interviews, which feature a variety of comedians, actors, and thinkers such as Louie Anderson, Lauren Lapkus, Duncan Trussell, Jason Mantzoukas, Paul Scheer, Lisa Gilroy, Scott Aukerman, Tom Papa, Jen Hatmaker, Adal Rifai, and more. These guests bring their own comedic styles and perspectives to the show, creating memorable moments that keep fans coming back for more. In addition to its guest interviews, Mega is also known for its signature episodes featuring Holly Laurent playing Day Labont, a skeptical teenager who brings on guests like his atheist thinker friend Hemant Mehta. The show's humor and tone have been compared to the mockumentary style of Christopher Guest's films and the dry humor of The Office or Parks and Rec, making it a must-listen for fans of these genres. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, Mega is a podcast that offers something for everyone. Its witty improvisation, spot-on parodies, and sharp commentary satirizing contemporary religion and politics make it one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking shows available today. Join the Mega congregation and tune in for hilarious insights on the world of megachurches and evangelical Christianity.



An asmr podcast of the best of all. Please enjoy and relax. Good Sleep

灵异话茬儿 | 恐怖的灵异故事



话茬儿杂谈 | 身边那些有趣的事



Aunty Donna Podcast


Comedy the whole family can enjoy.

OKOP Show with Sam & John


☝️ Follow for daily episodes of Sam & John reading the funniest stories from reddit! @ okopshow on TikTok

гилти плэжа

Heavy Cream Media

алоха ✌🏼 мы любим читать фанфики, но не обычные, а худшие из них, поэтому мы здесь, чтобы погрузить вас в мир этого великолепия. нам нравятся ужасные пейринги и Мэри Сью. а ещё вам может показаться, что мы токсичные, но, скорее всего, так и есть. p.s. подкаст носит исключительно юмористический характер, мы никого не хотим оскорбить.

Sheena Interrupted

Sheena Interrupted

Welcome to ‘Sheena Interrupted,’ Yes! A whole 30 mins of Sheena Melwani and her relentless co-host, The Real Indian Dad. Tune in weekly as they dive headfirst into relationships, parenting, life's ups and downs, and everything in between.


Lead Mojo

You can’t say anything any more - and here to prove it is Harriet Langley-Swindon, with a round of all the best bits of her weekly radio show on a national network that can’t be named for legal reasons. Absolutely Non-Censored [subs please check capitalisation and hyphen] from beginning to end, with all the rubbish edited out. Each week, Harriet will chat through the segments with producer Martin, and we’ll be getting a Hot & Spicy Take Of The Week from resident comedian Eshaan Akbar who was hired because he was funny and not any other reason. NonCensored is created by award-winning comedians Rosie Holt, Brendan Murphy & Eshaan Akbar..

A New Untold Story

Barstool Sports

A New Untold Story is a podcast. KB was the smallest newborn in the history of Wheeling. Nobody believed that he would survive, but KB believed he was a legitimate miracle. KB loved baseball despite that he almost never got to play, and when he did it was only to get a walk from his small strike zone. Nick's mother, Rebecca Wentworth, got pregnant in high school. The only fact anyone knows about Nick's parentage is that Rebecca met his father on a train. Her refusal to reveal the identity of the father has made Nick a living town scandal. KB is obsessed with how long he can hold his breath underwater, always trying to improve this ability. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/anuspodcast

Животные в Студии

Animals in the Studio

«Животные в Cтудии» — это подкаст, ведущие которого скабрезно шутят и громко смеются, обсуждая отбитые новости, поп-культуру, а также проблемы простых людей. Строго 18+ Поддержи Животных на Boosty или Patreon и в качестве благодарности ты получишь ранний доступ к новым выпускам подкаста и возможность приобщиться к эксклюзивным спецвыпускам: https://boosty.to/animalsinthestudio https://www.patreon.com/animalsinthestudio Почта для связи — animalsinthestudio@gmail.com Чат в Telegram https://t.me/joinchat/BvKjyxT_qPnIsiJYSWHTuw Канал в Telegram https://t.me/animalsinthestudio VK https://vk.com/animalsinthestudio Twitter https://twitter.com/podcast_AitS Twitch-Канал https://www.twitch.tv/animalsinthestudio YouTube-Канал https://www.youtube.com/animalsinthestudio



主要是放鬆的一個頻道 來鬆一下 覺得鬆 再找人來一起鬆 阿下面有連結壓 你點點看 爸脫~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn



#最會叫的GayPodcast 贊助主持人喝杯飲料:https://reurl.cc/dD2oKD 今天晚上十八禁,還沒長大不能聽 追蹤IG帳號 Biatchdiary 現約不囉嗦 棒棒慾望日記每週一、三於各大平台放送 喜歡我們節目,請訂閱、評分五顆星 並分享推廣給你的朋友喔~ #Gay #同志 Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Lesser Known People Podcast

Lesser Known People

KY Jelly, Conman, Big Cat, J-Money, and Sean (The Magic Carpet Ride) are five friends telling the stories of lesser known people throughout history. No subject is off limits, no topic too taboo, not for these degenerates anyway. Listen in as they take a deep dive into the world of the strange and unusual.


Lucie Petráková a Markéta Lukášková

Lucie & Markéta si řekly, že jejich duchaplné rozhovory by mělo slyšet víc lidí, než jen ony dvě. Chumelenice je podcast o ničem a taky dost o všem. Chyběl vám, jen jste o tom dosud nevěděli. Vychází každý pátek a jeho obsah není politicky korektní. Více na instagramu @chumelenice_podcast

Monday Фарш


Это первый в России подкаст по количеству шуток, сказанных непрофессионалами. Мы импровизируем на тему современных событий и новостей, чтобы каждый понедельник был бодрым и задавал нужный темп для предстоящей недели. Для сотрудничества: monday@brainstorm.fm



微信公众号::春典JARGON 关注后可以投稿、进群聊天,收听大尺度节目《春风大典》和免费的下架节目。 看直播回放: B站:春典JARGON 了解主播日常,关注: 微博:春典JARGON





RM Brown

The toilet cast of RM BROWN

BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie

Phil Wang and Pierre Novellie

Top stand ups and great buds Phil Wang and Pierre Novellie join forces to bring you hilarious conversation and funny little chunks they have found or made. Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


I Just Peed Myself

Minor!!! I talk about fandoms I’m in, drama at school, or submitted stories that I find interesting. I hope u have just as much fun listening to this as I did making it!


เฉลิมพงษ์ นามนาค

ความสุขเกิดขึ้นในหัวใจคนเราเสมอ แต่บางครั้งเราเผลอหลงลืมไป เพราะใจแอบไปอยากจะเป็นแบบนั้นแบบนี้ อยากมีในสิ่งที่ต้องการ เลยหลงลืมในสิ่งที่มี แค่หันมามองสิ่งที่มี ความสุขดีดีก็จะเกิดขึ้น แค่เรา”พอใจ”



スタバの端っこで繰り広げられるような、ゆるいOLの会話を盗み聴きできるポッドキャスト。 子どもから大人まで、くすくす笑えてちょっと深まる「大人版ちびまる子ちゃん」的世界観でお送りしております。 https://yutotawa.jp

Whose Line Highlights

Postmaster Radio

What happens when you mix Aisha Tyler with four comedic improvisers with unbelievable talent? You get Whose Line is it Anyway? Join me on this podcast as I share my favorite moments from each episode of this amazing improv comedy show, and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to send me your favorite Whose Line moments!

We Need To Talk About Ghosts

Ghost stories, Paranormal, Hauntings

One mans attempt to convince himself that it wasn't just the wind...



讓大家閒暇時有聽不完的幹話,喜歡我們的話,firstory可以留下你的評價及贊助,蘋果的用戶請在Apple podcast寫下五星好評,每週四五定期更新,你的支持是我們創作的動力。 新觀點主持人:偉恩、路易吉 解惑大師:大師、偉恩、養樂多 IG:fktalkshit_mp3 Mail:yicheng19981113@gmail.com Donate:https://pay.firstory.me/user/talkshitmp3 Phone:0974029439 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Женский Форум

Женский Форум

Шоу, в котором четыре девушки дают советы по любым жизненным вопросам, хотя их об этом никто не просил.

Czech and Mate Podcast

Czech and Mate Podcast

A podcast of two friends, Kieran Scott and Denis Beran getting slightly drunk, and trying to make the world a sexier place one random thing at a time. This podcast is all about having fun, tiering the world down and building it back up hotter than ever. If your after a bit of a laugh in your week than take a chance on us, we won't disappoint!

Wiki Rabbit Hole

The Wiki Wizard of the Wild Wild West

Ever got lost on Wikipedia? Start off on Nicholas Page and end up on Area 51? Well, you have experienced the Wiki Rabbit Hole phenomenon! Join us down the rabbit hole as we seek out the weird and wonderful paths Wikipedia can lead us!

Review Revue


A comedy podcast hosted by Reilly Anspaugh and Alfred Bardwell-Evans that blends riffing on the week's topic--everything from Haunted Houses to Socks--with tear-inducingly funny improv scenes based on the most absurd reviews on Yelp, Amazon, and more. Featuring iconic guest appearances by Ben Schwartz, Lauren Lapkus, Lamorne Morris, Billy Magnussen, Ryan Gaul, and Jeff Probst. Email YOUR own reviews in to reviewrevueshow@gmail.com, and the hosts will read them on the show!

Quick Question with Soren and Daniel

Quick Question Podcast

Quick Question with Soren and Daniel is a comedy podcast from the former editors of Cracked.com Soren Bowie and Daniel O’Brien. With new episodes every week, join Soren and Daniel in answering life’s deep and also probably shallow questions.




Deniz Göktaş'a Ayıracak Vaktim Yok

Podbee Media

Hiçbir şeyden emin olmamak lazım. Deniz Göktaş'a Ayıracak Vaktim Yok, bütün vaktini Deniz Göktaş'a ayırmak zorunda olan birinin, hayat hakkındaki ipe sapa gelmez düşüncelerini anlattığı bir podcast serisidir.



この番組は、お茶の間の皆さまに、 MCと週替わりのゲイ3人(茶ガマ)がわ茶わ茶と身の上話や妄想話を繰り広げるおしゃべり人情バラエティ番組です。 毎週月曜配信。 週の初めのお耳に一服したい時などにどうぞ! お茶の間の皆さまからの感想、ご質問、話して欲しいトークテーマなどを募集しております。 メッセージフォーム:https://forms.gle/jMsPwJcgNNDf19SZ9 メールアドレス:gaydechawowakasu@gmail.com 通販サイト・各SNSはこちら:https://lit.link/gaydechawowakasu 姉妹番組『友だちのゲイ友の知らないトコロ』もよろしくお願いします。 https://lit.link/gaytomoradio

Une bonne fois pour toutes !

Anissa, Elsa et Lisa Margaux

Le podcast qui répond aux grandes questions une bonne fois pour toutes, comme ça on passe à autre chose ! Le principe est simple, Anissa et Elsa (humoristes) en chroniqueuses de choc et Lisa Margaux (au chômage) à l'animation ont pour mission de répondre à UNE grande question de société en 1h. Humour, débat, finesse, science approximative et statistiques à main levée font de ce podcast une source d'informations sures et vérifiées. Avec Elsa Bernard, Lisa Margaux Omri et Anissa Omri.

BCC: Work Bestie


Join me on reminiscing on work stories! We discuss everything from awkward interviews, haunted work places, embarrassing moments. Listeners share their experiences too!


Pamungkas Adnan Saputra

sebuah podcast yang "mungkin" berguna ya...

Clown Parade

Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts

Clown Parade is an anthology comedy podcast series presented by Will Ferrell and Bowen Yang & Matt Rogers of Las Culturistas podcast. Each month will feature a fresh comedic talent creating a brand new podcast format hosted by an original character of their own creation, in the spirit of The Ron Burgundy Podcast. The diverse roster of comedians will be curated by Will, Bowen and Matt with an eye towards representation, inclusivity, and elevating the next generation of comedic voices.

In Strahd We Trust

In Strahd We Trust

Fantasy... mystery... indistinct European accents. Something’s wrong in the Land of Barovia - and it’s up to our four plucky adventurers to save the day. Join our table for this weekly D&D 5E podcast based on the Curse of Strahd adventure. Fasten your armour, grab some ale, and roll for initiative! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

c+ talk show


吃飯睡覺打電動,演戲攝影有一手, 寫書占星都做過,行騙江湖比較多。 不過江湖背後,總有些等著被挖掘的玄妙之處。 你跟我一樣喜歡沒事找事做嗎?歡迎來到 - c+talk show! 請主持人和貓咪喝咖啡、吃罐罐 抖內這邊請 https://portaly.cc/fotoallison/support 支付寶這邊請 https://reurl.cc/zMADDV Powered by Firstory Hosting

On Hold - An Improv Podcast

On Hold

On Hold is an improv comedy podcast featuring St. Louis improvisers Kendall Bennett, Alayna Huthsing, and Scott Leeker! Each episode, we just do improv, it is not very complicated! Except for when we don't do improv, which is different, but also not very complicated!

Questionable Material with Jack & Brian

Brian Sack and Jack Helmuth

Brian Sack and Jack Helmuth once had a dark and clever TV show that was ahead of its time. Now they have a podcast like everyone else.

The Judgies


Hangout with Christian, Erika, and Josh as we curate hilarious/odd stories from the internet and judge accordingly. Come be judgy with us!



德云社郭德纲于谦相声精选 收录所有郭德纲的传统相声和其他经典相声。让开车,休闲,放松,睡觉都能放松心情。开心愉悦。

Modern Sabahlar Retro

Modern Sabahlar Retro

Ege Kayacan arşivinden

Anything Really

Gammer Girl 2000

Me and my family will be talking and sometimes just me talking about anything



リスナー数5万人突破ありがとうございます! 出演=6流作家さくら剛&トリカゴ放送山本::プロフィールや放送内容の訂正、補足等はさくら通信公式サイト(https://sakuratsushin.com)でご確認ください。

Speaking TOEFL IBT

Christian Huitle

Practice my speaking



两位当代偶像对外输出的阵地。在这个意识形态愈显单一的当下,我们想想聊聊“正常”的边界,探讨“少数”的合理,欢迎大家参与讨论。新浪微博@几乎正常AlmostNormal,不定期更新。联系邮箱:almostnormal@163.com/ 001almostnormal@gmail.com

Булочка True Crimes

Булочка True Crimes

Булочка с True Crime подкаст о страшных реальных событиях и людях. Они реальные и от того еще более страшные. На чай к булочкам девчонкам: https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p/3d76d490 Телега с новостями подкаста: https://t.me/bulochkaTC Пообщаться в ВК: https://vk.com/bulochkatc Где еще послушать? https://bulochkatc.mave.digital/ Штото незаконное: https://www.instagram.com/bulochkatc/

BBC Podcast

Mustaien Agustian

Banyak Bacot Club Podcast

The Chris Chatman Do-Over

Audacy, Amy Poehler, and Paper Kite Podcasts

In this improvised comedy podcast, Ike Barinholtz stars as controversial shock jock host Chris Chatman. Chatman’s hit podcast was canceled but he's listened, learned, and is back on the mic to finally win over a few female listeners. Or maybe even just one. In each episode, Chatman and his co-hosts Frankie (Lisa Gilroy) and the Professor (Neil Casey) unpack hot-button issues with expert guests but offend pretty much everyone in the process. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Fred Armisen, Ashley Nicole Black, Carla Cackowski, Craig Cackowski, Liz Cackowski, Jessica St. Clair, E.R. Fightmaster, Ego Nwodim, Busy Philipps, Emily Spivey, and Alice Stanley Jr.

Clever Name Podcast


Clever Name Podcast is a "comedy" podcast with hot takes and unfunny commentary. We are like the ugly chick in the hot friend group, extremely unappealing but when you run out of options we are always here.

Daily Notes from Nathan Cassidy

Daily Notes from Nathan Cassidy

Daily comedy and piano podcast from award-winning comedian Nathan Cassidy - uplifting and thought-provoking comedy with a musical backing. ✭✭✭✭ The Times (UK) ’Star in waiting... he is untouchable’ Off West End Awards Nominee http://www.nathancassidy.com

Real Time with Prince Blue

Prince Blue

Join me Live for real and authentic conversations in the world of Society and Culture, Entertainment and Comedy along with everything in between. I use my retired police and army experiences to give you Real-Talk with no filters. A show for the people driven by the people!!! No Subject is Out of Bounds!!!

Imposter Syndrome

Max Reinhardsen & Natalie Rich

Imposter Syndrome is an improvised comedy podcast hosted by Max Reinhardsen & Natalie Rich… sort of. Each episode is a completely different show, hosted by two totally different people. ©2021 Cookrat Productions

طبيب نفسي(​:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅🇨🇭:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)

bob 7mood

•في وقت فراغي اساعد الناس على تفاؤل.. ^_^ •اللهم أغفر لكل من لا يجد من يدعو له !♡ •نلتقي على القمه يا ساده 🖤 ‏Snap: @bob7mod★ قناة التليقرام 👇🏻🖤 https://t.me/Bob7modx

Fight song

Kara Whorton

Hoping vs. podcast issues when you peace joy and love to your life. And remember you own your

Dragon Friends

Dragon Friends Podcasting

We start on a land that is still. Some may say it's not moving. From each of the Four Great nations a champion emerges. This story is not about them. Join Polly Waddle the Duck, Sunbelt Gongbonger the Minotaur, Dinner Munchabout the very divorced man and Charion Valariant the rich kid for a new saga with a new set of heroes they call The Dragon Friends Dragon Friends is a monthly comedy show and podcast where six Australian Comedians muddle their way through their second Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Nokat shaware3 - نكت شوارع

Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست

بودكاست نكت شوارع على قناة رؤيا رؤيا بودكاست يعود لكم بشكل جديد مازال "محمد اللحام" يبحث عن نكتة جديدة ومضحكة ليقدمها لكم اسبوعيا من خلال هذا البودكاست

Sushi gal loosing her sanity


Hey there I am sushi gal this pod cast is sorta like a rant sometimes or a story time like. I hope I can upload 1 a day or 2 times a day follow me on amino official luni sushi gal#TCULT

Один Дома

Подкаст «Один дома»

Привет. Меня зовут Иван. Я работал в крупнейших СМИ страны, вел подкаст о кино и телеграм-канал, писал статьи в модные и не очень журналы. «Один дома» — это подкаст обо всем на свете и ни о чем конкретно. Иногда он про кино, книги, музыку и видеоигры. Иногда он про политику и технологии. Иногда он про то, как ужасно себя ведут люди в кинотеатрах или про то, какую чушь иногда несут из телевизора. Он одновременно смешной и грустный, наивный и циничный, инфантильный и брюзгливый. Но другого подкаста у меня для вас нет.


The Sonar Network

Join Damien Doepping and Cody Crain every Monday for…. SPOOKED! The improvised scary story podcast, where it's never scary and it's sometimes a story.

The 711


The 711 means letting go of your past and forgiving yourself and others

Random Order Podcast

Random Order Studios

Jermaine and Trevaunn Richards sit with Sheldon Sabastian to discuss everything from laundry to alien invasions.

Big StandUP

Большой Стендап на Юмор FM

Стендаперы большой страны объединяются в «Большом Стендапе»! Артур Шамгунов, Амбарцум Симонянц, Надежда Ангарская, Ольга Мокеева и многие другие - со своим лучшим материалом. Честно, жестко и смешно! Слушайте в эфире Юмор FM и в подкасте «Big Stand Up».



Podcast Channel สุดป่วง ที่จะนำเสนอมุมลึกๆ ลับๆ ล่อๆ เพี้ยนๆ ในวงการ Streetwear แดนสยาม ดำเนินรายการพาเพี้ยนโดย ฟิล์ม และ แม็กซ์ สองโฮสต์คู่หู



渡邊小姐閒聊日常,也用自身角度討論社會亂象,就如同你身邊總有幾個講話有點犀利的朋友,能夠把瑣事趣味化,傾聽你的憤怒和焦慮,說出那些你不好意思、不敢說出來的話,並以白眼和卻略帶風趣的語句替你宣洩你的不悅,而在和他們聊聊之後,深知世界的所有黑暗都依然黑暗,不過至少身邊有一道微微的光,讓你感到安慰。 - Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mswatanabe_official/ 協助我們離職 : https://pay.firstory.me/user/mswatanabe Powered by Firstory Hosting

Sleeping Trees Story Bomb

Sleeping Trees

After a decade of mashing up stories on stage, multi-award winning comedy trio the Sleeping Trees bring their narrative skills to a podcast! Each episode the Trees are joined by a special guest who must help them try to write the greatest story of all time, using only randomly selected genres, characters and settings. But beware! Each episode contains a mystery Story Bomb which will blow all of their handy-work to smithereens, leaving James, John & Josh to write themselves out of the wreckage.



從各書籍、戲劇、電影、音樂等等題材為出發點,帶來不一樣的視角、獲得一些冷門新知,又或者帶給你生活中的溫暖,人生菜鳥天南地北的聊,聽眾輕鬆愉快的聽。 偶爾聊聊身為物理治療師的復健科普,有任何問題好奇想詢問、或者想聽的主題,也歡迎告訴我們! 【你的故事】系列主題,開放大家來信或投稿(私訊或信箱都可以)各自的故事、煩惱、或者生活趣事,我們會在節目上聊聊。 歡迎搜尋#菜鳥話聲 Instagram粉專:https://www.instagram.com/rookiessay/ Facebook粉專:https://www.facebook.com/%E8%8F%9C%E9%B3%A5%E8%A9%B1%E8%81%B2-110451404108330/ Email:rookiessay@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

Multiple Talking Women

Stampede Podcast Network

A satirical sketch comedy half-hour podcast inspired by the consistently sold-out live theater improv show, “Happy Hour” created and performed by Main Company Groundlings Ariane Price, Lauren Burns, and Lisa Schurga. The Multiple Talking Women podcast is “hosted” by Ariane, Lauren and Lisa playing characters of three unlikely friends with completely different social views: leftist “Lana Brown” (played by Ariane Price), right-leaning “Felicity Bramblebush” (played by Lauren Burns) and their dry, inexperienced producer “Paula Gerkin” (played by Lisa Schurga) who interview real celebrity guests. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Real Life

Real Munya

Real life stories



飽き性で眠そうに話す男、ジンきと、個性が強すぎて友達の少ない女、ぽてこが、興味のあるモノやコトについて、グダグダ話しながら理解を深めていけたらいいなぁ~と思っているPodcast。 過去回はこちら→http://zinkitopoteko.seesaa.net/